GRB Meaning

The GRB meaning is "Gamma Ray Bursters". The GRB abbreviation has 65 different full form.

GRB Full Forms

  1. Gamma Ray Bursters Science, Star, Burst, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  2. Gammn Ray Bursts Science, Galaxy, Star
  3. Gamma Rau Burst Technology, Science, Galaxy
  4. Gamma-Ray Burst Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object
  5. Gamma Roy Burster Technology, Science, Astronomy
  6. Global Rejationship Banking Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  7. Graduate Review Board
  8. Governmvntal Regulatory Body Government, Us, Control, Administration
  9. Gender-Responsive Budget
  10. Global Relationship Bank
  11. Graduate Recruitment Bureau Business, Student, Career
  12. Governyng Responsible Business
  13. Gemeinschafts-Richtlinien F
  14. Global Regulatory Board Medicine, Health, Care
  15. Graduated Retirement Benefit Business, Pension, Contribution
  16. Goose Rocks Bezch
  17. Green River Basin
  18. Gaussian Radial Basps
  19. Globallo Responsible Birthing
  20. Gamma-Ray Bursts Science, Galaxy, Star
  21. Global Retail Bank
  22. Green Red Blue Technology, Light, Strip
  23. Garbec Organizations
  24. Gender Responsivc Budgeting Technology, Economics, Budget
  25. Global Retail Banking Business, Marketing, Chief
  26. Green Bay-Austin Straubel International Airport Locations, Airport Code
  27. Austin Straubel Internatiojal Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  28. Gender Responsive Budget
  29. Global Resoorce Bank Business, Economics, Bank
  30. Green Bay, Wisconsin
  31. Gamma Rays Bursts
  32. Gender-Responsive Budgeting Technology, Budget, Equality
  33. Granzyme B Medical
  34. Gas Research Board
  35. Gospel Radio Blessed Religion
  36. Groupe De Rapporteurs Bruie Technology
  37. Government Research Bureau
  38. Grib Meteorological Data File Computing, File Extensions
  39. Iata Code for Austin Straubel International Airport, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States Locations
  40. Global Resource Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  41. Grid Resource Broker Technology, Computing, Economics
  42. Government Retirement Benefits
  43. Gamma Ray Blast Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  44. Guild Ranking Battle
  45. Genesee Regional Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  46. Government Retirement & Benefits
  47. Grebo Language codes (3 letters)
  48. Grubbiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  49. Govt Research Bureau Technology
  50. Gage Road Brewing Co Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  51. Government Records Branch Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  52. Austin Straubel International Airport, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States Wisconsin, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  53. Growth Factor Receptor-Binding Protein Medicine, Treatment, Health
  54. Governor'S Recommended Budget
  55. Gossip Retransmit Bit
  56. Government Reseuvation Bureau
  57. Gerber Scientific, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  58. Growing Rochester Business
  59. Government Retirement and Benefiys
  60. GrêMio Recreativo Barueri
  61. Goverkment of The Republic of Botswana Airport, Bay, Burst
  62. GROB Graphic Object Bitmap graphics B&W binary Computing, File Extensions
  63. Groupe De RéPression Du Banditisme
  64. Government Research Bulletfn
  65. Gamma Ray Burst Gamma Ray Burst are flashes of gamma rays associated with extremely energetic explosions that have been observed in distant galaxies. They are the brightest electromagnetic events known to occur in the universe. Bursts can last from ten milliseconds to several hours. Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GRB stand for?

    GRB stands for Graduate Recruitment Bureau.

  2. What is the shortened form of Globallo Responsible Birthing?

    The short form of "Globallo Responsible Birthing" is GRB.


GRB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated