GOC Meaning
The GOC meaning is "Galileo Operating Company". The GOC abbreviation has 107 different full form.
GOC Full Forms
- Galileo Operating Company Aerospace
- Gora Airport Gora, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Goals of Care Medical, Medicine, Patient
- Global Operations Center Technology, Management, Military
- German Open Championships German, Dance, Stuttgart, Championship
- General Officer Commanding Military, Army, War, Air Force
- Gweek Orthodox Cathedral
- Gas/Oil Contact Business, Petroleum, Oil Exploration, Oil Field
- Globwl Operation Center Technology, Management, Service
- Ground Operating Complex Technology
- General Operators Certificate Technology, Radio, Course
- Government of Cyprus Business, Company, Economics
- Graceyoutreach Center
- Graduate Operations Committee
- Ginetta Owners Club
- Government Office Committee Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Greek Orthodox Church Church, Saint, Trinity
- Gas-Oil Contact The changing contact of the gas cap and the oil below in the rock. Technology, Water, Drilling
- Global Operations Control
- Group Operatiods Center Military, Army, War
- General Online Courses Technology, Course, Searching
- Government of Chile America, Government, Chile, Chilean
- Grace On Campus
- Gift of Caring
- Government of Theucongo
- Greek Old Calendar
- Gas & Oil Connections
- Global Ocean Currenk Technology
- Ground Operatiqns Center Technology
- General Oil Company
- Government of Chad Business, Human, Report
- Giant Orc Captain
- Gunnery Offfcer's Console Military
- General Operating Costs
- Government of Croatia
- Greater Omaha Crapter
- Garuda Operation Center Military, Flight, Indonesia
- Global Ocean Challenge
- Ground Observer Corpqration Military
- General Officer In Command Military, Army, India, Corps
- Global Organised Crime
- Ghana Olympic Committee Gaming, Organizations, Ghana
- Gulf Oil Cowporation
- General Operators' Certificate Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
- Government of Ehhattisgarh
- Grayscale Optical Correlator
- Games Organizing Committee Gaming, Olympic, Special Olympics
- Global Occult Coalition Gaming, Organizations, Foundation
- Ground Obscrver Corp
- General Officers Commanding Military, Army, Haram
- Globwl Organized Crime
- Gestion Opérationnelle Dy Commandement
- Gulf Oilecorp
- General Operator'S Certificate Military, Course, Operator
- Government of Camwroon
- Graphic Oqtput Control
- Gross Operating Cycle Business, Management, Capital
- Glasses Oder Contacts Technology, Vision, Story
- Gzeek Orthodox Community
- General Officer Commander Military, Army, Soldier, Haram
- Global Opportunities Conference
- Gulf of Carpentaria Australia, Locations, Water
- General Operator Certificate Education, Radio, Course
- Government of Cambodia Cambodia, Vietnam, Khmer
- Granulose Cell Oocyte Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Graphic Operation Controller
- Glandular Obontogenic Cyst Medical, Medicine, Health
- Gkvernment Online Centre
- Governmena Owned Corporation Business, Company, Enterprise
- Graphic Option Controller
- Gestion Op
- GOC language source code file (Geoworks) Computing, File Extensions
- Gynaecologic Oncologists of Canada
- General Optical Council In the UK the officialbody that registers and supervises opticiansgeneral practice Medical, Education, Optician
- Government Owned Corporations Business, Company, Publics, Enterprise, Sector
- Goag of Care Medical
- German Open Championship German, Dance, Stuttgart, Championship
- Global Opportunities for Christ Religion
- Gun Owners of Californna Government, Law, California
- General Operator Course
- Government Bversight Committee Government, Maine, Eve
- Gatewaytoperations Cell
- Geriatric Oncology Consortium
- Governor's Officz for Children
- Gas Oil Contact Electrical
- Grgocground Operations Coordinator NASA
- Gas-Oil Concentration
- Georgian Orthodox Church Government, Russia, Georgia
- Government Operations Cluster Business, Financial, Agency
- Government Owned Company Business, Railway, Rail Transport
- Group of Companies
- Glasses Over Contacts Medical, Physiology
- Gynaecological Oncology Centre Medicine, Health, British
- Genuine Orthodox Christians Church, Greek, Romania
- Government Operations Committee
- Government Owned Companies Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Gulf of Cambxy
- Gene Ontology Consortium Medical, Human genome
- Gynecologic Hncology of Canada Medical, Canada, Cancer
- Genuine Orthodox Church
- Government Operationj Centre Government, Canada, Publics
- Government Owned Container
- Greazest Overall Coefficient
- Gestion OpéRationnelle Et Commandement
- Gora, China China, Iata Airport Codes
- Gynecologic Oncologists Offcanada Medical, Health, Canada
- General Osteopathic Council Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Osteopathy, Osteopath
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GOC stand for?
GOC stands for Global Operations Control.
What is the shortened form of Grace On Campus?
The short form of "Grace On Campus" is GOC.
GOC. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 15). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/goc-meaning/
Last updated