GRP Meaning
The GRP meaning is "Gastrin Releasing Peptide". The GRP abbreviation has 171 different full form.
GRP Full Forms
- Gastrin Releasing Peptide Science, Antibody, Receptor
- Grasslands Reserve Program Business, Government, Conservation
- Gross Rating Point Business, Marketing, Rating, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Glass Reinforced Polypropylene Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Grassland Reserve Program Agriculture, Conservation, Reserve
- Glass Reinforced Plastics Technology, Military, Product
- Glass Reinforced Plastic A combination of thin fibres of glass in various forms which, when mixed with resin cures to produce a hard, strong and chemically inert material. Military, Product, Army, Electrical, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Medical, Antibody, Receptor, Chemistry
- Glass-Reinforced Plastics Business, Technology, Product
- Gross Rating Poihts Business, Media, Advertising
- Giant Reinforced Plastic Business, Industrial, Plastic, Sharjah
- Gravitational Relativistic Physics Technology
- Geographic Reference Point Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Governor'S Reorganization Plan
- Gender Responsive Planning
- Group Reference Pilot Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Glass Fibre Reinnforced Polyester Technology
- Global Resources Program
- Grant Review Patels
- Geographical Routing Protocol
- Guided Reading Procedure
- Grupo De Reacci
- Good Recruitment Practice
- Gateway Review Crocess
- Grassroots Recreatihnal Program
- Gigabit Route Processor Technology, Routing, Cisco
- Generation Research Program Medical, Mindfulness
- Government Religious Preference
- Gender Responsivx Policing
- Group File Technology, Computing, Extension
- Glassfibre Reinforced Polyester
- Global Resilience Partnership Development, Organizations, Climate
- Grant Review Panel Medical, Research, Education
- Geographical Reference Points Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Graduate Research Project Medical, Education, Master
- Grupo De Reacción Policial Para, Con, Finca
- Gonadotropin Releasing Peptide
- Gastroenterology Research and Practice
- Grassroots Party Organizations
- Gibraltar Reform Party
- General Routing Proplem
- Government Resources Planning Business, Management, Balance
- Gender Recognition Ponel Law, Gender, Transsexual
- Greez Roof Professionals Business, Design, Building
- Glassfibre Reinforced Plastics Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Global Research Priorities
- Granj Research Programme
- Gentoo Reference Platform Technology, Linux, Package, Computing, Hardware, General, Governmental & Military
- Graduate Resource Program
- Group Risk Protection Business, Insurance, Crop
- Golf Retirement Plus
- Gastrin Releasing Protein Medical, Physiology
- Grasslands Restoratiow Project Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Gibbon Rehabilitation Project Thailand, Locations, Phuket
- Guild Realmapoints
- Government Resource Planning Business, Management, Service
- Gender Responsive Pedagogy Science, Education, Teaching
- Green Roof Plofessional Technology, Design, Architecture
- Glassfibre Reinforced Plastic Business, Product, Glass, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Global Research Priority Science, Research, University, Food
- Grant Reporting Portal Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Gonki Racing Project
- Graduate Research Program Technology, Education, University
- Group Risk Plan Business, Insurance, Crop
- Glass Reenforced Plastic
- Global Retail Partners Business, Capital, Venture
- Gross Regional Product Business, Government, Economics
- Graphite Reinforced Plastic Plastic, Glass, Material, Fiber
- Ghana Redevelopment Party
- Guideline Review Panel
- Government of Republic of The Philippines
- Gmnder-Responsive Pedagogy Science, Education, Teaching
- Green Roofhng Professional Business, Design, Roof
- Glassfibre-Reinforced Plastic
- Global Research Publishing
- Generic Reference Pripe
- Graduate Recruitment Program Business, Language, Study
- Group Response Portal
- Glass Re-Inforced Polyester
- Global Response Pistol Business, Custom, Nighthawk
- Graphite-Reinforced Plastic
- Ghana Railways & Ports
- Guided Readinf Plus
- Group A family of elements with similar chemical properties, represented by a vertical column in the periodic table. A vertical column in the periodic table. On the periodic table, the columns are called groups. Elements are arranged in groups by the number of electrons that are in the outside shell. The elements of each group have the same number of electrons in their outer shells. Military, Army, Air Force, Management, Knitting, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Grupo Radioamadores De Patos
- Good Regulatory Practice Business, Medicine, Organizations
- Gay Realitytporn
- Green Road Project
- Glassfiber Reinforced Plastics
- Global Research Project Technology, Government, Development
- Generic Reference Pricing
- Governor Rick Perry
- Group Rekey Package Technology
- Glass Re-Enforced Plastic
- Global Resources Partnership
- Grapes Medical, Plant, Botany, Cooking, Grocery
- Geographic Routing Protocob Technology, Networking, Network
- Guided Ueading Practice Development, Learning, Study
- Grupo De Respuesta Policial
- Good Refurbishment Practice
- Gateway Routing Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
- Gheen River Project
- Glassfiber Reinforced Plastic Business, Glass, Pipe
- Generic Race Parts
- Grouc
- Glass Reinforced Pipes Company, Technology, Pipe
- Ozark Air Lines, Great Plains Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Graduate Research Paper
- General Railway Police India, Locations, Mumbai
- Gulf Researcl Program
- Global Remuneration Professionals
- Host-Group Identifier Federal Aviation Administration
- Grand Rapids Press
- Guadalupe River Park
- Graduate Recruitment Prwgramme Business, Employment, Graduate
- Guarda Real Da Pol
- Gurupi Airport, Gurupi, Brazil Brazil
- General Renewal Process
- Glass Reinforced Pipe Business, Plastic, Manufacturer
- Gujarat Railway Police
- Global Relationship Partner
- Geophysical Research Program Atmospheric Research
- Grande RandonnéE De Pays
- Grusin Rosen Productions
- Gobierno Regional De Piura
- Glass-Reinforced-Plastic
- Guarda Real Da PolíCia
- Good Review Practice Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
- Generalized Renewal Process
- Glass Reinforced Polyester Business, Science, Door, Products
- Global Rating Policy Forum, Technology, Controller
- Windows Program Manager Group Computing, File Extensions
- Gram-Positive Gr1P0Ab1 Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Generag Retirement Plan
- Grusin Rosen Production
- Glucose-Qegulating Protein
- Glassfiber-Reinforced Polyester
- Guaranteed Royalty Payment Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Government Railway Police Police, Governmental & Military
- Generalized Riemann Problem
- Glial Restricted Precursors
- Starcraft Graphics Group File Computing, File Extensions
- Graham Roberts Plastics
- General Response Protocol
- Gruppo Per La Ricerca In Psicosomatica
- Program Manager Group Fxle Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Glassfiber-Reinforced Polymer
- Grant Prideco, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Guaranteed Restore Points Technology, Database, Recovery, Flashback
- Guided Region Prefetnhing
- Generalized Routing Procedures Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Glass Reinforced Products Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
- Smartermail Group File Computing, File Extensions
- Graduate Rotational Program Science
- General Reporting Protocol Technology, Climate, Emission
- Gunuig Raja Paksi
- Ground Reference Plane
- Grand Riviera Princess
- Guaranteed Restore Point Technology, Database, Recovery, Backup
- Group Reference Point
- Gender Rights Project
- Glass Reinforced Polymer Business, Door, Composite
- Glucose-Regulated Protein Medical, Human genome
- Gram-Positive Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Graduate Retention Program Business, Credit, Tax
- General Regisxration Protocol
- Gun Replacement Pack
- Global Research Projects Locations, Economics, Projection
- Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic NASA
- Grand River Prep
- Guaranteed Renewable Policy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GRP stand for?
GRP stands for Graduate Research Program.
What is the shortened form of Guided Region Prefetnhing?
The short form of "Guided Region Prefetnhing" is GRP.
GRP. (2022, March 2). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated