GMOS Meaning

The GMOS meaning is "Genetically Modified Organism". The GMOS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

GMOS Full Forms

  1. Genetically Modified Organism Plants or animals whose genetic makeup has been determined or altered by genetic engineering. Trade in GMOs has been the source of disagreement and controversy between the US and the EU. Technology, Organizations, Energy, Agriculture, Food, Asean, Truth, Genetically, Medical, Chemistry, Botany, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
  2. Genetically Modified Organisms Science, Government, Genetics, Food, Genomics
  3. Gemini Multi Object Spectrograph
  4. Genetically-Modified Organisms Science, Genetics, Food
  5. Gemini Multi-Object Spectrographs Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  6. Genetically Modified Organis Sociology
  7. Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph Space, Study, Cosmos
  8. Genetically Modfied Organisms
  9. Gridded Model Output Statistics Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  10. Grants Management Officers
  11. Genetic Modified Organisms
  12. General Manager for Organisational Services
  13. Genetically Manipulated Organisms Medical, Genetics, Food
  14. Group Member Organizations Organizations, Horse, Region, Dressage
  15. Group Manager-Operator Services Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  16. Grants Management Offices Government
  17. Global Month of Service Technology, Indonesia, Community
  18. Group Membership Organizations
  19. Global Mercury Observation System Technology, Science, Environment
  20. Gentically Modified Organisms

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GMOS stand for?

    GMOS stands for Grants Management Officers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Genetically Modfied Organisms?

    The short form of "Genetically Modfied Organisms" is GMOS.


GMOS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 27, 2025 from

Last updated