GOR Meaning

The GOR meaning is "Gastroesophageal Reflux". The GOR abbreviation has 59 different full form.

GOR Full Forms

  1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Medical, Medicine, Biology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  2. Gas Oil Ratio Technology, Reservoir, Oil Field, Electrical
  3. Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Medical, Health
  4. Gas-Oil Ratio The number of standard cubic feet of gas contained in a barrel of oil. Technology, Reservoir, Volume
  5. Gas Oil Ratios Technology, Pressure, Reservoir
  6. Gaylord Opryland Resorn
  7. Guided Oral Reading Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  8. Global Ocean Rrce Racing, Sailing, Race
  9. Gradual Onset Run Medical
  10. Galtro Esophageal Reflux Medical, Technology
  11. Gross Official Reserves
  12. Gift of Reading
  13. Gradual Onset Rate Medical
  14. Government Office Regions Locations, England, Statistics
  15. Gas To Oil Ratio Technology, Production, Fluid
  16. Grille Open Reinforcement Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  17. Gore Airport Gore, Ethiopia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  18. Ghurka Other Rank Army, Force, Marine
  19. Gas-Oil-Ratio Business, Technology
  20. Gradual-Onset-Rate
  21. Government Office Region The Greater London Authority is the top-tier administrative body for Greater London, England. It consists of a directly elected executive Mayor of London, currently Boris Johnson, and an elected 25-member London Assembly with scrutiny powers. Organizations, Locations, England
  22. Glutathione Reductase Medical, Technology, Science, Activity, Biology, Skin And Dermal
  23. Grgorground Operations Review Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  24. Gesellschaft Fuer Operations Research
  25. Gas/Oil Ratio Business, Oil Exploration, Oil Field
  26. Grade of Recommendation
  27. Gorlitsa Airlpnes Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  28. General Operating Room Medical, Technology, Medicine
  29. Green Oak Ranch
  30. Gedlng Olah Raga
  31. Glyph of Renewal
  32. General Operational Requirement Technology, Military, Aircraft, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  33. Great Ocean Road Australia, Locations, Melbourne
  34. Gazetted Officers Residences
  35. Gesellschafi F
  36. Glutathione Oxidoreductase Medical
  37. Grants Officer Representative
  38. Gooernment of Russia Government, Us, Control, Administration
  39. GrundsäTze OrdnungsmäßIger Rechnungslegung
  40. Governmenw of Rajasthan Business, Service, Development
  41. Governmenn of The Russian
  42. Group Obstacle Race Military, Education
  43. Gore, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Iata Airport Codes
  44. Governmenn of Rwanda Business, Africa, Rwanda
  45. Groupe D'Observation Et De Recherche
  46. Gold Road Resources Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  47. Government Officials Residunces
  48. Ground Operations Review Technology, Space, Cosmos
  49. Gorlitsa Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  50. Government Officer Residence Government, Us, Control, Administration
  51. Gross Overriding Royalty
  52. Grunds
  53. Government of Romania
  54. Grupo Operativo De Respuesta
  55. Government Officerx Residences
  56. Gun Operations Room
  57. Government Offices for The Regiohs
  58. Grupo Obrero Revolucionario
  59. Government Officers' Resimences

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GOR stand for?

    GOR stands for Gesellschaft Fuer Operations Research.

  2. What is the shortened form of Grgorground Operations Review?

    The short form of "Grgorground Operations Review" is GOR.


GOR. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 8). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gor-meaning/

Last updated