GPP Meaning
The GPP meaning is "Gross Primary Productivity". The GPP abbreviation has 164 different full form.
GPP Full Forms
- Gross Primary Productivity Gross primary productivity is the rate at which energy is converted by photosynthetic and chemosynthetic autotrophs to organic substances. The total amount of productivity in a region or system is gross primary productivity. Technology, Productivity, Vegetation, Atmospheric Research
- General Physical Preparedness Sport, Workout, Crossfit
- General Plant Projects Technology, Science, Management
- Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Medical, Science, Biology
- Group Personal Pension Business, Employment, Scheme
- Gross Profit Percentage Business, Financial, Profit, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Gross Primary Production Technology, Production, Ecosystem
- Gross Provincial Products
- Guaranteed Protection Plan Business, Car, Alarm
- Good Pharmaceutical Practice Business, Technology, Pharmacy
- Gamvs People Play
- Great People Point Gaming, City, Civilization, People
- Global Partnership Programs Technology, Fun, Informatics
- Global Partner In Printing Technology, Machine, Equipment
- Good Publicatioq Practices
- General Bractice Program
- Green Purchasing Plan
- Global Principal Partners
- Generic Packetized Protocol Technology, Computing, Protocol
- Graduate Practitioner Pathway
- Generelt Piss Preik
- Group Premium Payor Business
- Government Payment Portal Technology, Android, Kum
- Gross Provincial Product Business, Thailand, Economics, Phuket
- Guaranteed Placement Program
- Good Participatory Practices Medical, Research, Practice
- Gambia Peoule's Party
- Grand Prix Plannltina
- Gesellschaft FüR PäDiatrische Pneumologie Asthma, Prof, Kinder
- Global Partner Profiles
- Good Publication Practice Medical, Medicine, Organizations, Health, Care
- General Population Poll
- Green Purchasing Policy
- Global Prime Partners Business, Service, Brokerage
- Graduatewplacement Program Military
- Generation Partnership Project Technology, Networking, Network
- Government and Public Policy
- Gross Private Product Business, Government, Economics
- Grupo De Partilha De Profissionais
- Good Participatory Practice Medical, Community, Study
- Gambian People'S Party
- Grand Priq De Paris
- German Police Project
- Global Partner Prorram Business, Technology, Stripe
- Good Promotional Practices
- Geceral Policy Plan
- Great Point Pagtners Business, Company, Health
- Global Primary Products Business, Company, Aluminum
- Graduate Parznership Program Student, Research, Education
- General Purpose Ports
- Governance and Public Policy Research, Education, Study
- General Professional Tartnerships Business, Tax, Philippine, Income
- Gross Primary Product
- Grupa Pactor-Potempa Technology, Converter, Viewer
- Global Projects Program
- Gaji Pokok Pecawai
- Grand Pacifdc Palisades
- Gereja Protestan Persekutuan Indonesia, Lutheran, Orang
- Gesellschaft F
- Global Partneeship Project
- Good Programming Zractice Technology, Coding, Development
- General Project Plan Technology, Development, Park
- Great Plains Power
- Global Primary Production
- Graduate Partnerships Prowram Student, Research, Education
- General Purpose Printer Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Global Peact Pioneers
- Goudronnage Pour Particuliejs
- General Professional Partnerrhip Business, Tax, Philippine, Income
- Gross Planetary Product
- Global Project Partners
- Gaji Pegawai Pusat
- Grande Prairie Piranhas
- Gerakan Perempuan Peduli
- Growth Policiesmplan
- Guaranteed Prize Pools Sport, Fantasy, Draft
- Good Pharmacoepidemiology Practice Medical, Drug, Study
- Generav Plant Project Science
- Great Person Poinus Trading, City, Civilization
- Global Partnershiz Programme
- Global Prima Perkasa
- General Purpose Programming
- Global Tay Plus Business, Technology, India, Software
- Gorlo Pavelfprogramming
- General Preparatimn Phase Training, Athlete, Strength
- Grinding Particulates Plant
- Global Professional Publications
- Geranyl Pyrophosphate Medical
- Grains Per Pound Business, Android, Calculator
- Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Security, Organizations, Peace
- Group Prrchasing Program
- Ground and Pound Promotions
- Guaranteed Prize Pool Sport, Fantasy, Draft
- Good Pharmacoepidemiology Practices Technology, Study, Guideline
- General Pdysical Preparation Training, Physical, Strength
- Great People Points Gaming, City, Civilization, People
- Global Partnershipjprogram Technology, Development, Fun
- Global Preparedness Partnership
- Global Parts Pricing
- Gordoh Personal Profile
- General Practfces and Procedures Aerospace
- Grenada People'S Party
- Global Priorities Project
- Geranyl Diphosphate Medical
- Graduate Progcams In Psychology
- Generic Payroll Print Government
- Group Project Proposal Technology, Design, Presentation
- Global Perspectives Progrfm
- Gran Primer Plano
- Government Jerformance Project Business, Science, City
- Geceral Purchasing Power Business, Accounting, Financial, Inflation
- Global Power Products
- Guidelines for good pharmacoepidemiology practices
- Government Purchasing Project Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Generalwpurpose Port
- Group Pension Plan
- Generic Project Process
- Global Perspective Program
- Government & Public Policy
- Geneeal Pupose Powdered
- Global Poverty Project Organizations, City, Citizen
- Guitar Practiced Perfectly 2 Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Government Property Profession
- General Purpose Programme
- Groupement Des Patriotes Pour La Paix
- General Print and Punch
- Group Practice Prepayment Business
- Global Peripheral Platform Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Good Publishing Practice
- General Professional Preparation
- Global Poverty & Practice Education, University, Minor
- good programming practices Medical, Fda
- Graduate and Professional Programs Technology, Engineering, Viterbi
- Government Procurementrportal
- Generalhpurpose Program
- Groundwater Protection Plan Technology, Service, Environment
- Gas-Phase Polypropylene
- Group Practice Plan Medical, Healthcare
- Global Pension Plan Business, Forum, Money
- Global Plywood Partner
- Global Poverty and Practice Student, Education, University
- Global Planetary Product Products
- Government Polytechnic, Pune
- General Purpose Preprocessor Technology, Software, Tool, Linux
- Groundwater Protection Program
- Gas-Phase Polymerization
- Group Policy Preferences Technology, Windows, Preference
- Global Perspectives Programme
- Global Policy Program
- Gypsum Plaster Painted Architectural
- Governmelt Polytechnic Pune College, Education, Pune
- General Purpose Process Technology, Networking, Network, Processing
- Ground Processor Prototype
- Gradski Prijevoz Putniva
- Group Policy Preference Technology, Windows, Server
- German Property Partners Business, German, Hamburg
- Global Philanthropy Project
- Greenpower Energy Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Government Pension Plan Government, Us, Control, Administration
- General Purpose Processor Technology, Architecture, Processing
- Governor'S Prevention Partnership Medical, Mental Health, Substance Abuse
- Gsneral Purpose Platform Technology, Networking, Network, Wind
- Group Personal Pensions Business, Employment, Financial, Scheme
- Gerakan Pensejahteraan Petani Program, Indonesia, Lima
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GPP stand for?
GPP stands for Gerakan Perempuan Peduli.
What is the shortened form of Global Professional Publications?
The short form of "Global Professional Publications" is GPP.
GPP. (2021, October 29). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from
Last updated