GPIB Meaning

The GPIB meaning is "General-Purpose Interface Bus". The GPIB abbreviation has 20 different full form.

GPIB Full Forms

  1. General-Purpose Interface Bus Technology, Computing, Telecom
  2. General Purpose Instrumentation Bus Technology, Computing, Interface
  3. General Purpose Interface Bus Technology, Computing, Telecom, Industry, Security, Hardware, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  4. General Purpose Instrument Bus Technology, Computing, Interface
  5. General-Purpose Instrument Bus Technology, Computing, Interface
  6. General-Purpose Instrumentation Bus Technology, Computing, Interface, Computer, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  7. Glycoprotein Ib Alpha Medicine, Treatment, Health
  8. Glycoprotein Ib Medical, Technology
  9. General Purpose Instrumental Bus
  10. General Purposes Interface Bus Technology, Standard, Instrument
  11. General Purpose Instruments Bus Technology, Measurement, Instrumentation
  12. General Purpose Interface Board Technology, Science, Manual, Atmospheric Research
  13. Gereja Protestan Di Indonesia Barat Indonesia, Jakarta, Natal
  14. General Purpose Instituteuments Bus Technology
  15. Gereja Protestan Indonesia Barat Indonesia, Jakarta, Liza
  16. Glycoprotein Ib Beta Medicine, Treatment, Health
  17. Gereja Protestan Di Indonesia Bagian Accounting, Indonesia, Jakarta
  18. Gereja Protestan Indonesia Bagian
  19. Gereja Persekutuan Injili Baptis
  20. General Purpose Information/Interface Bus Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GPIB stand for?

    GPIB stands for General Purpose Instrumental Bus.

  2. What is the shortened form of Glycoprotein Ib Alpha?

    The short form of "Glycoprotein Ib Alpha" is GPIB.


GPIB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated