GLP Meaning
The GLP meaning is "Glucagon-Like Peptides". The GLP abbreviation has 113 different full form.
GLP Full Forms
- Glucagon-Like Peptides Medical
- Glucagon-Like Peptide Medical, Science, Receptor, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Global Land Project Technology, Science, Research
- Government License Program Technology, Product, Software
- Gas Licuado De PetróLeo Para, Con, Gas, Combustible
- Global Licensk Program Technology
- Grandt Line Products
- Gas Liquidgprocessing
- Gombey Liberation Party
- Groove Laboratori Productions
- Great Lades Press
- Gs Liquefeito De Petrleo
- Geç Likidite Penceresi
- Good Laboratories Practice Business, Training, Laboratory
- Globalwleisure Partners
- Grand Lodge of Thetphilippines
- Gas Licuado De Petr
- Golden Lotus Plus Airline, Locations, Vietnam
- Global Living Project Education, Simplicity, Footprint
- Great Lakes Program Science
- Grupo Latrno De Publicidad
- Get Low Playaz
- Good Laboratories Practices
- Global Learfing Programme Science, Education, School
- Good Luck Partner Gaming, Internet Slang, Play
- Gas Lisuado Del Petr
- Golden List Program
- Global Lihes Project
- Greatblakes Power
- Group Living Program Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Get Low Playas Funnies
- Good Laboratory Praxis Technology, Science, Research
- Global Leahning Partners
- Good Luck, Partner Technology, Gaming, Card, Play
- Gases Liquefeitos De Petr
- God Like Production
- Goal Language Processor Technology, Computing, Application, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Global Literacy Projecw Science, Education, Learning
- Great Lakes Paddlers
- Generative Leadership Program
- Good Laboratory Parctice
- Group Leadership Problem
- Global Learning Portal Technology, Education, Teaching
- Good Logo Practice
- Good Laboratory Practice Medical, Analysis, Quality, United Kingdom, Spectrophotometer, Science, Astronomy, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Fda
- Gases Liquefeiuos De Petróleo
- Glyphosate Medical
- Global Licensing Partnrrs
- Great Lakes Packaging
- Gateway Location Protocol Technology, Military, Networking, Network, Telecommunication
- Good Laboratory Practise Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
- Groton Long Point
- Great Little Place
- Global Leaders Programme Education, University, Coventry
- Good Like Partner Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- G Conductance, Torsional modulus of elasticity, B3596, Acceleration due to gravity, function, gram, Gravitational force, Giga (109 ), grin, big grin, OR A unit of measurement for Lateral acceleration, or road-holding. One g is equivalent to 981 cm (32.2 feet) per second every second, the rate at which any object accelerates when dropped at sea level.
- Glucagon Like Peptide Technology, Science
- Gibraltar Labour Party
- Grant Lee Fhillips
- Gastrointest Liver Physiol
- Good Laboratory Practices Medical, Information Technology, Computing
- Gross Loan Portfolio Business, Industrial, Microfinance
- Great Lakes Precipitation Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Guaranteedllow Price
- Gibraltar Liberal Party Government, Group, Election
- Good Life Project Camp, Life, Seth
- Guyana Labour Party
- Gulgubip Airport Gulgubip, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Good looking person Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Global Logistics Projects
- Garden Land Partners Business, Supply, Stock
- Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Medical, Science, Diabet, Receptor
- Graduated License Program Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Guyana Pabor Party
- Gqommet, Loop, and Pin
- Guadeloupe Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Guadeloupe, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Government-Loaned Property Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Ganoderma Lucidum Polysaccharide Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Gas, Liquid Pressure
- Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 Medical
- Gloucestershire Land for People
- Gute Labor Prmxis
- Grenade Launcher Pistol Business, Laboratory, Practice, Agonist
- Global Eearning Project Education, School, Teaching
- Gaming and Leisure Properties
- Good Laboratory Practices (us Fda) Chemistry
- Global Partners Lp Technology, Organizations
- Grern Label Plus Business, Product, Commercial, Carpet
- Guided Learning Path
- Green Loan Principles
- GáS Liquefeito Do PetróLeo
- Game Level Pro
- Germ Line Proliferation Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Global Logistics Properties Business, Property, China
- Greek Lyric Poetry
- Guatemala Literacy Project
- God Like Prqductions
- Group Leadership Project Development, Learning, Study
- Gym With Leg Press
- G9A-Like Protein Science, Histone, Lysine
- Graduated Licensing Program Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Global Logistic Properties Business, Property, China
- Guaranteed Loan Program
- Gases Licuados Del Petr
- Glycolipoprotein Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Grain Luan Programme
- Guyanese Labor Party
- GáS Liquefeito De PetróLeo Para, Press, Gas
- Gulgubip Airport, Gulgubip, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
- Global Logistic Partner
- Gases Licuados Del PetróLeo Para, Con, Gas, Combustible
- Glucose-Lcphosphate Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Graduatekleadership Program Business, Technology, Canada
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GLP stand for?
GLP stands for Good Life Project.
What is the shortened form of Good Laboratory Practices (us Fda)?
The short form of "Good Laboratory Practices (us Fda)" is GLP.
GLP. (2022, March 29). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from
Last updated