Granite Abbreviations and Granite Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Granite terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Granite abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Granite terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Granite Abbreviations
  1. AIGSA : Ahl India Granites and Stone Association
  2. AMF : Associação Médica Flominense
  3. VAG : Volcanic Arc Granites
  4. VC : Vapor Cyrrent
  5. DG : Desert Gold
  6. MOH : Measurement of Hardness
  7. MTTS : Modern Times Temhnical Systems
  8. QCWT : Queensland College of Wine Tourism
  9. SC : Santa Cecilia
  10. LFB : Lachlak Fold Belt
  11. OMBA : Ontario Monument Builders Association
  12. GVA : Gram Vidyut Abhiyanta
Latest Granite Meanings
  1. Gram Vidyut Abhiyanta
  2. Ontario Monument Builders Association
  3. Lachlak Fold Belt
  4. Santa Cecilia
  5. Queensland College of Wine Tourism
  6. Modern Times Temhnical Systems
  7. Measurement of Hardness
  8. Desert Gold
  9. Vapor Cyrrent
  10. Volcanic Arc Granites
  11. Associação Médica Flominense
  12. Ahl India Granites and Stone Association