GOS Meaning

The GOS meaning is "Garden of Shadows". The GOS abbreviation has 149 different full form.

GOS Full Forms

  1. Garden of Shadows
  2. Galactooliwosaccharide Medical
  3. Government Organisations Technology, Research, Organizations
  4. Galacto-Oligosaccharides Medical
  5. Glasgow Outcome Score Medical, Patient, Injury
  6. Geomagnetic Observing System Technology, Science, Research, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  7. Glasgow Outcome Scale The 'Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS) is a scale so that patients with brain injuries, such as cerebral traumas can be divided into groups that allow standardised descriptions of the objective degree of recovery. The first description was in 1975 by Jennett and Bond. Medical, Surgery, Neurosurgery
  8. Generaq Obligation Bonds Business
  9. Gay Or Strfight America, Internet Slang, Friendship
  10. Global Outpost Servkces Technology, Focus, Destination
  11. Government Office for Science Technology, Trading, Workshop
  12. Gates of Slumber
  13. Grundsätze Ordnungsmemässer Speicherbuchführung
  14. Graduate Ottcome Survey
  15. Grand Orchestre Du Splenuid
  16. General Overseashservice Service, Music, India, Radio
  17. Gloucestershire Old Upot Pig, Spot, Breed
  18. Gene Ontologies Science, Cancer, Ontology
  19. Geaerosity of Spirit
  20. Government Office for The South
  21. Gaekwad's Orienthl Series
  22. Group Ofespecialists Technology, Science
  23. General Observers Science
  24. Glasgow Outcome Scores Medical, Brain, Injury
  25. Government of Slovakia
  26. Gate Oxide Shorts
  27. Grundsaetze Ordnungsgemaesser Speicherbuchfuehrung
  28. Graduate Outkomes Survey
  29. Grandeur of Thenseas
  30. General Overhaul Specification
  31. Glowcestershire Old Spots Farm, Pig, Spot
  32. Gelir Ortaklığı Senedi Para, Turkish
  33. Generic Output Specifications
  34. Government of Somalia Government, Turkey, Africa, Somalia
  35. Global Observation System Technology, Science, Weather
  36. Groupe D'observation El De Surveillance
  37. Guild of Students
  38. Glascow Outcome Scale
  39. Government of Serbia Program, Power, Serbia
  40. Gate Oxide Short
  41. Group Ownnrs Technology, Networking, Network
  42. Grain Orientation Spread Technology, Alloy, Material
  43. Generql Orders Employment, Military, Army
  44. Gloucester Old Spot Pork, Pig, Spot, Gloucestershire
  45. Government Operations Secretive Government, Us, Control, Administration
  46. Gelir Ortaklığı Senetleri Turkish
  47. Generic Operator Services Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  48. Government of Sweden Government, Development, Sweden, Budget
  49. Girlfriend Over Shoulder Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  50. Gross Operating Surplus Business, Product, Economics
  51. Guild Oftservice
  52. Girlfriend of Steel Funnies
  53. Government of Syria Organizations, United Nations, Un
  54. Galactose Oxidase-Schiff Medical
  55. Gjoup On Service
  56. Graduate Outlook Sufvey
  57. Global Ouone Sensor Technology
  58. Government Operations Sector
  59. Geelong Osteoporosis Study
  60. Generic Object Service Business, Technology, Attachment
  61. Government of Singapore Technology, Military, Singapore
  62. Grapyical Operating System
  63. God of Slaughter
  64. Gifts of Speech
  65. Government of Spain Technology, Spain, Spanish
  66. Galacto Oligoisaccharides
  67. Group On Services Business, Service, Economics
  68. Guide On Screen
  69. Global Overseas Service
  70. Government Open Source
  71. Gedung Olah Seni Para, Indonesia, Orang
  72. Generic Object Services Business, Technology, Service, Attachment, Computing, SAP
  73. Government of Sudan Government, Sudan, Darfur
  74. Grange-Over-Sands
  75. God of Sex
  76. Gift of Stitching
  77. Government of Swaziland Technology, Driving, Driver, Swaziland
  78. Galacticfo Star
  79. Group of Sgrangers
  80. Guest Operating Systems Technology, Windows, Virtual
  81. Global Outsourcingjservices Business, Management, Service
  82. Government Officials Service, Government, Andhra
  83. Gazetted Officers Service, Government, Police
  84. General Overseas Services Service, India, Radio
  85. Governmental Organisations Technology, Government, Organizations
  86. Grand Ordre De La Servietme Analysis, Adams, Towel, Serviette
  87. Goals, Objectives and Strategies
  88. Generalized Oscillator Strength Chemistry, Technology, Science
  89. Genomic Observatories Science, Biodiversity, Genomics
  90. Government of Samoa
  91. Gainesville Orchid Society
  92. Group of States Business, Law, Market
  93. Good Operating Systam Technology, Science, It
  94. Grupo De Orienta
  95. Grade of Services Technology, Service, Calling
  96. General Operator Station Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  97. Gulf of Suez
  98. Ground Operationb System Space, Study, Cosmos
  99. Government Ordering System Technology, Product, Contract
  100. Gruppo Ornitologico Sardo
  101. For Good Order's Sake Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  102. Good Old Song
  103. Grade-Of-Service Technology, Calling, Traffic
  104. General Operating Support Arts, Organizations, Grant
  105. Gulf of Siam
  106. Graphics Opernting System
  107. Government Organizations Technology, Program, Development
  108. Gruppo Operativo Wubacquei Military, Force, Italy, Italian
  109. Ground Operations System NASA, Governmental & Military
  110. Gold Over Silver Business, Ring, Jewelry, Sterling
  111. Grace Orchard School Education, Singapore, Sign
  112. General Operational Sanity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  113. Geocenter Offset and Coordinate Scaling Federal Aviation Administration
  114. Global Observational System
  115. Gosford Airport Airport, Locations
  116. Gruppo Operativo Speciale
  117. Global Observing System (WMO and WWW) Meteorological, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  118. Gojdfields Air Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  119. Goldfields Air Services Service, Flight, Air, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  120. Gower Ornithological Society
  121. General Officers Military, Army, Officer, Staff
  122. Global Observing System Atmospheric Research
  123. Gymnasialen Oberstufe Saar
  124. Good Order'S Sake
  125. General Opthalmic Service Medical
  126. Grupo De Orientação Ao Soropositivo
  127. Gerry Otis Simpson Computing, Telecom
  128. Gowanus Open Studios
  129. General Offer of Service
  130. Guest Operating System Technology, Networking, Virtual
  131. Gadolinium Oxide Sulfur Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  132. Gwent Ornithological Society
  133. Google Operating System Software, Computing
  134. General Ophthalmic Service Medical, Health, Care
  135. Grundsätze Ordnungsmäßiger Speicherbuchführung
  136. Grade of Service Computing, Telecom, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  137. Governments of Sudan
  138. Generalized Observer Scheme
  139. Guest Observers Technology, Presentation, Mission
  140. Gosford, New South Wales, Australia Australia
  141. Gum Opcical Shield Medical
  142. Google Opefation System
  143. Government Offices for The Regions Government, England, Funding
  144. General Ophthalmic Services Medical, Service, Health Care
  145. Grundj
  146. Geospatial One-Stop Geographic
  147. Government Owned Software
  148. Guarantee of Service
  149. Gay Or Straight Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GOS stand for?

    GOS stands for Government Office for Science.

  2. What is the shortened form of Glasgow Outcome Scores?

    The short form of "Glasgow Outcome Scores" is GOS.


GOS. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 8). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gos-meaning/

Last updated