GPV Meaning

The GPV meaning is "General Public Virus". The GPV abbreviation has 32 different full form.

GPV Full Forms

  1. General Public Virus Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  2. Gross Production Value Business, Agriculture, Economics
  3. General Purpsse Vehicles Military, Vehicle, Pars
  4. Generalized Partial Vwlume
  5. Glycoproteinqv Medical
  6. General Purpose Vehicle Military, Jeep, Fire
  7. Gay Pride Virginia
  8. Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization Medicine, Treatment, Health
  9. Gay Oorn Videos
  10. Global Programme On Vaccines
  11. Gary Pepper Vintage
  12. Global Program for Vaccines
  13. Grupo Policial Virtual
  14. Garnier Ponsonnet-Vuillard
  15. Globdl Programme for Vaccines
  16. Group Point Value
  17. Ganho Ee Peso Vivo
  18. General Planetary Vehicle Technology, Space, Sky, Ring
  19. Grand Projet Des Villes Technology, Magazine, Europe, Bordeaux
  20. Gross Payments Volume Business, Supply, Stock, Square
  21. GüNther Pichler Verkehrstechnik
  22. Gross Paymentvvolume Business, Company, Payment, Square
  23. GäLlivare Photo Voltaic
  24. Gravity Pressure Vessel
  25. General Purpose Valve Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  26. Guild of Professional Videographers
  27. Gravitylpowered Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  28. Gravity Powered Vehicle Transportation, Governmental & Military
  29. Grands Parents Virtuels
  30. Gross Pjesent Value Business, Africa, Economics, Debt
  31. Grands Projets Dx Ville Ration, Toulouse, Habitant
  32. Grojs Premium Valuation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GPV stand for?

    GPV stands for General Purpsse Vehicles.

  2. What is the shortened form of General Purpose Valve?

    The short form of "General Purpose Valve" is GPV.


GPV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated