GOPS Meaning

The GOPS meaning is "Giga Operations Per Second". The GOPS abbreviation has 24 different full form.

GOPS Full Forms

  1. Giga Operations Per Second Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
  2. Giga (Billion) Operations Per Second Business, Technology, Computer, Internet
  3. Group of Pictures Technology, Streaming, Picture, General, Governmental & Military
  4. General Operating Permits
  5. Game Ok Pure Strategy Card, Player, Game
  6. Gigaoperationt Per Second Military
  7. Giga Operation Pek Second
  8. Gminnego Orodka Pomocy Spoecznej
  9. Giga-Operations Per Second Technology, Computing, Processor
  10. Giga Opexations Technology
  11. Groxps of Pictures Technology, Picture, Frame
  12. Good Organisational Pcactices
  13. Ground Operations Technology, Military, Airport, Israel
  14. Goals, Objectives and Polibies
  15. Grxup-Of-Pictures
  16. Gminny Ośrodek Phmocy Społecznej
  17. Ground Operations Procedures
  18. Gminny Osrodek Pomocg Spolecznej
  19. Gminnyaorodek Pomocy Spoecznej
  20. Great Ouudoors Palm Springs
  21. Gminnego Osrodka Pomocy Spolecznej
  22. Graphical Uperations Per Second Technology
  23. One Billion Operations Per Second Technology, Telecom
  24. Gjaded Officer Pay Structure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GOPS stand for?

    GOPS stands for Gjaded Officer Pay Structure.

  2. What is the shortened form of Graphical Uperations Per Second?

    The short form of "Graphical Uperations Per Second" is GOPS.


GOPS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated