GMT Meaning

The GMT meaning is "Gaming Machine Technologies". The GMT abbreviation has 140 different full form.

GMT Full Forms

  1. Gaming Machine Technologies
  2. Gerakan Masyarakat Terpadu
  3. Greenwich Meantime Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  4. General Movement Toolbox
  5. Group Medical Training
  6. Generalist Medical Training
  7. Global Management Team Business, Service, Organizations
  8. Gene Matrix Transposed
  9. Glass Mat Thermoplastic Technology, Science, Composite, Chemistry
  10. Geffen Magic Tournament
  11. Get More Traffic
  12. Gata4, Mef2C, and Tbx5 Science, Cell, Reprogramming
  13. German Machine Tools
  14. Giuseppi Maria Terreni Science
  15. Greater Manchester Transport Service, Locations, City
  16. Guardian Marine Testing
  17. Guidelines for The Definition of Managed Objects Modeling Toolkit Military
  18. Greenwish Mean Time
  19. Global Medical Training Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  20. Greeenwich Mean Time Technology, Library, Zone
  21. General Military Training Service, Military, Sailor
  22. Goodman-Maptinez-Thompson Science, Cycle, Correlation, Count
  23. Groves Manufacturing & Tooling
  24. Geraas Musiek Toekenning
  25. Global Ministry Teams
  26. Girls and Made Them
  27. Gravity Model of Trade
  28. Growing Managers Technology
  29. Global Media Technologies
  30. Great Melbourne Telescope Technology, Melbourne, Observatory
  31. General Mean Time Technology, Deutschland, Zone
  32. Goodman, Martinez, Thompsow
  33. Group Multiplexer Terminator
  34. George Massey Tunnel
  35. Global Mining Token
  36. General Music Today
  37. Get Me Tickets
  38. Governorimacquarie Tower Australia, Office, Locations, Skyscraper
  39. Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase Medical, Medicine, Nursing
  40. Global Media Transfer
  41. Great Majority of These
  42. General Materials Terminals Incorporation Organizations
  43. Greenwick Mean Time
  44. Group Management Team Business, Company, Service
  45. Geometric Mean Antibody Titer Medical
  46. Global Metal Trading
  47. General Multi-Tasker Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  48. Gesellschaft Fuer Maritime Technik
  49. Gospel Music Telcvision
  50. Gesellschaft F
  51. Glass Mat Thermoplastics Material, Composite, Thermoplastic, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  52. Great Magic Tricks
  53. General Map Table
  54. Grenwich Meridian Time
  55. Grennwich Mean Time
  56. Geometric Mean Antibody Titers Medical
  57. Global Memory and Threading
  58. General Motors Thailand
  59. Gesellschaft FüR Maritime Technik Technology, Service, Innovation
  60. Google Maps Kechnology
  61. Greenwich Mean Time Time based on hour angle of point ot definition of mean time as measured at Greenwich Technology, Army, Travel, Locations, Force, Marine, Time Zone, Zone, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  62. Glass Mat Technology
  63. Great Magazine of Timepieces Business, English, Timepiece
  64. General Mapping Tool Forum, Technology, Map
  65. Greenwitch Meridian Time
  66. Greewich Mean Time Technology, Science, Zone
  67. Gonzalez Model &Atalent
  68. Global Membership Team Organizations, Club, Lions
  69. Greenwich Means Time
  70. General Motor Transport Army, War, War Force
  71. German Ministry of Transport
  72. Good Moriing This
  73. Glasgow Museum of Transport Locations, City, Scotland
  74. Great Madagascar Tours
  75. Gear Media Tech
  76. Greenwich Meridian Time Technology, Standard, Zone
  77. Greenwitch Mean Time
  78. Goal Management Trainnng Medical, Brain, Executive
  79. Global Medical Transcription Business, Medicine, Android
  80. Greenwich-Mean-Time Locations, Standard, Clock, Zone
  81. General Motors Truck
  82. Good Morniug Texas Design, Channel, Texas
  83. Grupoaereo Monterrey Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  84. Gerhana Matahari Total Hotel, Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  85. Global Mixed-Mode Technology Business, Electronics, Component
  86. Global Money Transfers Business, Banking, Gram
  87. Geo-Microbial Technology Technology, Gas, Microbes
  88. Growth Management Tool postal service
  89. Gunners Mate Technician
  90. Greenwich Mean-time NASA
  91. Green Media Toolshed
  92. Generative Model Transformer Technology, Development, Eclipse
  93. Greenwich Mean Time (replaced by UT in 1928, then UTC in 1960) Amateur radio
  94. Graphics Mouse Technology
  95. Global Money Transfer Business, Rate, Currency
  96. Greenwich Median Time Technology, Clock, Zone, Sacrifice
  97. Geo-Microbial Technologies Business, Oil, Gas
  98. Granite Mountain, Granite Mountain, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  99. Gunner'S Mate Technician
  100. Grgmtgreenwich Meantime NASA
  101. Greek Maybe Time
  102. Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu) Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Astronomy, Computing, Rail Transport, Electrical, Technical, Legal, Aeronautics, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, SAP, Time Zones
  103. Grain Misorientation Texture
  104. Global Money Trends
  105. Greenwich Mean Time-Is
  106. Genomic Matching Technique
  107. Grinding My Teeth Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  108. Gum Motion Tracks
  109. Greenwich Mean Time (repl. By Utc) Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  110. Greenwich Mean Tim Business, Saving, Zone, Daylight
  111. Gymnastics Men'S Team
  112. Generalized Machine Theory
  113. Global Mobility Team
  114. Greenwich Mean Team
  115. Geneva Master Time
  116. Generic Mapping Tools Software, Computing
  117. Gummi Metall Technik Company, Technology, Product
  118. Rfactor Model File Computing, File Extensions
  119. Greenwich Meant Time Locations, Standard, Clock, Zone
  120. Guyot Motorcycle Team Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  121. Gatx Corporation Technology, Computing, Nyse symbols
  122. Global Mobile Television
  123. Green Mountain Technologies Business, Technology, Composting
  124. Genetically Male Tilapia Science, Fish, Aquaculture
  126. Gummi-Metall-Technik Company, Technology, Product
  127. Greenwich Mean Time (now obsolete) Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  128. Guy Mccoy Torme Music, Rock, Guy, Robin
  129. Weltzeit Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  130. Global Mobile Technologies
  131. Green Model Town
  132. Generative Modeling Tools Technology, Model, Eclipse
  133. Greenwich Mean Time (replaced by Universal Time in 1928, and UTC in 1960) Media
  134. Guindy Machine Tools
  135. Giant Magellan Telescope Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  136. Guy, Mccoy, Torme
  137. Glass-Mat/Thermoplastic
  138. Green Metric Ton
  139. Generative Modeling Technologies Technology, Science, Eclipse
  140. Grounds Maintenance Tractor Farming & agriculture

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GMT stand for?

    GMT stands for Global Membership Team.

  2. What is the shortened form of Global Money Transfers?

    The short form of "Global Money Transfers" is GMT.


GMT. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated