GRPA Meaning

The GRPA meaning is "General Retirement and Pension Authority". The GRPA abbreviation has 13 different full form.

GRPA Full Forms

  1. General Retirement and Pension Authority
  2. Generalized Random-Phase Approximation Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  3. Georgia Recreation and Parks Association Technology, County, Georgia
  4. Georgia Recreation and Park Association Technology, County, Georgia
  5. General Retirement & Pension Authority
  6. Georgia Recreation & Parks Association
  7. Georgia Recreation Parks Association
  8. Government Performance Results Act
  9. Georgia Recreation & Park Association
  10. Georgia Rail Passenger Authority
  11. Guyana Rice Producers Association
  12. Guyana Rice Producers' Association
  13. Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association Sex, Organizations, Guyana

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GRPA stand for?

    GRPA stands for Georgia Recreation & Parks Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Georgia Recreation Parks Association?

    The short form of "Georgia Recreation Parks Association" is GRPA.


GRPA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated