GNE Meaning

The GNE meaning is "Gateway Network Elements". The GNE abbreviation has 35 different full form.

GNE Full Forms

  1. Gateway Network Elements Technology, Management, Networking
  2. Gateway Network Element网关
  3. Glossop North End
  4. Gateway Network Element Technology, Networking, Telecom
  5. Game Neverending Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  6. Global New Entrants
  7. Group of National Experts
  8. Game Never Ending
  9. Global New Energy
  10. Ground Network Element
  11. Game Networking Engine Software, Computing
  12. Global Network Engineering
  13. Gross Navigation Errors
  14. Gala Networks Europe
  15. Global Network Explorer
  16. Grossxnavigational Error Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  17. Genie An online information service originally devel-oped by General Electric (GE) Information Services as genie; currently owned and provided by IDT Corporation as Genie (lowercase e). Genie provides business information, forums, home shopping, and news and can exchange e-mail with the Internet. Organizations
  18. General Network Error Technology, Networking, Computing
  19. Gross Navigation Error Federal Aviation Administration
  20. Guidance and Navigational Electrouics Technology, Space, Electronics
  21. Great Northern Engineering
  22. St. Denijs-Westrem, Ghent (Gent), Belgium Belgium
  23. Guanine Nucleotode Exchange Medical
  24. Great Northern Equipment
  25. General Electric Business, Company, Technology, Industrial, Aviation, Organizations, Electrical Engineering, NASA
  26. Guidance and Navigational Electronics NASA, Governmental & Military
  27. Great Northern Envelopes
  28. Gross Navigational Error Aviation, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  29. St. Denils-Westrem Airport Airport, Locations
  30. Call Genie Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  31. Guinyan Syli Business, Currency, Currency Code
  32. Gross National Expanditure Business, Economics, Income
  33. Guidance and Navigation Electronics Technology
  34. Great Northern Exhibition Canada, Exhibition, Event, Derby
  35. Flickr Web Page Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GNE stand for?

    GNE stands for Global Network Engineering.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gross Navigational Error?

    The short form of "Gross Navigational Error" is GNE.


GNE. (2021, March 8). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated