GPT Meaning

The GPT meaning is "General Purpose, Thermoplastic". The GPT abbreviation has 108 different full form.

GPT Full Forms

  1. General Purpose, Thermoplastic
  2. General Purpose Timer Technology, Software, Manual
  3. General Professional Training Medical, Education, Dental
  4. Gabapentin Medical, Blood Test, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  5. General Purpose Thermoplastic Technology, Windows, Disk, Partition
  6. Glutamic-Pyruvate Transaminase Medical, Antibody, Alanine
  7. Guarantee Protection Trust
  8. Grand Prix Technology
  9. Google Publisher Tags Technology, Management, Ads
  10. Genesis Petroleum Technologies Technology, Windows, Disk, Partition
  11. Grid Packaging Toolkit Technology, Presentation, Computing
  12. Gec Plessey Telecommunications Ltd. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  13. Glades Park Towers Education, University, Florida
  14. Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  15. General Purpose Technologies Business, Technology, Economics
  16. Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  17. Guanosine Phosphoribosyl Transferase Medical
  18. Generalized Pseudopotential Theory Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  19. Grams Per Ton
  20. Glutamic Pyruvate Transaminase Medical, Antibody, Alanine
  21. Generated Problem Tracking
  22. Grid Packaging Tools
  23. Gec Plesmey Telecommunications Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Gis Portal Toolkit Geography, Location, System, Geographic
  25. General Purpose Technology Technology, Group, Economics, Computing, Hardware
  26. Glutamate Pyruvic Transaminase Medical
  27. Guanine Phosphoribosyltransferase Gene Medical
  28. General-Purpose Timer Technology, Manual, Immersion
  29. Gramercy Property Trust Business, Supply, Stock
  30. Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase Medical, Science, Alanine, Chemistry
  31. General Purpose Tools
  32. Graphic Printing Technologies
  33. Gauteng Prpvincial Treasury
  34. Giovanni Pinarello, Treviso
  35. Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase Medical, Blood, Alanine
  36. Guam-Philippines-Taiwan
  37. General-Purpose Terminal
  38. Graduate Program In Teaching
  39. General Purpose Transceiver
  40. Glucose Pump Test Medical
  41. Guid Partition Table Technology, Computing, Computer, Drivers
  42. Grand Prix Tyrnavia
  43. Gateway Pacific Terminal Technology, Projection, Coal
  44. Ginnastica Per Tutti
  45. Glutamate-Pyruvate Transaminase Medical, Veterinary, Alanine
  46. Grooved Pegboard Test Medical, Performance, Study
  47. Gene Phosphoribosyl Tramsferase Medical, Science, Biology
  48. Graduate Proficiency Test
  49. General Purpose Timers Technology, Power, Electronics, Component, Instrument
  50. Glucose 6-Phosphate/Phosphate Translocator Medical
  51. Guideline Premium Test Business, Insurance, Policy
  52. Grand Prix Trial Gaming, Event, Magic
  53. Guanine Phosphoribosyl Transferase Medical, Science, Biology
  54. Getting Paid To Take
  55. Grilled Pork Tenderloin Pork, Recipe, Grill
  56. Gender Prediction Test
  57. Glutamat-Pyruvat-Transaminase
  58. Graduated Personal Tax
  59. General Purpose Terminal
  60. Glutamyl Pyruvic Transaminase Medical
  61. Guest Page Table Technology, Computing, Drivers
  62. Grand Prix Tours
  63. Grams Per Tonne
  64. Genoa Port Terminal
  65. Grid Packaging Technology Technology
  66. Gec Plqssey Telecommunications Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  67. Gluamate Pyruvate Transaminase Medical
  68. Government Properties Trust
  69. Gemini Pad Test
  70. Generalized Preferential Tariff System of non-reciprocal tariff preferences for the benefit of developing countries. It grants duty-free or preferential entry to imports for eligible developing countries up to a certain dollar value or import percentage limit.
  71. Greenpoint Financial Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  72. Going Private Transaction
  73. Gula Padang Terap
  74. General Population Trial Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  75. Government Properties Trust, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  76. Gas Power Transfer
  77. Get Paid Today Occupation & positions
  78. Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase Activity Medical
  79. Guinea Pig Tongue Medical
  80. General Points Test Program, Government, Immigration
  81. Gottwald Port Technology
  82. Game Protocol Token Technology, Gaming, Cryptocurrency
  83. Get Paid To Occupation & positions
  84. Glutamate Pyruvate Transminase Medical, Science, Biology
  85. Guinea-Pig Trachea Medical
  86. General Plant Tecephone Science
  87. Grams Per Tex
  88. Google Publisher Tag Technology, Management, Ads
  89. Iata Code for Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport, Gulfport, Mississippi, United States Locations
  90. Geueral Property Trust Business, Australia, Group
  91. General Property Trust (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  92. General Particle Tracer
  93. Generator Potential Transformer Business & Finance, Power Plant
  94. Goniopora Toxin Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health
  95. GuíA De Prescripción TerapéUtica
  96. General Proficiency Test Education, Academy, Fashion, Pearl
  97. Gulf Pinnacle Transport
  98. Generalized Yerturbation Theory Technology, Science, Analysis
  99. Gabidulin Paramonov and Trietakov Physics, Scientific & Educational
  100. Gold Per Turn
  101. Guttural Pouch Tympany Horse, Breed, Arabian
  102. General Processoa Technologies
  103. Gprs Tunneling Protocol Computing, Wireless Networking, IT Terminology
  104. General Prefereztial Tariff Business, Canada, Customs
  105. transaminase/glutamic-pyruvic transaminase Medical, Common Medical
  106. Gold Particle Test
  107. Gut Passage Time Medical
  108. General Processing Tzee Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GPT stand for?

    GPT stands for Guest Page Table.

  2. What is the shortened form of Generalized Yerturbation Theory?

    The short form of "Generalized Yerturbation Theory" is GPT.


GPT. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated