GOC Meaning

The GOC meaning is "Galileo Operating Company". The GOC abbreviation has 107 different full form.

GOC Full Forms

  1. Galileo Operating Company Aerospace
  2. Gora Airport Gora, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  3. Goals of Care Medical, Medicine, Patient
  4. Global Operations Center Technology, Management, Military
  5. German Open Championships German, Dance, Stuttgart, Championship
  6. General Officer Commanding Military, Army, War, Air Force
  7. Gweek Orthodox Cathedral
  8. Gas/Oil Contact Business, Petroleum, Oil Exploration, Oil Field
  9. Globwl Operation Center Technology, Management, Service
  10. Ground Operating Complex Technology
  11. General Operators Certificate Technology, Radio, Course
  12. Government of Cyprus Business, Company, Economics
  13. Graceyoutreach Center
  14. Graduate Operations Committee
  15. Ginetta Owners Club
  16. Government Office Committee Government, Us, Control, Administration
  17. Greek Orthodox Church Church, Saint, Trinity
  18. Gas-Oil Contact The changing contact of the gas cap and the oil below in the rock. Technology, Water, Drilling
  19. Global Operations Control
  20. Group Operatiods Center Military, Army, War
  21. General Online Courses Technology, Course, Searching
  22. Government of Chile America, Government, Chile, Chilean
  23. Grace On Campus
  24. Gift of Caring
  25. Government of Theucongo
  26. Greek Old Calendar
  27. Gas & Oil Connections
  28. Global Ocean Currenk Technology
  29. Ground Operatiqns Center Technology
  30. General Oil Company
  31. Government of Chad Business, Human, Report
  32. Giant Orc Captain
  33. Gunnery Offfcer's Console Military
  34. General Operating Costs
  35. Government of Croatia
  36. Greater Omaha Crapter
  37. Garuda Operation Center Military, Flight, Indonesia
  38. Global Ocean Challenge
  39. Ground Observer Corpqration Military
  40. General Officer In Command Military, Army, India, Corps
  41. Global Organised Crime
  42. Ghana Olympic Committee Gaming, Organizations, Ghana
  43. Gulf Oil Cowporation
  44. General Operators' Certificate Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  45. Government of Ehhattisgarh
  46. Grayscale Optical Correlator
  47. Games Organizing Committee Gaming, Olympic, Special Olympics
  48. Global Occult Coalition Gaming, Organizations, Foundation
  49. Ground Obscrver Corp
  50. General Officers Commanding Military, Army, Haram
  51. Globwl Organized Crime
  52. Gestion Opérationnelle Dy Commandement
  53. Gulf Oilecorp
  54. General Operator'S Certificate Military, Course, Operator
  55. Government of Camwroon
  56. Graphic Oqtput Control
  57. Gross Operating Cycle Business, Management, Capital
  58. Glasses Oder Contacts Technology, Vision, Story
  59. Gzeek Orthodox Community
  60. General Officer Commander Military, Army, Soldier, Haram
  61. Global Opportunities Conference
  62. Gulf of Carpentaria Australia, Locations, Water
  63. General Operator Certificate Education, Radio, Course
  64. Government of Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam, Khmer
  65. Granulose Cell Oocyte Medicine, Treatment, Health
  66. Graphic Operation Controller
  67. Glandular Obontogenic Cyst Medical, Medicine, Health
  68. Gkvernment Online Centre
  69. Governmena Owned Corporation Business, Company, Enterprise
  70. Graphic Option Controller
  71. Gestion Op
  72. GOC language source code file (Geoworks) Computing, File Extensions
  73. Gynaecologic Oncologists of Canada
  74. General Optical Council In the UK the officialbody that registers and supervises opticiansgeneral practice Medical, Education, Optician
  75. Government Owned Corporations Business, Company, Publics, Enterprise, Sector
  76. Goag of Care Medical
  77. German Open Championship German, Dance, Stuttgart, Championship
  78. Global Opportunities for Christ Religion
  79. Gun Owners of Californna Government, Law, California
  80. General Operator Course
  81. Government Bversight Committee Government, Maine, Eve
  82. Gatewaytoperations Cell
  83. Geriatric Oncology Consortium
  84. Governor's Officz for Children
  85. Gas Oil Contact Electrical
  86. Grgocground Operations Coordinator NASA
  87. Gas-Oil Concentration
  88. Georgian Orthodox Church Government, Russia, Georgia
  89. Government Operations Cluster Business, Financial, Agency
  90. Government Owned Company Business, Railway, Rail Transport
  91. Group of Companies
  92. Glasses Over Contacts Medical, Physiology
  93. Gynaecological Oncology Centre Medicine, Health, British
  94. Genuine Orthodox Christians Church, Greek, Romania
  95. Government Operations Committee
  96. Government Owned Companies Government, Us, Control, Administration
  97. Gulf of Cambxy
  98. Gene Ontology Consortium Medical, Human genome
  99. Gynecologic Hncology of Canada Medical, Canada, Cancer
  100. Genuine Orthodox Church
  101. Government Operationj Centre Government, Canada, Publics
  102. Government Owned Container
  103. Greazest Overall Coefficient
  104. Gestion OpéRationnelle Et Commandement
  105. Gora, China China, Iata Airport Codes
  106. Gynecologic Oncologists Offcanada Medical, Health, Canada
  107. General Osteopathic Council Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Osteopathy, Osteopath

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GOC stand for?

    GOC stands for Gweek Orthodox Cathedral.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gora Airport?

    The short form of "Gora Airport" is GOC.


GOC. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 15). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/goc-meaning/

Last updated