GRM Meaning

The GRM meaning is "Geopotential Research Mission". The GRM abbreviation has 84 different full form.

GRM Full Forms

  1. Geopotential Research Mission Science, Research, Atmosphere, Atmospheric Research
  2. General Relationship Model Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  3. Gross Rent Multiplier Business, Property, Mortgage, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Business Word
  4. Sri Lanka Muslim Congress Government, Military, Group, Politics
  5. Gross Rents Multiplier
  6. Global Range Missile
  7. Gulf Research Meeting Business, University, Economics
  8. Graham Organizations
  9. Government of The Republic of Mozambique
  10. Groupe De Recherche Musicale Music, Jean
  11. General Relativistic Model Space, Study, Cosmos
  12. Grant Reporting and Monitoring
  13. Gross Rent Multipliers
  14. Glenbeigh Records Management Business, Ireland, Storage
  15. Guitare Rouge Music
  16. Graded Reflectivity Mirrors Laser, Mirror, Resonator
  17. Government of The Republic of Mali
  18. Groupe De Recherche Musicales Technology, France, Music
  19. Global Research Marketing Business, Para, Peru
  20. Grievance Redress Mechanisms
  21. General Regression Models Technology, Analysis, Statistics
  22. Gradual Reduction Method
  23. Gross Rent Muliplier
  24. Gina Rae Michaels
  25. Governance Risk Management
  26. Group De Recherches Musicales Technology, Music, Sound, Ariel
  27. Global Request Manager
  28. Generalized Regression Model
  29. Graded Response Model Science, Theory, Statistics
  30. Gravity Research Mission Science
  31. Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift
  32. Governance and Risk Management
  33. Group Risk Management Business, Technology, Analytics
  34. Global Relationship Management
  35. Galveston Railroad Museum Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  36. Government Resources Management Military
  37. Grass Roots Marketing
  38. Gerakan Revolusi Mental
  39. Ground Risk Management
  40. Global Registry Manager Politics, Europe, Eurostat
  41. Gallop, Rub, Murmur Medical, Technology
  42. Government Reference Model Technology
  43. General Resource Manager
  44. Grapevine Racing Motors Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  45. Grand Marais/Cook County Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  46. Gross Revenue Multiplier
  47. Global Realty Marketing
  48. Groupe De Recherches Musicales Technology, Music, Recherche
  49. Government Revenue Management Business, Service, Software
  50. Group Reset Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  51. General Research Meeting
  52. Grants & Reporting Manager
  53. Guest Relations Manager Business, Management, Hotel
  54. Gospel Rescue Mission
  55. Global Resource Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  56. Global Resources Corporation Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  57. Guard Rail Marketing Management, Marketing, Trade, Business & Finance
  58. Circuit Group Supervision Message Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  59. Good Registration Management
  60. Geopotential Research Mission (usa Satellite) Chemistry
  61. Guarantee Records Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  62. Goa River Marathon Sport, Locations, Event
  63. Devils Track, Grand Marais, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  64. Guilin Rubber Machinery
  65. Geodetic Reference Model
  66. Gruppe Revolutionärer Marxisten
  67. Global Rubber Marking
  68. NASA Gravity Satellite (U.S.) Legal, Governmental & Military
  69. Guided, Rockeye Munition
  70. Generalized Rouse Model
  71. Gruppe Revolutionäre Marxisten
  72. Global Risk Management
  73. Gleneil Roseman Music Music
  74. Guest Relations Marketing Management, Marketing, Trade
  75. Gotong Royong Masyarakat Technology, Indonesia, Bhakti
  76. Nasa Gravity Satellite United States Science, Exploration
  77. Grundfos Remote Management
  78. Global Retail Markets
  79. Great Radio Modifier Media
  80. Guest Relationship Management Business, Hotel, Software
  81. Gospel Rescue Ministries Ministry, Shelter, Gospel
  82. GüTegemeinschaft FüR Die Reinigung Von Metallfassaden Product, Aluminium, Coating
  83. Global Resource Management Business, Company, Research
  84. Geospatial Resource Management Management, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GRM stand for?

    GRM stands for Global Resources Corporation Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]).

  2. What is the shortened form of Gravity Research Mission?

    The short form of "Gravity Research Mission" is GRM.


GRM. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from

Last updated