GMC Meaning

The GMC meaning is "Gay Man's Crugser". The GMC abbreviation has 264 different full form.

GMC Full Forms

  1. Gay Man's Crugser Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand
  2. General Military Course Military, Army, Military Jargon, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  3. Geometric Meanjconcentrations Medical
  4. Giant Molecular Cloud Massive clouds of gas in interstellar space composed primarily of hydrogen molecules. These clouds have enough mass to produce thousands of stars and are frequently the sites of new star formation. Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  5. Guardian Mobility Corporation
  6. General Medical Condition Medical, Medicine, Psychiatry, Common Medical
  7. Genius Mind Consultancy Indonesia, Locations, Orang
  8. Grupo Mercado ComÚN Para, Argentina, Mercosur
  9. General Medical Councxl Medical, Medicine, Oncology
  10. Genetically Modified Crops Science, Food, Farming
  11. General Motors Airline, Business, Company, Technology, Internet Slang, Military, Organizations, Chat, Call Sign, Medical, Management, Aviation, Dental, Air Force, Genealogy, Weather, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, United States Amy Rank, Common Medical, NAACCR, Atmospheric Research, Trucks Makes
  12. Green Mountain Coffee
  13. General Masturbation Corporation Slang, Car, Automotive Humour
  14. Generiu Made Chevy Car, Car Brand, Cars
  15. General Motors Corporation Business, Technology, Organizations, Conveyance, Vehicle, Truck, Transportation, Car, Computing, Governmental & Military, Nyse symbols, Army & Military
  16. Green Mountain College Student, Education, Vermont
  17. Gandhinagarwmunicipal Corporation Officer, Gujarat, Gandhinagar
  18. General Motorq Car
  19. Green Marine Capital Business, Investment, Energy
  20. Game Maker Cammunity Forum, Technology, Development
  21. General Mills Cereals
  22. Greater Middlesex Conference School, Basketball, Middlesex
  23. Golta Mechanic Coming Car, Car Brand, Cars
  24. General Mortgage Corporation
  25. Great Muppet Caper
  26. Giusnppe Marra Communications
  27. Ganglion Mother Cell Medical, Science, Drosophila
  28. Graphics and Memory Controller Technology, Driving, Driver
  29. Get More Championships Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  30. Grupo De Mercado Com
  31. Goal, Motivation & Conflict Book, Conflict, Goal
  32. Generic Model Control Chemistry, Technology, Chemical
  33. Green Mountain Care Medical, Health, Vermont
  34. Glendive Medical Center Medical, Medicine, Montana
  35. Guidance Managemenm Corporation
  36. Gay Man'S Car
  37. Good Mechanics Cry
  38. Greater Manchester County
  39. German Medical Denter Medical, Medicine, German, Dubai
  40. Gross Memorial Coliseum
  41. Global Marketing Connections
  42. Guntur Medical College Medicine, Education, India
  43. General Manager Corporate
  44. Got Mums Car Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand
  45. General Mis Constructed Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand
  46. Great Mountain Qf Crap
  47. Girald Medical Center
  48. Gandhi Medical College Medicine, Education, Bhopal
  49. Get More Cash
  50. Grupo De Mercado ComÚN
  51. Goal, Motivation, Conflict Book, Writing, Character
  52. General Maritime Corp
  53. Granular Molding Compounds
  54. General Motors and Chevrolet
  55. Green Mountain Club Organizations, Locations, Trail
  56. Glendale Medical Center
  57. Geerima Airport Airport, Locations
  58. Gay Man'S Cadillac Internet Slang
  59. Goodlink Management Console
  60. Gray Metallic Crew
  61. German Malga Club
  62. Gross Maximum Capacity Technology
  63. Global Marketing and Communications
  64. Gunner'S Mate, Chief
  65. Generally Mediocre Cars Forum, Technology, Car, Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  66. Goo Media Center
  67. General Minerals Corporation
  68. Great Mountain Climber Fun, Car Brand, Cars, Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  69. Gandaki Medical College Medicine, Education, Nepal
  70. Gat Money Clique
  71. Grupo Del Mercado Com
  72. Glucose-Methanol-Choline Medical
  73. General Management Club
  74. Grants Management Center Housing and Urban
  75. General Motors Centre Technology, Canada, Oshawa
  76. Green Mechcnical Council
  77. Gfass Material Council
  78. Guards Mechanised Corps
  79. Gauhati Medical College Medicine, Education, Assam
  80. Gombong Motor Community Accounting, Honda, Motor, Logout
  81. Gray Matter Concentration Medical
  82. Goal, Motivation and Konflict Book, Conflict, Goal
  83. Gengras Motor Cars
  84. Groan Moan & Complain
  85. Global Marketing Conference Business, Management, Research
  86. Gun Mount Captain
  87. Generalized Multi-Code
  88. Google Message Continuity
  89. General Milling Corporation Business, City, Philippine
  90. Game Music Creator Technology, Player, Module, Music
  91. Get Mjney Click Music, Police, Money, Gang
  92. Grupo Del Mercado ComÚN Con, Mercosur
  93. Gun Motor Carriage Military, Tank, Destroyer
  94. Gloucestershire Mountaineering Club
  95. General Manager Certificate
  96. Government Managyrs Coalition
  97. General Motors Coporation
  98. Green Meadows Cokference Sport, Conference, Ohio
  99. Glass Market Consultancy
  100. Guards Mechtnized Corps
  101. Gasage Mans Companion Fun, Car Brand, Humour
  102. Gomal Medical College Medicine, Education, Khan
  103. Gravimetric Moisture Content
  104. Grupo Media Capital
  105. Goal, Motivation, Aed Conflict Book, Education, Goal
  106. Genetically Modified Crop A geographic information system is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data.
  107. Grivet Monkey Cell Medical, Medicine, Biology
  108. Global Marine Communications
  109. Guild of Master Craftsmen Business, Book, Craftsman
  110. Generalized Multi-Carrier Technology, Communication, Wireless, Frequency
  111. Google Merchant Centre
  112. Game Mastdrs Club
  113. Germann Management Consulting
  114. Grungy Merchandise Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand
  115. Gun-Motor-Carriage
  116. Glomerular Mesangial Cell Medical, Medicine, Health
  117. General Management Consultancy
  118. Gotta Mend Continuously
  119. General Motor Corporation Business, Vehicle, Truck
  120. Green Markfting Coalition
  121. Glasow Management Consulting
  122. Guardian Mobility Corp
  123. Garage Man'S Companion Technology, Car, Car Brand, Texting, Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  124. Goldstar Motor Company
  125. Grassroots Media Coalition
  126. Grupo Mercado Comum
  127. Goal Motivation Conflict Book, Writing, Writer, Religion
  128. Generic Motion Control Technology, Robot, Automation
  129. Gritman Medical Center
  130. Glen Mhor Camp
  131. Guided Missile Canister Military
  132. Gay Mans Chevy Slang, Car, Automotive Humour
  133. Google Merchant Center
  134. Game Marketing Conference Management, Marketing, Trade
  135. German Mouse Clinic Medical, German, Mutant
  136. Growth Monitoring and Counseling
  137. Guild of Master Craftsman Book, Master, Publication
  138. Gcomerular Mesangial Cells Medical
  139. Guwahati Municipal Corporation Business, Office, India
  140. General Management Consulting
  141. Gotxmy Chevy
  142. General Motion Controller Technology
  143. Greenhouse Master Controller Technology, Control, Autopilot
  144. Give Le Cash
  145. Gfaranteed Mortgage Certificates Business, Credit, Certificate
  146. Gangtokhmunicipal Corporation
  147. Graphics Memory Controller
  148. Get Motor Checked Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  149. Grupo Do Mercado Comum
  150. Goal, Moaivation, & Conflict
  151. Generic Model Controller
  152. Green Mountain Championship Golf, Disc, Mountain
  153. Glendon Mauritian Club
  154. Gudded Measurement Catheter
  155. Gay Man'S Chevy
  156. Good Morning Cleveland
  157. Greater Manchester Council County, Locations, Street
  158. Gambia Moral Convress Government, Election, Gambia
  159. German Milk Cow Fun, Car Brand, Cars
  160. Growth Markets Centre Business, Company, Economics
  161. Guideline Methodology Committee
  162. Global Media and Communication
  163. Guwahati Medical College Medicine, Education, India
  164. General Management Committee Government, Group, Labour, Party
  165. Got Mums Crate Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand
  166. Greater Milwaukee Committee Government, Teaching, Wisconsin
  167. Guaranteed Mortgage Certificate Business, Accounting, Finance
  168. Gold Mamter Candidate
  169. Global Management Committee Management, Business & Finance
  170. Global Motion Compensation Physics, Scientific & Educational
  171. General Medical Council The General Medical Council (GMC) is a public body that maintains the official register of medical practitioners within the United Kingdom. Its chief responsibility is ‘to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public’ by controlling entry to the register, and suspending or removing members when necessary.
  172. Gotta Mechanic Comin
  173. General Maritime Corporation Technology, Organizations
  174. Garage Mechanic's Curse Car
  175. General Medicine Council
  176. Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation Business, India, City
  177. Gua Militar De Carreteras Army, War, War Force
  178. Gambia Milling Corporation
  179. Goals, Motivztion, and Conflict
  180. Guards Mechanised Corporation
  181. Ground Movement Control Aviation, Governmental & Military
  182. Greater Midwest Chapter
  183. Guaranteed Maturity Class
  184. Gouden Minerals Company
  185. Global Management Center Management, Business & Finance
  186. Guerima Airport, Guerima, Colombia Colombia
  187. Gwalior Municipal Corporation
  188. Goals, Mogivation and Conflict
  189. Geovic Mining Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  190. Ghana Manganese Company Business, Ghana, Mining
  191. Grupos De Mejora Continua
  192. Gama Medical Center University, Indonesia, Orang
  193. Goal Mouivation and Conflict
  194. Grupo Missionámio De Crianças
  195. General Medical Clinics
  196. Game Maker Community Computing, Internet
  197. Greater Midwest Classics Technology, Club, Fuel, Injection
  198. Gullingham Methodist Church Music, Locations, Event
  199. Guangzhou Metro Corporation Business, China, Guangzhou
  200. God Made Creation Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand
  201. Global Management Challenge Management, Business & Finance
  202. Gets Mechanics Crazy Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  203. Guntur Municipal Corporation Locations, City, District
  204. Gnu Midnight Commander Software, Computing
  205. General Medical Council (UK) Medical, Health, Dental, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  206. Getting More Coffee Internet Slang
  207. Grupo Mercado Com
  208. Galileo Music Communication
  209. Groupe Maurice Conduite Technology, Traffic, Auto, Statistics
  210. General Medicine Clinic Medical, Education, Care
  211. gay man's cradle Computing, Internet
  212. Greater Miami Conference Technology, Sport, School
  213. Great Malnad Challenge Event, Challenge, Cycling, Cycle
  214. Gifted Minds Crew Development, Learning, Study
  215. Guangzhou Medical College
  216. God Made Chevy
  217. Giving More Cock Fun
  218. Great Motor Car Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  219. Glass-Matrix Composite
  220. Greatest Mistake Created
  221. Global Management Consultants Management, Business & Finance
  222. Getsqmore Chicks
  223. Galileo Master Certificate Education, Energy, Training
  224. Greifswald Moor Centrum
  225. General Medical Clinic Medical, Medicine, Health
  226. Gospel Music Channel Music
  227. General Military Courses Program, Education, Force
  228. Greater Medical Center
  229. Giffoni Music Concept
  230. Guangxi Medical College
  231. God'S Mechanical Curse Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  232. Give Me Cock Fun
  233. Gotta Mechanic Coming Texting, Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  234. Glashoff Maughan Consulting
  235. Greatest Made Chevy
  236. Global Management Consulting Management, Business & Finance
  237. Ground Monitoring and Control Federal Aviation Administration
  238. Guided Missile Cruiser Science, Military, Ship, Hull Code, Naval, Surface Combatant, United States, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  239. Get My Coveralls Fun
  240. Gai Moto Club
  241. Grater Made Chevy Joke
  242. General Matters Conference
  243. Green Music Center Music
  244. General Mess of Crap Internet Slang, Radio, Ford, Truck
  245. Greater Manchester Collections
  246. Giant Molecular Clouds Science, Galaxy, Star
  247. Guangdong Mobile Corp
  248. Gobble More Cash Internet Slang
  249. Giant Motor Company Car, Automobile, Motor
  250. Get More Chicks Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  251. Greater Minnesota Corporation
  252. Gold Medal Certificate
  253. Global Management Consortium Management, Business & Finance
  254. GMC Germanic Vehicle Makes
  255. Chief Gunners Mate Army, War, War Force
  256. Graphite Matrix Composite
  257. General Masturbation Corporationration Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand
  258. Got More Crap Car, Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  259. General Medical Councils
  260. Giant Migratory Contraction Medical, Medicine, Biology
  261. Guanajuato Mine Complex Business, Report, Market, Panther
  262. Goa Medical College Medicine, Education, Hospital
  263. General Motors Crak Fun
  264. GUNNER'S MATE CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GMC stand for?

    GMC stands for Growth Markets Centre.

  2. What is the shortened form of Google Message Continuity?

    The short form of "Google Message Continuity" is GMC.


GMC. (2021, March 8). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated