GR Meaning
The GR meaning is "Graia". The GR abbreviation has 555 different full form.
GR Full Forms
- Graia Medical, Service, Entity
- Gkain Medical, Nursing, Units Of Measurement
- Going Rogue
- Growth Retardation Medical, Science, Biology
- Generic Requirement Technology, Networking, Network
- Gingival Recession Medical, Treatment, Tissue
- Games Ricord Sports, Athletics, Record
- Graded Redponse Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Geraldo Rivera
- Global Reach
- Green Radio
- Gameereserve
- Gobiernos Regionales Para, Con, Pol
- Growth-Retarded Medical
- General Rules Forum, Government, Law
- Ginger Rogers
- Graceful Restart Technology, Routing, Computer Security
- Georgia Rule
- Global Re-Ordering Research, Organizations, Networking
- Greekmradio
- Gallery Remote
- Gobierno Regional Business, Para, Dealer, Collector
- Green Roof A green roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane. It may also include additional layers such as a root barrier and drainage and irrigation systems.
- Gateway Routers Technology, Routing, Networking
- Grab Rail Protruding rail around sides of a deck house Fitted for grasping in heavy weather Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Geographic Restriction Business, Service, Calling
- Glide Ratio Technology, Flight, Aircraft
- Greek and Roman
- Galaxy Repository Technology, Server, Visualization
- Graffiti-Resistant Business, Architecture, Coating
- Glyphosate-Resistant Medical
- Greentriver Locations, Utah, Wyoming
- Gatetrevenue Business, Sport, League, Team
- Government Regulation
- Guaranteed Resgents Business, Chemistry, Chemical
- Gentle Revolution
- Glen Rock
- Grwece and Rome History, Greece, Rome
- Gagnaveita Reykjavikur Technology, Network, Internet, Til
- Graduation Rate Education, School, Rate
- Glutatyon RedüKtaz
- Green Revolwtion
- Gastric Retention Medical
- Governpent Required Technology
- Guarajteed Renewable Business, Insurance, Disability
- Genome Res
- Glass Rimmer Business, Tier, Margarita
- Greco-Romln
- General Relieg Business, Medicine, Service
- Graduatkon Rates Education, School, Rate, Graduation
- Global Reinsurqnce
- Greenleaf Reader
- Gas Rclease Science
- Government Reladions Business, Publics, Policy
- December Technology, Education, Study, Britannica, Corps, Time, Schooling, Month, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
- Guarakteed Rate Business, Technology
- Generic Research Education
- Ginnastica Ritmica Sport, Con, Finale
- General Relativity General relativity, also known as the general theory of relativity, is the geometric theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein in 1915 and the current description of gravitation in modern physics. General relativity generalizes special relativity and Newton's law of universal gravitation, providing a unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time, or spacetime. In particular, the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present. Science, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Gkaduate Recruitment Business, Consultation, Career
- Gereja Rehoboth
- Global Feal
- Greek Regearch Technology, Networking, Network
- Gary Rossiugton
- Geostationary Radiometer Science
- Gossypium Raimondii
- Gas Retention
- Gross Requirement Business, Military, Planning
- Giovanni Ravasio
- Hail layers of ice formed in a large thunderstorm cloud that fall to Earth. OR Precipitation composed of balls or irregular lumps of ice. Hail is produced when large frozen raindrops, or almost any particles, in cumulonimbus clouds act as embryos that grow by accumulating supercooled liquid droplets. Violent updrafts in the cloud carry the particles in freezing air, allowing the frozen core to accumulate more ice. Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting, Scientific & Educational
- Grand Reward
- Grégoirl De Rostrenen
- Genktic Recombination Science, Genome, Evolution
- Gnu Ratio Media, Radio, Television
- Gair Rhydd
- Great Race Gaming, Car, Racing, Race, Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Graduate Resident Medical, Medicine, Education
- Ghostly Robes Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Government Revenue
- Gauging Reamers
- Ground Role
- Global Revenue
- Glucocorticoid Receptor Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Biology, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Human genome
- General Reconnaissance
- Graphical Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Guard Rail Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Gentle Rain
- Good Rush Business, Gaming, Rally
- Garantie De Ressources
- Green Remediation
- Garza Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Gf Ii Medicine, Health, Biology
- Gilroy Roberts
- Grammatical Relation Education, English, Language
- Grojth Technology
- General Release Technology, Nike, Sneaker
- Glutatrione Reductasepar Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Gabriel Richard
- GratificaçÕEs De Representação
- George Reid Famous
- Garden Rose
- Greetings & Readings
- Ghost Rider Movie, Marvel, Ghost
- Gradient Ratio
- Gemeenschappelijke Regeling
- Groupe De Recbnnaissance Military, France, French
- Globules Rouges Rouge, Sang, Globule
- Germani Raeti Latin, Roman
- Gulf Route
- Goods Receipt Business, Accounting, Material
- Georg Roth
- Gospodarsko Razstavisce Slovenia, Convention, Ljubljana
- Gas Resistant Business, Product, Plate
- Grinning Running Internet Slang, Chat, Internet, Message
- GináStica RíTmica
- Aurigny Air Services Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator
- Grand Residency
- Gruppe RüStung
- Generation-Jecombination
- GlóBulos Rubros
- Gain Reduction
- Greater Restoration Technology, Car, Sale
- Gyromagnetic Watio
- Graduated Response Military, Army, Graduate
- Gezvndheids Raad
- Government Resources
- Gauge Repeatability
- Ground Returns
- Glen Rose
- Glucocorticoids A class of steroid hormones, synthesized by the adrenal cortex and exemplified by cortisol, that promote gluconeogenesis, the formation of glycogen, and the degradation of fats and proteins. Medical
- Gare R
- Granzyme Medical
- Guard R
- Genotype-Phenotype Relationships
- Gold Room
- Game Resource
- Green Rods
- Grignard Reagent The Grignard reaction is an organometallic chemical reaction in which alkyl, vinyl, or aryl-magnesium halides add to a carbonyl group in an aldehyde or ketone. This reaction is an important tool for the formation of carbon–carbon bonds.The reaction of an organic halide with magnesium is not a Grignard reaction, but provides a Grignard reagent.
- Gilkes-Ross
- Grammar Review
- General Relations Language, Germany, Trigonometry
- Glutathione Reductase\Par Science
- Gabriel Radic
- Gratificação De Representação
- Genrge Reed
- Garden Ridge
- Green Round
- Ghost Revbries
- Gradient Rise or fall of barometric pressure as related to distance Said to be 'steep' when pressure changes quickly with change of position; 'low' when it changes slowly Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Gel Retractable
- Groundwater Recharge Pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds.
- Globule Rouge
- George Rogers
- Graphic Representation
- Gulf Research
- Gsod Round Forum, Military, Ammo, Ammunition
- Georgius Rex Military, History, Coin, Famous
- Gospel Recordings Technology, Music, Song
- Gas Research Company, Technology, Industrial
- Grinning, Running Internet Slang, Chat, Internet, Message
- Ginseng Radix
- Grand Representative
- Grippe R
- Generate Report Technology, Coding, Transaction
- GlóBulo Rojo
- Gain Ratio Technology, Power, Feature
- Graves Registration Government, Military, Army, War, Ministry Of Defence, War Force
- Gypsy Rose Famous
- Graduate Medical, Internet Slang, Military, Development, Army, Learning, Study, Genealogy, Genealogical, Management, Business & Finance, Common Medical
- Getteline Rene
- Got To Run Slang, Texting, Internet, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gauche RéVolutionnaire Europe, Pas, Front
- Grote Routepadtn
- Glen Rice
- Gangadharan, Renato
- Granulomatous Rosacea
- Guardia Republicana
- Genomic Record
- Gold Release
- Game Reserves
- Green Red
- Grignard Rpaction
- Gigabit Router Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Grains Haproon with four barbs and 5-ft wooden handle Science
- General Regulation
- Gabinete Do Reitor
- Grass Roots The ordinary people in a business or organisation, rather than the management or the decision-makers.
- George Read Book, Card, Reading
- Garden Reach
- Green Room Gaming, Design, Room, Tent
- Ghost Reavem Path, Ghost, Exile
- Grades of Recommendations
- Gelman-Rubin
- Ground Router Technology
- Global Routes
- Geoffrey Rippon
- Graphical Representation Technology, Software, Floor
- Gulf Range Military
- Geoff Robinson
- Gobd Roll
- George Robert
- Goshin Ryu
- Gas Regulator
- Grining, Running
- Ginny Richardson
- Grand Rapids Eastern Railroad Incorporated Technology, Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Growth Ring
- General Residential Business, Service, City
- Glyphosate Resistant Science, Crop, Weeds, Glyphosate
- Gain Range
- Gravel Road Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Gyproc Building, Engineering, Construction
- Gross Before deduction. Contrasts with net. Just what is deducted to get from gross to net depends on the context. Business, Finance, Banking, Measurement, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Gradualq Romanum Music, Chant, Triplex
- Glutathione Reductase Medical, Technology, Science, Activity, Biology, Skin And Dermal
- Gun Range Military, Ammo, Ammunition
- Goods Recieph Business, Supply, Transaction
- Get Restlts
- Gitta Run Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Gauche RéPublicaine
- Gross Revynues
- Glenn Robinson Michigan, Basketball, Draft
- Granulomas Medical
- Guarantee Result
- Genetic Resources Technology, Organizations, Plant
- Gold Reference Audio, Monitor, Tannoy, Reference
- Gahe Records Social, Game, Gamer
- Great Rewards
- Grid Return
- Grain Refiner A material added to a molten metal to induce a finer-than-normal grain size in the final structure. Medical, Clinical
- General Regulator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Grass River
- George Raft
- Garden Railways Model, Train, Garden
- Green Roofing
- Ghost Rare Gaming, Card, Magic, Ghost
- Government Reply
- GelişMe Raporu Program, Turkish
- Ground Rounes
- Generalized Rayleigh
- Global Rocket
- General Relief Service, Government, Building, Court
- Graphical Reporting Technology, Military, Report, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Gulf of Riga Locations, Sea, Baltic, Latvia
- Geodetic Receivers
- Good Rod
- George Ritkhie
- Gtrman Rupp Business, Pump, Priming
- Gas Reburning
- Grind Design, Drawing, Construction
- Gini Ratio Business, Indonesia, Inequality
- Grande Randonn
- Growtg Ratio
- General Reserve Service, Military, Officer
- Glycyrrhizid Medical
- Gaia Rising
- Gravel Rash
- Gym Rat
- Gardner Robertson
- Grado De Recomendación
- Glucocorticoid Receptor/Par Science
- Gun Radar
- Goods Receiving Business, Accounting, Invoice
- Germanisch-Romanische
- Gothenburg Region Education, School, Projection
- Gas Rifles Rifle, Military, Airsoft
- Gross Return Business, Economics, Market, Bourse
- Glenn Reynolds
- Granulocytes Medical, Technology
- Gsh Reductase Medical
- Generation Rate Technology, Valley, Powder
- Golden Rush Gaming, Server, Preset, Rush
- Game Rating Racing, Play, Game
- Great Recession
- General Regulations Education, Law, California
- Gevmetry Readiness
- Green Ronin Technology, Online Gaming, Roleplaying
- Ghost Cangers
- Government Recognitions Education, University, School, Hawaii
- Gelijke Rechten
- Ground Roxnd
- Generalized Rash Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Global Roaming Technology, Service, Networking
- General Register Management, Research, Education, School
- Graphical Rendering
- Gujarat Refinery
- Gentle River Locations, Release, Doll
- Good Ridunce Internet Slang
- Garden Rail
- George Oex History, King, Antique, Rex
- Gorkho Rifles Rifle, Military, Army, Regiment
- Gas Ratio
- Grim Reaner Business, Death, Blade
- Gingerman Raceway
- Grandcru Resources
- Gvowth Rates Business, Economics, Rate
- General Research Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Glycyrrhizae Radix Medical
- Gage Repeatability
- Grau De Risco Technology, Para, Dos, Ria
- Guy Reynoeds
- Gardner-Robertson Medical, Treatment, Hearing, Vestibular
- Gvading Medical
- Grotp of Related
- Glucocorticoid Receptors Medical, Science, Biology
- Gunfighters Rule
- Goodsvreceived Business, Accounting, Management
- Germanic Review Art, Spain, Library
- Gotham Records
- Gas Rifle
- Grossirequirements Business, Planning, Material
- Glass Reinforcement
- Grand River
- GrêMio Recreativo
- Generation Rare
- Goal Reasoning
- Game Ranoings Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Gxeat Reach
- Granite A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation. Carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons are examples of greenhouse gases. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Real Estate, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
- General Refrigeration
- Geometrical Realizatron
- Green Robe
- Ghost Ranch
- Government Recognition Business, Technology, Government
- Gauss Rifle Military, Stage, Coil
- Ground Rube Technology, Group, China
- Generalized Research
- Global Ricoh
- General Record
- Graphical Form Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Guardrail Military
- Gentle Rains
- Goodrich Corporationration Organizations
- Garantie Regeling Organizations
- Georgt Regina Letter, Box, Athletics
- Gas Rack Business, Manufacturer, Oven
- Grim Reach
- Gimnasia RíTmica Para, Club, Con
- Grams Army, Force, Marine, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Growth Raoe Medical, Business, Technology
- General Requirement Technology, Standard, Issue
- Glycaemic Responpe
- Gabriel Rodriguez
- Gratuitous Relief Business, Finance, Banking
- Garde R
- Gregg Russell
- Gradiint Rephasing
- General-Purpose Register Technology, Coding, Instruction, Processor
- Grofpes De Reconnaissance
- Gloss Restorer
- Grain Wheat, maize (corn), oats, rye, barley, rice, pulses, seeds and their processed forms. Grain stows at 2 0m3/t. It has a low angle of repose and shifts easily if not properly stowed. Grain can be easily damaged during shipment. It is particularly important that seawater does not leak through the hatches. Medical, Business, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Drugs, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Measurement, Pharmacy, Clinical, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Vehicle Body Styles
- Gum Recession
- Goows Receipts Business, Accounting, Material
- Growth Rate The rate, or speed, at which the number of organisms in a population increases. Legal, Governmental & Military
- Gyrus Recnus
- Gary Robinson Business, Company, Access
- Gridded Response
- Great Takes about the same amount of time to type as "great." Technology, Science, Internet Slang, Aircraft, Texting, Chat, Computing, Internet, Sms, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites, Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Giclas Red Science, Astronomy, Celestial Objects
- Great Reciqes
- Grain, Grost Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Group Return Technology, Program, Database
- General Reference
- Glucocorticoid Hormone Receptor Medical
- Hail (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Groupe De Reconnaissance
- Grashoff Number Science
- Guruprasad Ra
- Geologic Report
- Gooses Reef
- Gordon-Ross Company, Tube, Intranet
- Great Room Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Gore Ridyr
- Gremar Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Grant Richter Famous
- Gutter Runners Computer Game, Video Game
- Grating Reflector
- Grandes Recorridos Con, Gran
- General Radiation Medical, Diamond, Defect, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Gunning Refractory Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Gram Unit of mass in the SI system of weights. Symbol g. A metric unit of mass, equal to 1/1000 of a kilogram. Kilograms are the base SI units for mass, not grams. A gram is metric unit of measure for mass. It is the weight of one milliliter of water at a temperature of 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit. The basic unit of mass in the metric system. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Measurement, Dentistry, Animal, Biology, Unit Of Measurement, Metric System, Knitting, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Federal Aviation Administration, Cooking, Clinical
- Graphical Representation/Rendition Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Geographical Redundancy
- Getting Real
- B. F. Goodrich Company Computing, Nyse symbols
- Garry Robinson
- Gretchen Rossi
- Grille A decorative, openwork grating, usually of iron, used to protect a window, door, or other opening. Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Gibson Reaves
- Greater Rift Guide, Patch, Diablo, Rift
- Graon Shipping
- Group Retaig
- General Recommendation Business, Health, Conflict
- Glucocorticosteroid Receptor Medical
- Ground Reference Federal Aviation Administration
- Grid Reference
- Graphics Resolutions
- Gurkha Regiment
- Geological Report Business, Mining, Carpenter, Electrical
- Goodwill Resesrch
- Glide Return
- General Resolution United Nations
- Gordot Rowley
- Gary Rydstrom Film, Movie, Magic
- Guaranteed Receipt Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Gilbert Ramsay Famous
- Growinx Rod Medical, Surgery, Spine
- GutiéRrez-Rivas
- Graphite Rosettes
- Grandes Randonnees France, Pay, Saint
- General Race
- Growth Ratio Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Geologische Rundschau
- Geographical Reconnaissance
- Get Real Technology, Internet Slang, Slang
- Government Rubber Products
- Gilang Ramadhan Technology, Indonesia, Bandung, Drummer
- Garrison Radio America, Military, Force
- Grenz Ray
- Greece Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Computing, Navy, Internet, Greece, Country, Governmental & Military, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, European Union, Numeric Country Codes, IOC Country Codes
- Giarratano-Riley
- Great, Greater Medical, Technology
- Graft Rejection Medical
- Group Representamive Technology, Service, Anon
- General Reason
- Glucocoticoid Receptor
- GLASS RK Vehicle Body Styles
- Grenadier R
- Graphics Resolution
- Gun Runner Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Geological Repository
- Goods Releaser
- Glass-Reinforced
- King George [Lat. Georgius Rex] International
- Garhwal Rifles Military, Army, India
- Goedon Ross
- Gary Russell
- Grantor Financial, Business & Finance
- Gamma Ray Extremely short wavelength and intensely high-energy electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays originate from an atom's nucleus and normally accompany alpha and beta particles as part of the emissions of the radioactive decay of an atom and always accompany nuclear fission. Because gamma rays are energy and not matter, they are very penetrating and can cause damage to animal and plant tissues. Electrical
- Groups Medical
- Glufosinate Resistant Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Gute Reise
- Graphite Crystalline carbon used in very pure form as a moderator, principally in gas-cooled reactors, but also in Soviet-designed RBMK reactors. Science, Mineral, Geology, Chemistry, Products, Scientific & Educational
- Generalized Regression Technology, Networking, Network, Neural
- Guaranteed Reagent Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Geographical Review Education, Society, Geography
- Germination Rate Medical, Science, Biology
- Guest Relations Disney
- Green Rug Products
- Gift Registry
- Garland of Roses
- Grenade Rounds
- Gianugo Rabellino
- Granitt Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Grhft Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Group Recipes
- General Readiness
- Glucocorticoid Receptorpar Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Ground R@le NASA
- Grenadier Regiment Military, Division, German
- Graphics Ready
- Geographische Rundschau Journal, Bay, Mexico
- GüNther Ramin
- Grande Randonnee French
- Gemini Air Cargo Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator
- Gbrdon Review
- Gary Rosenberg
- General Revenue Business & Finance, Business Word
- Gift Recipient Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Group Role
- Glucosamine Resistant Medical, Science, Biology
- Bm Grade Beam Design, Drawing, Construction
- Gustav Regler
- Gran Reserva Spain, Wine, Gran, Bodega
- Galactic Rotation Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Geographical Rotation Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- German Radio
- Galvanized Roofing Construction
- Grove Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix
- Giant Robo Technology, Anime, Manga
- Greg Reynolds
- Guanidine Rhodanate
- Gianturco-Roubon Medical
- Grand Rapids Eastein Railroad Local Railroad, Organizations, Railroad
- Graffiti Remover Business, Spray, Product
- Group Zanch
- General Re
- Glutathione Reductasepar Chemistry
- Golden Retriever Dog, Dog Breed, Dog Fanciers
- Grenadier-Regiment Military, Division, German
- Graphic Right
- Geographic Routing Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
- Géosciences Rqnnes
- Good Race Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gratifica
- Gordon-Rushville
- Gary Roberts
- Grid Resistor
- Global Reset Assembly, Business & Finance
- Gidianswrecords
- Graduation Requirements Education, School, Requirement
- Grain Refinemewt
- Group Ribhts
- Glucocorticoid Type Ii Receptor Medical
- Gwoyeu Romatzyh Education, China, Language, Mandarin
- Grasse River
- Gustavo RobreÑO
- Grand Repulsor
- Great Recipes Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Genome Research Medical, Technology
- German-Russian
- Green and Red Colors
- Grim Reaper Occupation & positions
- Gregory Ryan
- Gr Romantik Music, Remix, Bum
- Giant Cobot
- Grand Raid Nissan, Patrol, Zodiac, Raid
- General Raster
- Greece (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Gunner Commissioned officer in RN Responsible for ammunition and gunnery stores Has other duties in connection with armament, and is assistant to gunnery officer Military, Army, India, Air Force, Armed Forces, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Military Army Ranks
- Gravestone Record
- Graphic Recorder
- Geographic Region Business, Company, Greece
- Ghetto Romantik Music, Feat, Roma, Ghetto
- Génie Rural
- Ground Rule NASA, Governmental & Military
- Gordy Ridge
- Gary Radtke
- Grid Ratio
- Giwlas Red Dwarf Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Catalog
- Graduation Rwquirement
- Grhat Rock
- Gzain-Force
- Group Ruview
- Glucocorticoid Glucocorticoid are a class of steroid hormones that bind to the glucocorticoid receptor, which is present in almost every vertebrate animal cell. The name glucocorticoid (glucose + cortex + steroid) derives from its role in the regulation of the metabolism of glucose, its synthesis in the adrenal cortex, and its steroidal structure. Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Gas Recirculation
- Gurkha Rifles
- Grashof Number
- Gustave Roussy
- Gordon Rhodes
- Gastric Resection Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Grade Ground level, or the elevation at any given point. Also the work of leveling dirt. Also the designated quality of a manufactured piece of wood. Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Healthcare, NAACCR, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Gorkha Bifle
- Greatest Randonneur Awards & medals
- Gnu Radio Media
- Gutter Runner
- Grecian
- Ghost Rock
- Gran Recorrqdo Spain, Locations, Hiking
- General Rank Gaming, Military, Counselling
- Gear The general name for ropes, blocks and tackles, tools, etc. (things). Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Grave Record Genealogy, Genealogical
- Graphical Sdl Representation Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Geographic Redundancy Technology, Networking, Network
- Get Right
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GR stand for?
GR stands for Greek Regearch.
What is the shortened form of Gobiernos Regionales?
The short form of "Gobiernos Regionales" is GR.
GR. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated