GMMA Meaning

The GMMA meaning is "Governor Mifflin Music Association". The GMMA abbreviation has 19 different full form.

GMMA Full Forms

  1. Governor Mifflin Music Association
  2. Gold Medal Martial Arts
  3. Goethe Money and Macro Association
  4. Global Marijuana Music Awards
  5. George Meany Memorial Archives
  6. General Motors Media Archives
  7. Greater Metro Manila Area Business, Philippine, Earthquake
  8. Generalized Modules for Membrane Antigens Science, Module, Vaccine
  9. Guppy'S Multiple Moving Average
  10. Smara, Smara, Western Sahara ICAO Airport Codes, Western Sahara
  11. Guppy'S Multi-Moving Average
  12. Gloucester Master Mariners' Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  13. Gulhane Military Medical Academy Medical, Medicine, Prof
  14. Smara Airport Smara, Morocco Airport, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  15. Gulf Malayalam Music Awards
  16. Guppy Multiple Moving Averages Business, Trading, Indicator
  17. Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Awards
  18. Guppy Multiple Moving Average Business, Trading, Indicator
  19. Guppy Multi Moving Average

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GMMA stand for?

    GMMA stands for Guppy'S Multi-Moving Average.

  2. What is the shortened form of George Meany Memorial Archives?

    The short form of "George Meany Memorial Archives" is GMMA.


GMMA. (2020, October 1). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated