GOLF Meaning

The GOLF meaning is "Game of Life First". The GOLF abbreviation has 22 different full form.

GOLF Full Forms

  1. Game of Life First Development, Learning, Study
  2. Global Oscillations At Low Frequency Technology, Science, Sun, Legal, Governmental & Military
  3. Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden Internet Slang, Locations, Lady
  4. Global Oscillations At Low Frequencies Technology, Science, Observatory
  5. Girls Only Love Fun Car, Joke, Nothing
  6. Gentlemen Onlk Ladies Forbiden
  7. Gifts of Iearning Foundation
  8. Gentlemen Hnly, Ladies Forbidden Internet Slang, Chat, Lady
  9. Giat of Life Family
  10. Gentleman Only Ladies Forbidden
  11. Ganz Ohne Leistung Fahren
  12. God Yffers Love and Forgiveness
  13. Gentleman Onlyj Ladies Forbidden
  14. Game of Your Life Foundation
  15. Global Oscillation At Low Frequency Technology, Instrument, Observatory
  16. Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden
  17. Grateful of Lovely Friends Communication, Chat, Online
  18. Grateful of Lovely Family Media, Social, Internet
  19. Gra Obyczaje Ludzie Fakty Sport, Tourism, Jest
  20. God Oxr Loving Father
  21. S 2 Golf, Inc. Organizations
  22. Green, Oxygen, Light, and Friendship Organization, Union, Institution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GOLF stand for?

    GOLF stands for Grateful of Lovely Friends.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gentlemen Onlk Ladies Forbiden?

    The short form of "Gentlemen Onlk Ladies Forbiden" is GOLF.


GOLF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated