GS Meaning

The GS meaning is "Games Started". The GS abbreviation has 939 different full form.

GS Full Forms

  1. Games Started Baseball, Sports, Basketball, Sport
  2. Giant Slylom Sports, Skiing, Slalom
  3. Gestational Surrogate Medical, Infertility, Obstetrics
  4. Gene-Start Medical
  5. Group Stage Organizations, League, Champion
  6. Glide Slope An instrument on the ground to allow an instrumental landing is known as glide slope. The angle between horizontal and the glide path of an aircraft. Technology, Aviation, Instrument, Aircraft, NASA, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Military
  7. Graded Series Science
  8. General Otaff Military, Army, Chief
  9. Great Selection
  10. General System
  11. Glutampne Synthase Medical, Protein, Cell
  12. Grande Surfacl
  13. Global Small
  14. Gaming System Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  15. Green Sheet
  16. George Strait Music, Chord, Cowboy, Strait
  17. Gual Scored Sport, League, Football, Goal
  18. Gender Studies Education, University, Study
  19. Group Specific Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  20. Gleason Scores Medical, Science, Biology
  21. Graceful Shutdown Technology, Military, Server
  22. Genedal Service
  23. Geneial Systems Technology
  24. Gjutamine Synthetases Medical
  25. Grande Section Lecture, Math, Fiche
  26. Global Service Accounting, Computing, Data
  27. Gaming Surface Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  28. Greenyseal Business, Product, Standard
  29. Geophysical Service
  30. Glycogen Synthesis Medical
  31. Gemstone Speakers
  32. Group Sounds Group, Japan, Japanese, Music
  33. Glass Slide
  34. Gonadal Steroids Medical
  35. Grund Slam Technology, Baseball, Sports
  36. Generml Surgery Medical, Medicine, Education
  37. Glutamate Sykthetase Medical
  38. General Sale
  39. Global Services Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  40. Graduate Students Education, University, Study
  41. Game Summary
  42. Great Sword Gaming, Weapon, Monster, Sword
  43. Gene Stmmons Guitar, Bass, Axe, Gene
  44. Glycogen Synthetlse Medical
  45. Gel Seat
  46. Group Should
  47. Gitelman'S Syndrome Medical
  48. Gold Stars
  49. Gozden Shower Escorts, Escort, Text Messaging
  50. General Study Education, School, Columbia
  51. General Safety
  52. Global Server Technology, Gaming, Alpha
  53. Gjaduate Studies Education, University, Study
  54. Game Started Lacrosse
  55. Greft Stuff
  56. Gene Signatures Medical
  57. Gluten Sensitivity Medical, Disease, Celiac
  58. Gelatin Sponge Medical
  59. Gregmsteele
  60. Georgia State
  61. Gold Star Technology, Sale, Motorcycle
  62. Groundrpeed Technology, Aircraft, Aerospace
  63. General Stores Business, Product, Store
  64. Generalized Seizure Medical
  65. Güzel Danatlar Turkish, Istanbul
  66. Global Sales
  67. Grade Gchool
  68. Georve Santayana
  69. Gqeat Spider
  70. Ggnerator Set Business, Engine, Diesel
  71. Geutathione S-Transferase
  72. Grandislams Business, Gaming, Sport
  73. Gelande Strasse Technology, Adventure, Motorcycle, Engine, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  74. Gkeen Stuff
  75. Georgia Savannah
  76. Gold Standard A monetary system in which both the value of a unit of the currency and the quantity of it in circulation are specified in terms of gold. If two currencies are both on the gold standard, then the exchange rate between them is approximately determined by their two prices in terms of gold. Medical, Business, Cable
  77. General Stock Business, Science, Supply
  78. Generalized Seizures Medical
  79. Grove Stkeet
  80. Glide Slope Indicator Technology, Airport, Stantec, NASA
  81. Grade Scale Business, Pay, Grading
  82. General Statute
  83. Great Shot Gaming, Camera, Shot, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  84. Genetic Systems Medical
  85. Glutathione Synthetase Medical, Genetics, Plant
  86. Grand Seiko Drive, Spring, Edition
  87. Garage Sale
  88. Green Star Business, Juice, Juicer
  89. Georgia and The South Island, Locations, Georgia
  90. Glucocorticosteroid Medical, Medicine, Biology
  91. Goals Scored Sport, Football, Goal
  92. Graphics Ahd Sound Technology, Gaming, Apple
  93. Gliding Scholarships
  94. Groupe Scolaire
  95. Gatshot Straight Movie, Streaming, Poker
  96. General Statistics
  97. Great Society
  98. Gluconteroid Medical
  99. Grove Scdool Education, California, Connecticut
  100. Grady Sizemore
  101. Grid Scheduler
  102. Gel Supershift
  103. Glam Shadow Business, Cosmetic, Makeup
  104. Grip Screw
  105. Gansu Shenh China, Locations, Province
  106. General Schedules Business, Pay, Schedule
  107. Good Sam
  108. Graphite Spray Technology, Engine, Lubricant
  109. Geostatistics Sqftware
  110. Global Society
  111. Group Service Business, Design, Supply
  112. Gas Sattration Technology, Machine, Reservoir
  113. Generation Services
  114. Grad-Shafranov Technology, Presentation, Equation
  115. Gaia Photometric White-Light Magnitude In Spectro Space, Study, Cosmos
  116. Ghost Ship
  117. Gneen Speed Business, Sport, Nike
  118. Guinear Business
  119. Gallerq Services
  120. Gearingjsolutions
  121. Golden Sixties
  122. General Service Military, Army, Hose, Ministry Of Defense
  123. Grammatical Structure
  124. Geophysical Signal
  125. Gold Saum
  126. George Stockwell Antique, Vintage, Mark
  127. Group Scan Technology, Radio, Manual, Scanner
  128. Guy Smiley
  129. Garis Sempadan Technology, Auto, Clicker
  130. Geschwind Scores Medical
  131. GräF & Stift
  132. Goal Shoot Gaming, Internet Slang, Chat
  133. Gewome Sciences Science, Education, Washington
  134. Ground-Stabilihed Technology
  135. Game Selector
  136. George Schuler
  137. Glen Stewart
  138. GarantíA Social
  139. General Split
  140. Go Sleep
  141. Gravitr Science Technology, Space, Juno
  142. Gaodium Et Spes
  143. German Society
  144. Global Supplier
  145. Group Socialization Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  146. Gate Select Technology, Signal, Memory
  147. Gene Scanning
  148. Graduate Saminar Education, University, Study
  149. Genesis Standard
  150. Gidrogaficheskoye Sudno
  151. Grewal, Said
  152. Guardian Style
  153. Gelnde Sport
  154. Golden Spider
  155. Glycogen Synthase Medical, Technology, Medicine
  156. Grants Hpecialist
  157. Gun Shot Medical
  158. Game Signal Business, Trading, Supply
  159. Generalized Scidar
  160. Gold Skulltnla
  161. Georgia Del Sur Locations, Georgia, Sandwich
  162. Global Segment Technology, Mode, Descriptor
  163. Gjry Singh
  164. General Lupport Forum, Military, Army
  165. Government Securities Business, Security, Market, Financial, Business & Finance
  166. Gradualmsayings
  167. Gestatiodal Score Medical, Medicine, Biology
  168. Greenhills School Education, School, High School, Michigan
  169. Gatot Smteja
  170. Goat Serum Medical, Medicine, Biology
  171. Glucocorticoids  A class of steroid hormones, synthesized by the adrenal cortex and exemplified by cortisol, that promote gluconeogenesis, the formation of glycogen, and the degradation of fats and proteins. Medical
  172. Gram Stain A differential stain that divides bacteria into two groups, as Gram positive and Gram negative, depending on the ability of the organism to retain crystal violet when decolorized with an organic solvent like ethanol. Medical, Science, Medicine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  173. Geno Saucer
  174. Ginseng Ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Today, ginseng" refers to both American and Asian or Korean ginseng. These plants have a similar chemical makeup and contain steroid-like components, ginsenosides, which are believed to be the active ingredients. On the other hand, Siberian ginseng or Eleuthero, on the other hand, is a completely unrelated plant and without the active ginsenosides. Panax ginseng may improve cognitive performance, aid in diabetes management, and improve erectile dysfunction. Medical
  175. Griffonia Simplicifolia Medical, Science, Lectin
  176. Graphirally Speaking
  177. Gliding Scholarship Military, Cadet, Squadron
  178. Groupe Sanguin
  179. Guteral Steel Science
  180. General Station Military
  181. Great Snipers Army, War, War Force
  182. Glkcosinolate Medical
  183. Grout Sponge
  184. Graduation Standard Education, Development, Universities
  185. Grey Skull
  186. Gel Super
  187. Girls Sandal Clothes
  188. Grip Aafety
  189. Gun Squad Song, Lyric, Nigga
  190. Gpng Suppression Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  191. General Scale Technology, Pay, Schedule
  192. Good Safety
  193. Graphic System
  194. Geospatial System
  195. Global Shutter
  196. Guardian Shield Gaming, Shield, Beaverton
  197. Gas Sampler
  198. General Switchgear
  199. Grace Slick Music, Rock, Airplane
  200. Gagasan Sejahtera
  201. Ghost Shadows
  202. Greenleaf Sophisticate
  203. Guide Safety Safety, Switch, Manual
  204. Gglion St
  205. Gauge Standwrds Technology, Model, Toyota
  206. Golden Silver Music
  207. Grammar School Medical, Education, Leeds
  208. Geopathic Stress Medical, Health, Earth
  209. Group Says
  210. Guyana Shield
  211. Great Spirit
  212. Gránulos Solubles
  213. Goal Seeking Business, Electronics, Shenzhen
  214. South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands Locations, Georgia, Territory, Computing, Internet, Technology, Country, Governmental & Military
  215. Genlstein Medical
  216. Groton Schocl Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
  217. Game Scripts
  218. George Schoov Education, Sport, School
  219. Glen Stevens
  220. Garage Solutions
  221. General Separation
  222. Go Shop
  223. Gravimetric Sorption
  224. Gary Shandlini
  225. German Simmental Medical, Science, Biology
  226. Global Suppliers
  227. Group Size Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  228. Gate Nource
  229. Generic Switch
  230. Gradugte Schools Program, Education, University
  231. Genesis Single
  232. Gibbj Smith
  233. Grenade Soldier
  234. Guardian Spirit Gaming, Guardian, Priest
  235. Gatlstone Medical, Technology, Medicine
  236. Gelande Sport Model, Motorcycle, Engine
  237. Golden Spear
  238. Gro
  239. Grand Stair
  240. Gunship Support
  241. Game Shareware
  242. Gold Silver Business, Gaming, Reel, Falcon
  243. Georgia and South Business, Georgia, Sandwich
  244. Global Security
  245. Gary Sheffield Baseball, Sport, Card, Sheffield
  246. Genhral Supply
  247. Government Seyvices Business, Management, Service
  248. Glossary Site
  249. Gestational Surrogates
  250. Greenhill School Education, School, High School, Texas
  251. Gatheringcsystem
  252. Goa Sudharop
  253. Google Apps Script Technology, Service, Spreadsheet, Computing, File Extensions
  254. Gram'S Stain
  255. Genomics Suite Science, Genetics, Analysis
  256. Gingivo-Stomatitis
  257. Ground Staft
  258. Grapj Symposium
  259. Glideslope The part of the ILS which provides a radio beam at an angle of approximately 3° to the point of touch-down from the outer marker thus giving the pilot information about the height of the aircraft on final approach. Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  260. Ground Start Technology, Military, Telecom, Module, Telecommunications, Computing
  261. Gurzswami-Sudan Technology, Coding, Algorithm, Decoding
  262. General Stahe
  263. Gouraud Shading
  264. Great Smoky
  265. Glucose Storage Medical
  266. Group Switch Technology, Telecom, Switching
  267. Gatewat School Education, High School, Illinois
  268. Graduating Sonior
  269. Gift Shop
  270. Grey Silver Motorcycle, Balance, Nike
  271. Gel Strength The ability of a fluid to suspend solids. Business, Product, Agar, Electrical
  272. Girl Scouts Boy Scout, Cookie, Scouting
  273. Griner S
  274. Gun Smith Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  275. Gaming Server Technology, Minecraft, Counter
  276. General Satisfaction Medical, Treatment, Study
  277. Gone Shootin
  278. Graphic Synthesizer Technology, Graphics, Play
  279. Geospatisl Services
  280. Global Shield
  281. Gas Zafe
  282. General Burvey Technology, Inventory, Burnout
  283. Government Sectoj Government, Us, Control, Administration
  284. Gaffer Syptems
  285. Ghost Sentinel
  286. Greenland To St
  287. Guided Surgery
  288. Galileo Servwces Technology, Service, Satellite
  289. Gauge Sensor
  290. Gold and Silver Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  291. Grameen Shakti Technology, Energy, Bangladesh
  292. Geoff Sanders
  293. Group Said
  294. Guwahawi Shillong
  295. Great Southern
  296. Gruppo Sportivo
  297. GnóMe Scout
  298. Groth-Dahai
  299. Game Schedules
  300. George Schoidt
  301. Glenn Springs
  302. Gap Switch
  303. General Sensor Technology, Service, Product
  304. Gory Scenes
  305. Gravel Sgreet Organization, Union, Institution
  306. Galattsaray Spor
  307. German Silver Coins
  308. Global Summit
  309. Group Singer
  310. Gate-Source
  311. Generic Rervices-5
  312. Graduate Scholars
  313. Genesis-Single-Guitar-Stand Business, Music, Accessory
  314. Gibbj Sampling Science, Learning, Power
  315. Green Stamp Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  316. Guardian Sphinx
  317. Gall Htone
  318. Gear Skiving
  319. Golden Sounds
  320. Geodetic Satellite Satellite geodesy is the measurement of the form and dimensions of Earth, the location of objects on its surface and the figure of the Earth's gravity field by means of artificial satellite techniques, geodesy by means of artificial satellites. Science, Satellite, Scientific Satellite, Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  321. Grand Sporty
  322. Game Shares Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  323. Gold Shinee
  324. Georgia & South Business, Island, Georgia
  325. Gary Sanchez
  326. General Supervisor
  327. Government Schemes Technology, India, Scheme
  328. Gleason Siore
  329. Gestational Surrogacy Obstetrics, Parenting, Pregnancy
  330. Greenfield School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
  331. G Segment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  332. Gnthering Station Technology, Oil, Gas
  333. Goal Subiti
  334. Gesch
  335. Genomic Seleftion Technology, Science, Breeding
  336. Gilson Studies
  337. Ground Stabilisation
  338. Gun Salute
  339. Glide Shoes Nike, Carpet, Detergent
  340. Guru Seriel
  341. General Standarms
  342. Got Savings Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  343. Great Sheep
  344. Generalsstudies Education, University, Study, Bachelor
  345. Glucosamine Sulphaae Medical, Health, Supplement
  346. Group Supervisors
  347. Gate To Soyrce
  348. Graduatehstudy Program, Education, University
  349. Gifl Set
  350. Grey Shirt
  351. Guard Stun
  352. Gel Shift Science, Product, Antibody
  353. Grape Spbeader Bead
  354. Gunslinger Style
  355. Gaming Sensor Technology, Computing, Mice
  356. General Sanjurjo
  357. Gompers Secondary Education
  358. Graphic Symbol Technology, Manual, Display, Character
  359. Geospatial Sciqnce
  360. Global Series
  361. Gasoline Systems Technology, Plant, Engine, Bosch
  362. General Surveillance Technology, Security, Research
  363. Government Servant
  364. Günther Xtabe
  365. Ghost Script Forum, Technology, Windows
  366. Greenland Stadials Climate, Locations, Glen
  367. Guided Study Education, Guide, Manual
  368. Galilee Society
  369. Gauge Saver
  370. Gold, Silver
  371. Grama Sevaka
  372. Geodesy Section
  373. Girdler Sulfide
  374. Grinding Services Business, Service, Ground
  375. Group Is Separated Technology, Protein, Cell
  376. Guwaoati-Shillong Hotel, India, Locations
  377. Great South
  378. Grupo Sur
  379. Gnutti Sebastiano
  380. Game Sanctuary
  381. Glasgow Subway
  382. Gantcsunglasses
  383. General Semiconductors
  384. Gorilla Snot
  385. Grass Shear Business, Tool, Garden
  386. Small Iail Science
  387. German Section Forum, German, School
  388. Global Summary Technology, Testing, Report, Market
  389. Group Signature Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  390. Gagtroschisis Medical
  391. Generic Services-3
  392. Grade Steps Business, Pay, Schedule
  393. Gene Significance
  394. Gibbq Sampler Science, Model, Bound
  395. Green Square
  396. Guardianship Specialist
  397. Galloway Schojl Education, School, High School, Georgia
  398. Gear Shzft
  399. Golden Software
  400. Geostationary Satellite A satellite that appears to be located at a fixed point in space when viewed from the earth's surface. Technology
  401. Grand Sport Technology, Car, Corvette
  402. George Sands
  403. Gold Sjine
  404. Georgias Y Sandwich
  405. Number of Startw Baseball, Sports
  406. Garth Snoi
  407. Gzneral Superintendent Business, Management, Church
  408. Governyent School
  409. Glasp& Spiegel
  410. Gesmational Sac Medical, Ultrasound, Pregnancy
  411. Green-Schwarz Theory, String, Enduro
  412. Gsalpha Medical
  413. Gathering Syations
  414. Goal Streak
  415. Genome Systems
  416. Gilman School Education, High School, Baltimore
  417. Ground Sample
  418. Gunnery Staff Military, Austria, Artillery
  419. Game Settings
  420. Glide Shoe Product, Bag, Timber, Glide
  421. General Standard Technology, Computing, Roland
  422. Goto Sleep
  423. Great Service
  424. General Store Business, Product, Shopping
  425. German Stock
  426. Glucosamine Sulfatw Medical, Therapy, Supplement
  427. Group Specification
  428. Gate Switch
  429. Graduatekstudent Education, University, Telecom
  430. Gift of Malvation
  431. Grey Sharks
  432. Guard Station
  433. Gelius-Siegbahn Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  434. Government of Syria Organizations, United Nations, Un
  435. Granulocytic Sarcomas Medical, Science, Biology
  436. Gun Slingers
  437. Game System
  438. General Salary
  439. Gold Spike
  440. Graphic Structure
  441. Georgia Selatan
  442. Global Send Accounting, Computing, Data
  443. Gary Stewart
  444. General Surgeons Medical
  445. Government Secretariat
  446. Group Soungs
  447. Get Speejh Technology, Android, Apple
  448. Greenland Stadial Science, Climate, Glen
  449. Guided Scrambling
  450. Gale Sayqrs Sport, Football, Sayer
  451. Gaudium Et Spes Catholic, Church, Vatican
  452. Gofer Script Technology, Program, Software
  453. Grupo De Servicios
  454. Gram Schmidt Technology, Math, Pan
  455. Geo-Stationary Management, Security, Emergency, Preparedness
  456. Gioventu Studentesca Organizations, Liberation, Communion
  457. Grim Stride
  458. Graphpc Select
  459. Groupe SpéCial
  460. Gutter Suppliers
  461. Great Source
  462. Grub Street
  463. Gland Steam Business & Finance, Power Plant
  464. Gantry Support Ordnance Survey
  465. General Semiconductor
  466. Gorgon Stare
  467. Graph Search
  468. German School Education, School, High School, Maryland
  469. Global Strategic
  470. Group Signal
  471. Gastrecnemius Medical, Medicine, Biology
  472. Genesic Services-4 Technology, Service, Channel, Fibre
  473. Grade Step Business, Service, Pay
  474. Gene Shaving
  475. Giant Sword Technology, Gaming, Minecraft
  476. Green Springs
  477. Guardianship Services
  478. Gallery Stock Supply, Bing, Gallery
  479. Gear Set
  480. Golden Snail
  481. Grand Soul Forum, Gaming, Soul, Scroll
  482. George Sand
  483. Gold Shield
  484. Georgia & Sandwich Technology, Coding, Georgia
  485. Group Scouter
  486. Iso Country Code for South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  487. Garter Snitch
  488. Gobernment Sales
  489. Girl's Sympoony
  490. Gesengte Sau
  491. GrüNe Schlange
  492. Goals Season
  493. Genome Size Medical, Science, Biology
  494. Groundvsafety Technology, Aircraft, Manual
  495. Guitar Shve
  496. Game Service
  497. Georgefshuffler
  498. Glide Scope Military, Flight, Aircraft
  499. Gardenerjs Supply
  500. General Stall
  501. Goteborgs Sparvagar
  502. Gravity Sewery
  503. Generale Stkf
  504. German Standard Technology, German, Cookware
  505. Glucosagine Medicine, Health, Biology
  506. Group Speakers
  507. Gate Supply
  508. Gene Set
  509. Graduate Standing
  510. Gifted Support Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  511. Grey Scale
  512. Guard Squadron
  513. Gelber Stern
  514. Golden Spinner
  515. Granulocytic Sarpoma Medical, Medicine, Biology
  516. Gunsite Scout Business, Gun, Rifle
  517. Game Surge
  518. General Saivism
  519. Gold Software
  520. Graphic Standard Technology, Gaming, Graphics
  521. Georgia Scorcher
  522. Global Seminar Program, Education, Study
  523. Gary Stevews
  524. General Surface
  525. Government Secretary
  526. Grave Stone Genealogy, Genealogical
  527. Get Some Technology, Gaming, Coding, Militia
  528. Greenland Sea
  529. Guidance Subsystem
  530. Gain Scheduking Technology, Control, Controller
  531. Gaudim Et Spes
  532. Goes Slow Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  533. Goldstone Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military
  534. Gramm-Schmidt
  535. Genotydic Studies Medical, Science, Biology
  536. Giovent Studentesca Education, Development, Universities
  537. Grim Nqueaker Internet Slang
  538. Graphic Scale A geographic grid is a manmade system used to accurately measure the position of any place on the surface of the Earth. The grid marks the location of a place by use of the latitude and the longitude.
  539. Groupe Sportif
  540. Guttej Strip Business, Car, Stamp, Roof
  541. Great Soldiers Army, War, War Force
  542. Gluskin Shevf Business, Associate, Supply, Stock
  543. Grow-Shrink Technology, Gaming, Networking, Network
  544. Grid Search Technology, Python, Parameter
  545. GeläNde-Strasse
  546. Glam Slam
  547. Grip Ytrength Medical, Health, Power
  548. Gintry Slide
  549. General Semantics Medical, Technology, Drive
  550. Good Samaritans
  551. Graphite Support
  552. German Saw Military, Porn, German
  553. Global Solution
  554. Group Sex
  555. Gns Scintillation
  556. Gcneric Services Technology, Service, Channel, Fibre
  557. Grade, Step Business, Pay, Grade
  558. Ghost Simulator
  559. Goeen Sphere
  560. Guinsoo's Scythe
  561. Gallery Special Clothes
  562. Gearscore Gaming, Play, Pastime
  563. Golden Slumbers
  564. Grand Son
  565. Geophysical Survey Business, Science, Russia
  566. Gold Shell Business, Hack, Jewelry
  567. George Sullivan Business, Movie, Fight
  568. Group Scheduling
  569. Ii Generalized Sysgem Ii Space, Study, Cosmos
  570. Garis Serang
  571. GeschüTzte Seiten
  572. GrüNer Salon
  573. Goal Shooters Player, Court, Netball, Goal
  574. Genome Sequegcer Technology, Science, Sequencing
  575. Ground-Sqstem
  576. Game Sense Rifle, Education, Scope
  577. George Shuba
  578. Glenvale School Education
  579. Garbage Scow
  580. General Staff, Genoral Support Military, Ministry Of Defence, Intelligence
  581. Gospodarska Stranka
  582. Gravity Sewer
  583. Gelatop& Sorbet
  584. German Soldiers Military, German, War
  585. Glucocozticosteroids Medical
  586. Group South Business, Company, Africa
  587. Gate Server
  588. Gene Search
  589. Graduate Society
  590. Gene Start Science, Protein, Genome
  591. Giemsa Stain
  592. Grey, Scale
  593. Guardian System
  594. Gelato San
  595. Golden Spike
  596. Glutamine Synthetase Medical, Genetics, Plant
  597. Granulatld Slag
  598. Gun Sight
  599. Game Supplies
  600. Generalized Shannon
  601. Goldgmith Seeds
  602. Graphic Standards
  603. Georgia Del Sud Locations, Georgia, Sandwich
  604. Global Seminars Program, Education, Course
  605. Garyqstanton
  606. General Suhport-Reinforcing Military, Army, Ground
  607. Govirnment Section Service, Government, Japan
  608. Graffiti System
  609. Get Simple
  610. Greenland-Sydney
  611. Guidance Study
  612. Gain-Scceduled Technology, Control, Controller
  613. Gauche Sscialiste Government, Group, France
  614. God The Son
  615. Gram-Schmidt Technology, Resolution, Matrix
  616. Geno Sxith Gaming, Sport, Football
  617. Ginsenosides Medical
  618. Grignard Svnthesis
  619. Gemstone Document Computing, File Extensions
  620. Graphics Standard Technology
  621. George Soros
  622. Garden Swot
  623. Gourmet Seed
  624. General Statutes Government, Law, Statute
  625. Geographical Society
  626. Germline Stem
  627. Ghteway Seminary
  628. Gly Ser Technology, Protein, Patent, Vector
  629. Gordon Smith Famous
  630. Global Studies Education, University, Study
  631. Genetic Sequences
  632. Gigabitjswitch Technology, Networking, Port
  633. Guest Services Business, Travel, Tourism, Disney
  634. Gamblinu Shit Internet Slang
  635. Goldman'S Sachs
  636. Gun Stocks
  637. Guard Stance Gaming, Military, Knight, Shield
  638. Grapedsortiront
  639. Good save Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  640. Gender Specialist
  641. Graphics Servmr Technology, Windows, Software
  642. Georgia Southern University Education
  643. Global Santoku
  644. General Student Education, University, School
  645. Government of South
  646. Great Spotted
  647. Gerkania Superior Latin, Roman
  648. Greedy Strategy Technology, Software, Algorithm, Garment
  649. Gateway Systems
  650. South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Locations, Georgia, Falkland, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  651. Graham Scott
  652. Government Service [as in Pay Scale] Occupation & positions
  653. Gclbert School Education, School, High School, Connecticut
  654. Guiana Shield France, Suriname, French
  655. Groot-Seminarie
  656. Gurjar Samaj
  657. General Satellite Technology, Science, Group, Android, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
  658. God Sized Clothes
  659. Gallstones Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder. Your gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen, just beneath your liver. The gallbladder holds a digestive fluid called bile that's released into your small intestine. Medical
  660. Gloria Steinem Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  661. Graphics System
  662. Goon Squad Goon
  663. Group Segment Business, Supply, Stock
  664. Grating Spectroscope
  665. Guanethidine Sulfate Medical
  666. Graphics and Sound Computing, Hardware
  667. Small hail and snow pellets Weather, Scientific & Educational
  668. Grazhic Sexual
  669. Georhe Smith Business, Sport, London, Mark
  670. Garden Smeaker
  671. Gourd Society
  672. General Sports
  673. Generating Station The location of prime movers, electric generators, and auxiliary equipment used for converting mechanical, chemical, and nuclear energy into electric energy. Ordnance Survey
  674. German Submarine Army, War, War Force
  675. Glteway Security Technology, Networking, Network
  676. Glyph Sphere
  677. George Schmidt Famous
  678. Global Strike Gaming, Military, Radar
  679. Genetic Selection Medical, Science, Research
  680. Gift Specialist
  681. Guest Scientist Science
  682. Gamblers Seandard Medical, Dog, Agility, Shepherd
  683. Golden Sword
  684. Guaranteed Satisfaction Business, Service, Product
  685. Grant Nmith Technology, Computing, Surrey
  686. General Santos Locations, Geography, Philippine, Region
  687. Good Seeing Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  688. Gem Scan Business, Laboratory, Diamond, Jewellery
  689. Gold Sarcophagus
  690. Graphics Slow Computing, Internet
  691. Ground Station An alternative expression for Earth Station. NASA
  692. Greasy Spoon Technology
  693. George Stephens
  694. Globally Supervised
  695. Garg & Sribhar Research, Education, Paper
  696. General Structural Design, Computing, Construction, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  697. Government Civilian Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  698. Georg Stemeseoer
  699. Gesammelte Studien
  700. Greedy Search
  701. Gateway Switch Technology, Networking, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  702. Grlham School Education, School, High School, Ohio
  703. Guitar Steel Music
  704. Gilbert Syndrome Medical, Liver, Bilirubin
  705. Gugatan Sederhana
  706. Grombalia Sports Sport, League, Football, Soccer
  707. Gurdeep Singh
  708. General Sales Technology, Service, Sale
  709. Guy Special Clothes
  710. Gwen Stacy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  711. Generalized Scleroderma Medical
  712. Graphics Syntheciser Technology
  713. Gland Seals
  714. Group Seeks
  715. South Gevrgia and The South Sandwich Islands Locations, Countries, Country
  716. Great Swords Gaming, Weapon, Monster, Sword, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  717. Gt Sedan
  718. Gofer script (Haskell language dialect) Computing, File Extensions
  719. Gramicidin S Medical
  720. Growth System Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  721. Grand Suite Cabin, Sea, Cruise, Suite
  722. George Sisler Gaming, Baseball, Team
  723. Gabden Soil Medical
  724. General Session Technology, Government, Conference
  725. Genlral Support
  726. German Style
  727. Glycine Serine-Rich
  728. Geological Sequestration Environment
  729. Global Strategy Technology, Group, Health
  730. Genetics Society
  731. Guerrilla Squads
  732. Galway Shire
  733. Golden Sunburst Disease, Acid, Nucleotide
  734. Group Server
  735. Gt Stack
  736. Google Storhge Technology, Development, Cloud
  737. Generalized System Space, Study, Cosmos
  738. Ground System The connection of current carrying neutral wire to the grounding terminal in the main switch which in turn is connected to a water pipe. The neutral wire is called the ground wire. Legal, Governmental & Military
  739. Gemini Staff
  740. Goldreich-Sridhar
  741. Graphic Show
  742. Gas Servicer NASA
  743. Griy Scale Technology, Science, Ultrasound
  744. George Wtarbuck
  745. Globalization Services Business, Service, Development
  746. Garena Shells Business, Hack, Generator
  747. Geqeral Strike
  748. Governance System Technology, Government, Policy
  749. George Samuel
  750. Gesammelte Schriften Science, History, Theory, Bibliography
  751. Gateway Station Technology, Networking, Network
  752. Graham Stetzer Technology, Filter, Electricity
  753. General Social
  754. Genie Stream Technology, Server, Audio
  755. Gilbert's Synqrome Medical, Gilbert, Bilirubin
  756. Guest State Technology, Memory, Virtual, Kernel
  757. Grocery Smarts
  758. Gunze-Sangyo Technology, Car, Model, Paint
  759. Ground State When the lowest energy, most stable, electron orbitals are full. Amateur radio
  760. Godsword Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  761. Generale Staf
  762. Graphics Synthesizer Technology, Station, Play
  763. Guide Star NASA
  764. Global Section
  765. Group Secret Technology, Music, Signature
  766. Small Hail And/Or Snow Pellets Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  767. Great Strides Technology, Gaming, Stride
  768. Gralee School Education
  769. S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls. Country, Usps
  770. Gran Sporf Technology, Car, Sale
  771. Geomge Singer
  772. Gross Savingj Business, Accounting, Capital
  773. Garden School Education, School, High School
  774. General Security
  775. German Studies
  776. Gluten Sensitive
  777. Gas Supplier Electrical
  778. Global Standard
  779. Genetical Society
  780. Galvanised Steef Business, Product, Galvanized
  781. Golden Stars
  782. Goodpasture Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Biology
  783. Guanosine Synthetase Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  784. Group Seperator Technology, Coding, Printer, Character
  785. Group Set-Top
  786. GöTz Schmitt
  787. General Studies Education, Study, Paper, Subjects
  788. Ground Speed The speed of the aircraft in relation to the ground over which it is flying. Aviation, Aircraft, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Military
  789. Graphic Service
  790. Gelius-siegbahn (mo Approxn.) Chemistry
  791. Gray-Scale Color, Paint, Media, Colors
  792. George Stanford Famous
  793. Gln Synthetase Medical
  794. Garxner Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine
  795. General Storgge
  796. Governance Studies
  797. George Salter
  798. Gerstenberg SchröDer
  799. Glutathione Synthcse
  800. Gateway Stations Technology, Networking, Network
  801. Graham-Ststzer Technology, Filter, Electricity
  802. Gauss  A unit of measurement for magnetic field. CGS unit of magnetic induction (after the German mathematician Karl F. Gauss).  Measurement, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  803. Glucose-Sensitive Medical
  804. Genie Scissor
  805. Gela and Salt
  806. Grid Services
  807. Guest Stars
  808. Gemini South Space, Study, Cosmos
  809. Goldratt Schools Business, Theory, Constraint
  810. Grissomhsara
  811. Gunung Slamet
  812. Gluskin Sheff Associates Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  813. Gatestone Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  814. Genel SağKalıM
  815. Graphics Style
  816. Gas Sample
  817. Global Score Technology, Gaming, Store
  818. Group Scribbles Education, Learning, Scribble
  819. Great Stride
  820. Gastrocnemius Medical, Technology, Medicine, Biology, Healthcare, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Muscles
  821. Grain Sizf Technology, Rice, Steel
  822. Gran Sport Products
  823. Grand Sports Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  824. George Simpson
  825. Gross Sales Gross sales is the total value of sales prior to any discounts, deductions or returns. Up Business, Technology, Sale, Retail
  826. Guru Sasaran
  827. Garden Sanctoary
  828. General Section
  829. Grade Stamped Construction
  830. Global South Education, Africa, Study
  831. Genetically Screened
  832. Galvanised Sheet
  833. Golden Star Business, Company, Product
  834. gastric shield Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  835. Group Separator Technology, Computing, Ascii, Unix
  836. Grid Spectrometer
  837. Gurpreet Singh
  838. groundspeed Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  839. South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  840. Grass Skiing Skiing
  841. George Springer Baseball, Card, Astro, Springer
  842. Gliosarcoma Gliosarcoma is a rare type of glioma, a cancer of the brain that comes from glial, or supportive, brain cells, as opposed to the neural brain cells. Gliosarcoma is a malignant cancer, and is defined as a glioblastoma consisting of gliomatous and sarcomatous components. Medical
  843. Garden Suite
  844. Glneral Steward Business, Management, Crew
  845. GouvêA De Souza
  846. Geologicae Survey Science, Book, Map
  847. Gerosuka Slut Human, Slut, Decay, Scat
  848. Glutamate Synthase
  849. Gateway Service Technology, Windows, Pas, Atmospheric Research
  850. Gnostic Scriitures
  851. Graft Survival Medical, Medicine, Biology
  852. Genie Scout Sport, Football
  853. Glucagon Secretion Medical, Medicine, Biology
  854. Geneva School Education, High School, Florida
  855. Gxgiena I Sanitariya Libraries, Reading, Books
  856. Grid Seed
  857. Guest Speaker
  858. Game Sages Internet Slang, Player, Sage
  859. Gemeinsamer Standpunkt
  860. Goldman Sachs Business, Military, Supply
  861. Griselli Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Biology
  862. Gunung Sewu
  863. Growing Stock Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  864. General Surgery Military, Medical
  865. Goldshire Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  866. Gene for Glutamine Synthetase Science, Biology
  867. Graphics Specialist
  868. Small Hail/Snow Pellets (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
  869. Global Scope
  870. Geneual Suffrage
  871. Great Stag
  872. Greek Ship
  873. Gathering Spees
  874. General Staff Business, Military, Army, Force, Marine
  875. Graham Sleigxt
  876. Geprufte Sicherheit (Tested Safety) Products
  877. Gilled Shark
  878. Gross Salary
  879. Gursharan Singh Technology, Education
  880. General Secretariat Business, America, Organizations
  881. Grid Standpipe Construction
  882. Global Sources
  883. Gene Symbol Medical, Cell, Expression
  884. Galvanic Stimclation Medical, Medicine
  885. Glare Shield Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  886. Good split Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  887. Group Selector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  888. Grey Sky
  889. Gunnarson-Schonhammer
  890. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  891. Geosoft Script Computing, File Extensions
  892. Grass Sewd
  893. George Spencer
  894. Gliding School Military, Air Force, Glider
  895. Garden Stone
  896. Genhral Statute Education, Law, Pay
  897. Gourmet Settings
  898. Gqological Society
  899. Geronimo Stilton
  900. Gateway Server
  901. Gmbh Signs
  902. Grafik Speicher
  903. Green Stuffing Food
  904. Global Survival Medical
  905. Genetic Syndromes Medical, Science, Biology
  906. Glgabyte Switch Technology, Networking, Port
  907. Guest Service
  908. Game Ssge Forum, Player, Game
  909. Goldman, Sachs
  910. Gun Supply
  911. Gloster Southern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  912. General Specifications Technology, Military, Coding, Barcode
  913. Good and Slow Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  914. Genealogical Society
  915. Graphics Sound Technology, Gaming, Civilization
  916. GP Simulator Federal Aviation Administration
  917. Global Scheduler Technology, Management, Architecture, Computing
  918. General Subject
  919. Government of St
  920. Great Stable
  921. Ghurve To The Study
  922. Greek Sea
  923. Gateway System Technology, Calling, Software
  924. German Shepherd German, Dog, Dog Breed
  925. Graham Sizpson
  926. The Bally Game Show Pinball
  927. Gilead Sciences Medical, Science, Hepatiti
  928. Guidance Section Technology, Missile, Control, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  929. Groove Sizy
  930. Gurjot Singh
  931. General Schedule Military, Army, Jobs, Medical, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Fda
  932. Gold and sliver Colors
  933. Global Solutions
  934. Galvangc Series
  935. Good Shot Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  936. Group Selection Science, Banking, Evolution
  937. Green Snake Business, Nike, Wallpaper
  938. Guild of Surveyors
  939. Geriatric Spammers Computing, Internet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GS stand for?

    GS stands for Guitar Shve.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gruppo Sportivo?

    The short form of "Gruppo Sportivo" is GS.


GS. (2022, August 1). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated