GOD Meaning

The GOD meaning is "Global Organization for Divinity". The GOD abbreviation has 98 different full form.

GOD Full Forms

  1. Global Organization for Divinity Organizations, Association, Houston, Event, Divinity, Dharma
  2. Government of Democracy
  3. Glucose Oxidase Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Common Medical, Chemistry, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  4. Gods of Doom
  5. God Our Defender Music, Defender, Lord, Blow
  6. Get Out Devil Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  7. Gates of Discord Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  8. Gauntlets of Dexterity Gaming, Gate, Spell, Dexterity
  9. Gold, Oil,Drugs
  10. Gold Oil Drugs Drug, Power, Empire
  11. Gift of Desreration Medical, Recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous
  12. Group of Debtors
  13. Goods of Desire
  14. Guardian of Darkness
  15. Guns, Oil and Drugz
  16. Global Orbital Defense
  17. Gathering of Deities
  18. Gold, Oil, Drugs Drug, Power, Oil
  19. Gold, Oil & Drugs Drug, Power, Empire, Politics, Governmental & Military
  20. Giants of Demolition
  21. Groove Over Dose Music, Park, Groove
  22. Good Old Democracy
  23. Guaranteed Overnight Delivery Business, Service, Shipping, Delivery
  24. Guardians of Divinity Technology, Gaming, Play
  25. Giver of Desires Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  26. Gatherind of Developers Technology, Gaming, Organizations
  27. Gold, Oil and Drugs Power, Ring, Prodigy
  28. Giants of Darkkess
  29. Great Out Doors
  30. Global Online Directory Technology, Telecom, Computing, Internet
  31. General Operations Director
  32. Good Old Days Music, Song, Lyric
  33. Grundsaetze Ordnungsmaessiger Datenverarbeitung Technology
  34. Guaranteed Overnight Delivary Business, Science, Truck
  35. Giver of Data
  36. Gasket Offsetudevice
  37. Gold, Oil, and Drugs Government, Politics, Policy
  38. Gewerkschaft öFfentlicher Dienst
  39. General Operating Device Accounting, Computing, Data
  40. Good Old Dad Kid, Occupation, Love, Occupation & positions
  41. Group Operations Director Business, Group, London
  42. Guavanteed On Delivery Film, Movie, Scene, Delivery
  43. Grve Others Dignity Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  44. Garden Cf Delight
  45. Global Out Dial
  46. Getting Off Drugs Drug, Lyric, Addiction, Prayer
  47. General Operational Nevice
  48. Goodeniaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  49. Grid Overwatch Division Gaming, Grid, Matrix
  50. Girls Pn Decks
  51. Group of Drunks Medical, Recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous
  52. Gang Op Drunks
  53. Global Outdial Technology
  54. Gemini Offihe Development
  55. Gomer Oz Dabar Business, Music, Indonesia, Canada
  56. Good Orderly Direction Medical, Alcoholic, Recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous, Addiction
  57. Gifts Offerld Daily Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  58. Group of Drug
  59. Gadget Oppression Dyna
  60. Global Order of Darkness
  61. God Configuration File Computing, File Extensions
  62. Geometrical Optics and Diffraction
  63. Grand Open Discussion
  64. Guise of The Deceiver
  65. Game On Disc Hobbies
  66. Generationlof Darkness
  67. Populous Ii Player Progress File Computing, File Extensions
  68. Generator Originator Destroyer
  69. Grand Omnipotent Divinity
  70. Grundsaetzte Ordnungsmaessiger Datenverarbeitung
  71. Generate, Organize, Destroy
  72. Geometrical Oriented Dynamics Physics, Scientific & Educational
  73. Generator Ofcdimensions
  74. Grand Old Deity
  75. Grow Or Die Law, Church, Love
  76. Generic Object Distributor Software, Computing
  77. Generator Opxrator Destroyer Internet Slang
  78. Government of Darkness
  79. Grand Order of Design
  80. Great Omnipotent Designer
  81. Gathering of Developers Technology, Gaming, Development
  82. Games on Demand Computing, Internet
  83. Generator, Operator, Destroyer
  84. Gould Organizations
  85. Gqd Or Death
  86. Greatest of Designers
  87. Guns On Demo
  88. Global Orbiting Device Computing, Hardware
  89. Generation of Degenerates
  90. Go On Dreaming Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  91. Generator Operator & Destroyer
  92. Get Out Df Doubt
  93. Graphic Overlay Data
  94. Guns Oil and Drugs
  95. Guitar Over-Drive Music
  96. Generation of Diversity
  97. Google Oriented Development
  98. Guardians of Darkness

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GOD stand for?

    GOD stands for God Configuration File.

  2. What is the shortened form of Get Out Df Doubt?

    The short form of "Get Out Df Doubt" is GOD.


GOD. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/god-meaning/

Last updated