GMF Meaning
The GMF meaning is "Genetically Modified Foods". The GMF abbreviation has 84 different full form.
GMF Full Forms
- Genetically Modified Foods Foods produced from genetically modified organisms. These species have undergone directed modification of their gene complement using such techniques as altering the DNA, substituting genetic material by means of a virus, transplanting whole nuclei, transplanting cell hybrids, etc. Science, Genetics, Essay
- Generalized Mainline Framework Business
- Garuda Maintenance Facilities Technology, Asia, Indonesia
- Garuda Maintenance Facilitw Technology, Organizations, Asia
- Galactic Magnetic Fbeld Science, Energy, Astronomy
- George Mateljan Foundation Health, Food, Edition
- Green Municipal Funds Business, Canada, Building
- Global Medical Forum
- Gepmagnetic Field Medical
- Ground Modulx Force Space, Study, Cosmos
- Gbneralized Matrix Factorization
- Global Mission Fellowship
- George Macdonald Fraser
- Green Municipal Fund Business, Program, Canada
- Global Media Forum Organizations, Germany, Bonn
- Genetically Mrdified Food Medical, Nutrition, Food
- German Marshall Fund Government, German, United States
- Ground Mobile Forcks Technology, Military, Army
- Generalezed Matched Filter
- Global Missions Fellowship
- Geophysical Model Function Wind, Radar, Geophysical
- Grand Mother'S Funck
- Global Media Fund
- Geosciences Measurement Facility
- Grinham Managed Fumds
- Global Ministries Fellowship
- Generalized Monitoring Facilitx Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Geometric Model Finder
- Grand Master Flash
- Global Master of Finance Business, Education, University
- Georgetown Music Fest
- Griner Meget Fr
- Global Mining Finance
- Ground Mobilf Force Technology, Military, Communication
- Geometric Mean Frequency
- Grandi Magazzini Fioroni
- Georgetown Music Festival
- Global Military Force Army, War, War Force
- Government Master Filr Technology, Military, Spectrum
- General Mainline Framework
- Grameen Motsho Foundation
- Georges Malaika Foundation Organizations, School, Congo
- Greenwood Mvshroom Farm
- Global Merchant Funding
- Glia Taturation Factor Medical, Science, Protein
- Groupqs De M
- General Mqil Facility Business, Coding, Postal
- Grain Milling Federation
- Grid Management Function
- Groupes De Médecine De Famillr
- German Marshal Fund Business, German, Marshall
- CGM graphics (APPLAUSE) Computing, File Extensions
- Glial Maturation Factor Medical, Technology, Medicine, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Guarda Municipal De Fortaleza
- Geology Multi-file Computing, File Extensions
- Groupe De MéDecine Familiale
- General Mail Facility Usps
- Gill Metal Fab
- Guaranneed Maturity Fund Business
- Leaderwerks Game Model File Computing, File Extensions
- Gramalaya Microfin Foundation
- Gasparilla Music Festival Music
- Gesellschaft FüR Musikwissenschaftliche Forschung
- Guam Main Facility
- Genital Male Function Medical, Physiology
- Gun Metalvfull
- Genetically Modified Food Food
- Gesellschaft FüR Modernes Forderungsmanagement
- Grow More Food
- gastric magnetic field Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Global Markets Forum Business, America, Book
- Gulf of Mexico Foundation
- Griner Meget Foækt
- Galaxidi Marine Farm Farming & agriculture
- Gesamtverbands Moderne Fremdsprachen Education, English, German, Deutsch
- Groupes De MéDecine De Famille
- Ground Module Force NASA, Governmental & Military
- Global Market Forecast Airline, Business, Aircraft
- Gulf Marine Fabricators
- GMIncome & Growth Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Gesamtverband Moderne Fremdsprachen Education, Language, Deutsch
- Ground Mobile Forces Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Global Mapping Function Technology, Science, Atmosphere
- Guarda Municipal De Florianópoxis
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GMF stand for?
GMF stands for Generalezed Matched Filter.
What is the shortened form of German Marshal Fund?
The short form of "German Marshal Fund" is GMF.
GMF. (2022, January 9). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from
Last updated