GPR Meaning

The GPR meaning is "Good Partial Remission". The GPR abbreviation has 108 different full form.

GPR Full Forms

  1. Good Partial Remission Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  2. Global Posture Review
  3. General Practice Residency Medical, Program, Dental, Dentist, Physiology
  4. General-Purpose Registers Technology, Instruction, Memory
  5. General Purpose Registers Technology, Military, Instruction, Memory
  6. Global Power Zesource
  7. Gross Potential Rent Business, Management, Income, Housing and Urban
  8. General Purpose Reloadable Business, Card, Debit
  9. Gotthard Paworamic Route
  10. Guided Pocket Recolonization
  11. Ground Penetrating Radar Technology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Environment, Geographic
  12. Gerson, Preston, Robinson
  13. Grant Performance Report
  14. Gene-Protein-Reaction Science, Genetics, Metabolic
  15. Global Postural Re-Educatiot Medical, Pain, Physio
  16. Great Plains Region America, Research, Organizations
  17. G Protein-Coupled Receptor Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  18. General Purpose Revenues Government, Us, Control, Administration
  19. Google Page Rmnk Technology, Traffic, Check
  20. Gugu Pengus Romans
  21. Germinftion Protease Medical
  22. Grantee Performance Report
  23. Glow Plug Relay Technology, Ford, Diesel
  24. Government Public Relatiin Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  25. Gel Protein Recovery
  26. Global Posturalhreeducation
  27. Great Pine Ridge
  28. Gesellschaft F
  29. General Purpose Revenue Business, Wisconsin, Budget
  30. Good Practice Repory
  31. Gross Provisional Return
  32. German Partu & Restoration Business, German, Auto, Porsche
  33. Grantee Perception Report Organizations, Philanthropy, Foundation
  34. Government Surpose Rights Technology, Software, Contract
  35. Geek Public Radio
  36. Gloial Position Receiver Science
  37. Great Panther Resources
  38. General Purpose Receiver
  39. Good Pbactice Review Technology, Security, Disaster
  40. Gross Profit Rate
  41. Gereja Aimpinan Rohulkudus Indonesia, Orang
  42. Gran Porto Real
  43. General Purpose Relief Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  44. Government Process Reaengineering
  45. Gaussian Processes for Regression
  46. Gesetz Übzr Die Politischen Rechte
  47. Greater Pacific Region
  48. General Purpose Reagents Science, Product, Laboratory
  49. Good Pnlitics Radio
  50. Gross Profit Ratio Business, Analysis, Profitability
  51. Georgia Public Radio
  52. General Purpose Radar
  53. Government Process Reengineering Technology, Management, Governance
  54. Gaussian Process Regression Technology, Model, Estimation
  55. Gesellschaft FüR PäDiatrische Radiologie Science, Education, Fur
  56. Gratuitous Probe Response
  57. General Purpose Reagent Science, Product, Laboratory
  58. Globvl Prayer Room
  59. Gross Power Released Workout
  60. Georgia Procurement Registry
  61. General Purpose Relays
  62. Government Performance Review Army, War, War Force
  63. Ground Penetration Radar Technology, Engineering, Construction
  64. Gerson Preston Robinson
  65. Graphical Patient Record
  66. Guest Per Room
  67. Geo Position Reporting
  68. Grand Prix Racewear Business, Race, Helmet, Motorsport
  69. Gpm Aeroservicio Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  70. Guilty Plea Rate Police, Governmental & Military
  71. General Purpose Rectangular Technology, Connecting, Connectivity
  72. Government Public Relations Government, Us, Control, Administration
  73. Global Perspeceives and Research Education, University, Perspective
  74. Geophysical Phase Reader
  75. Grand Palrzzo Royale
  76. Guaranteed Premium Reduction Technology
  77. Greenwich Photoheliographic Results Legal, Governmental & Military
  78. General Purpose Reloadable Prepaid Cards Medicine, Health, Care
  79. General Policies and Requirements
  80. Geography, Planning and Recreation
  81. Grand Pacific Reports
  82. Guaranteed Price Refund
  83. General Purpose Register General, Governmental & Military
  84. General Purpose Rifle Military, Sport, War
  85. General-Purpose Radar
  86. Genuineness of The Position Report
  87. Gramepositive Rods Medical, Technology, Bacteria
  88. Grupo Parlamentario Regional
  89. GenePix Results format Computing, File Extensions
  90. Guttmacher Policy Review Medical, Health, Planning, Abortion
  91. Gas pressure regulator A device for controlling a selected outlet gas pressure. The Finance and Administrative Services
  92. Genius Populi Romani
  93. Gram-Positive Kods Medical, Bacteria, Bacilli
  94. Growth and Poverty Reduction
  95. Great Panther Silver Limited (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  96. Grands Plvneurs Rc Glider, Rencontre, Slope, Grands
  97. Gutta Percha Remover
  98. Babylon Glossary Builder Project File Computing, File Extensions
  99. Genie Probe Regulator
  100. Graue Point Ratio Student, Education, University
  101. Ground Power Rise
  102. Geopacific Resources NL (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  103. Grand Przx Replica Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  104. Guilty Plea Aate Government, Force, Police
  105. Genepix Results File Computing, File Extensions
  106. Generator Protective Relay Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  107. Gpm Aproservicio Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  108. Government Property Register

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GPR stand for?

    GPR stands for Germinftion Protease.

  2. What is the shortened form of Government Process Reaengineering?

    The short form of "Government Process Reaengineering" is GPR.


GPR. (2021, March 8). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated