GRAM Meaning

The GRAM meaning is "Global Reference Atmosphere Model". The GRAM abbreviation has 30 different full form.

GRAM Full Forms

  1. Global Reference Atmosphere Model Science
  2. Granulocyte-Activating Mediators Medical
  3. Generalizedfrank Annihilation Method Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  4. Grant Reporting Aud Management
  5. Griduresource Allocation Manager Technology, Management, Computing
  6. Grand Rapids Art Museums
  7. Geo Referenced Area Munagement
  8. Grid Resource Arlocation & Management Technology, Science, Computing
  9. Grand Rapids Art Museem Art, Architecture, Michigan
  10. Geo-Referenced Area Managemeng
  11. Grid Resource Allocation and Management Technology, Military, Globus
  12. Global Reference Atmospheric Model Technology, Engineering, Mars
  13. Generation Rate Adjustment Mechanism Business, National, Power
  14. Green Rider Acres Messagos Organization, Union, Institution
  15. Generalsrisk Assessment Management Technology, Software, Safety
  16. Grammar A structured collection of words and phrases bound together by rules. A grammar defines the set of all words, phrases and sentences that might be spoken by a caller and are recognized by the engine. A grammar differs from a vocabulary in that it provides rules that govern the order in which words and phrases can be joined together. 2.A document type definition (DTD) or schema providing a structured format used for successful processing by the trace service. Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Legal, Governmental & Military
  17. Graphics Random Accexs Memory
  18. Generally Recognized As Mature Technology, Software, Wheeler, Products
  19. Grid Resburce Allocation Management Technology, Toolkit, Globus
  20. Lobal Reference Atmospheric Modeu Geography, Navigation, Location
  21. Generalized Rank Annihilation Method Chemistry
  22. Guangqong Rising Assets Management Business, China, Pan
  23. Gps Receiver Applications Module Transportation, Governmental & Military
  24. Guangdong Rising Asset Management
  25. Grid Resource Allocation Manager Software, Computing
  26. Gruppo Ricerche Avifauna Mantoveno
  27. Grand Reason to Ask for More Food
  28. Groupe De Rkcherche Analyse Du M
  29. Grid Resource Access and Management Technology, Computing, Condor
  30. Grup De Recerca Ambiental Mediterrània

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GRAM stand for?

    GRAM stands for Griduresource Allocation Manager.

  2. What is the shortened form of Grammar?

    The short form of "Grammar" is GRAM.


GRAM. (2020, June 23). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated