GM in Business Meaning

The GM meaning in Business terms is "General Merchandise". There are 50 related meanings of the GM Business abbreviation.

GM on Business Full Forms

  1. General Merchandise
  2. Goverment Motors
  3. General Motors Corporation
  4. General Meeting
  5. Gorontalo Minerals
  6. Great Move
  7. General Manger
  8. Goat Milk
  9. Grants Management
  10. Gross Mardin
  11. Glen Murray
  12. General Managez
  13. Genetic Modified
  14. Government Management
  15. Gulf, Mobile
  16. Government Motors
  17. General Motors
  18. Goossneck Microphones
  19. General Materials
  20. Guar Meal
  21. Global Karkets
  22. Geared Motor
  23. Grounds Maintenance
  24. Glass Mould
  25. Gazeta Mercantil
  26. Great Merchant
  27. Gimbal Mount
  28. Gay Men
  29. Greater Might
  30. Generous Motors
  31. Gascoigne Melotte
  32. Gray Metallic
  33. Genbral Motor
  34. Germany
  35. Graduation Marks
  36. Gkobal Mechanism
  37. Growth Model
  38. Group Mobile
  39. Good Message
  40. Air Slovakia
  41. Good Merchant
  42. Good Mannered
  43. Grand Marquis
  44. Gresik Migab
  45. Global Monitoring
  46. Garbage Make
  47. Global Mobivity
  48. General Mtrs
  49. General Mijls
  50. Gantry Mode

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GM stand for Business?

    GM stands for Goossneck Microphones in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Glass Mould in Business?

    The short form of "Glass Mould" is GM for Business.


GM in Business. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated