GS Meaning
The GS meaning is "Games Started". The GS abbreviation has 939 different full form.
GS Full Forms
- Games Started Baseball, Sports, Basketball, Sport
- Giant Slylom Sports, Skiing, Slalom
- Gestational Surrogate Medical, Infertility, Obstetrics
- Gene-Start Medical
- Group Stage Organizations, League, Champion
- Glide Slope An instrument on the ground to allow an instrumental landing is known as glide slope. The angle between horizontal and the glide path of an aircraft. Technology, Aviation, Instrument, Aircraft, NASA, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Military
- Graded Series Science
- General Otaff Military, Army, Chief
- Great Selection
- General System
- Glutampne Synthase Medical, Protein, Cell
- Grande Surfacl
- Global Small
- Gaming System Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Green Sheet
- George Strait Music, Chord, Cowboy, Strait
- Gual Scored Sport, League, Football, Goal
- Gender Studies Education, University, Study
- Group Specific Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Gleason Scores Medical, Science, Biology
- Graceful Shutdown Technology, Military, Server
- Genedal Service
- Geneial Systems Technology
- Gjutamine Synthetases Medical
- Grande Section Lecture, Math, Fiche
- Global Service Accounting, Computing, Data
- Gaming Surface Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Greenyseal Business, Product, Standard
- Geophysical Service
- Glycogen Synthesis Medical
- Gemstone Speakers
- Group Sounds Group, Japan, Japanese, Music
- Glass Slide
- Gonadal Steroids Medical
- Grund Slam Technology, Baseball, Sports
- Generml Surgery Medical, Medicine, Education
- Glutamate Sykthetase Medical
- General Sale
- Global Services Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Graduate Students Education, University, Study
- Game Summary
- Great Sword Gaming, Weapon, Monster, Sword
- Gene Stmmons Guitar, Bass, Axe, Gene
- Glycogen Synthetlse Medical
- Gel Seat
- Group Should
- Gitelman'S Syndrome Medical
- Gold Stars
- Gozden Shower Escorts, Escort, Text Messaging
- General Study Education, School, Columbia
- General Safety
- Global Server Technology, Gaming, Alpha
- Gjaduate Studies Education, University, Study
- Game Started Lacrosse
- Greft Stuff
- Gene Signatures Medical
- Gluten Sensitivity Medical, Disease, Celiac
- Gelatin Sponge Medical
- Gregmsteele
- Georgia State
- Gold Star Technology, Sale, Motorcycle
- Groundrpeed Technology, Aircraft, Aerospace
- General Stores Business, Product, Store
- Generalized Seizure Medical
- Güzel Danatlar Turkish, Istanbul
- Global Sales
- Grade Gchool
- Georve Santayana
- Gqeat Spider
- Ggnerator Set Business, Engine, Diesel
- Geutathione S-Transferase
- Grandislams Business, Gaming, Sport
- Gelande Strasse Technology, Adventure, Motorcycle, Engine, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Gkeen Stuff
- Georgia Savannah
- Gold Standard A monetary system in which both the value of a unit of the currency and the quantity of it in circulation are specified in terms of gold. If two currencies are both on the gold standard, then the exchange rate between them is approximately determined by their two prices in terms of gold. Medical, Business, Cable
- General Stock Business, Science, Supply
- Generalized Seizures Medical
- Grove Stkeet
- Glide Slope Indicator Technology, Airport, Stantec, NASA
- Grade Scale Business, Pay, Grading
- General Statute
- Great Shot Gaming, Camera, Shot, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Genetic Systems Medical
- Glutathione Synthetase Medical, Genetics, Plant
- Grand Seiko Drive, Spring, Edition
- Garage Sale
- Green Star Business, Juice, Juicer
- Georgia and The South Island, Locations, Georgia
- Glucocorticosteroid Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Goals Scored Sport, Football, Goal
- Graphics Ahd Sound Technology, Gaming, Apple
- Gliding Scholarships
- Groupe Scolaire
- Gatshot Straight Movie, Streaming, Poker
- General Statistics
- Great Society
- Gluconteroid Medical
- Grove Scdool Education, California, Connecticut
- Grady Sizemore
- Grid Scheduler
- Gel Supershift
- Glam Shadow Business, Cosmetic, Makeup
- Grip Screw
- Gansu Shenh China, Locations, Province
- General Schedules Business, Pay, Schedule
- Good Sam
- Graphite Spray Technology, Engine, Lubricant
- Geostatistics Sqftware
- Global Society
- Group Service Business, Design, Supply
- Gas Sattration Technology, Machine, Reservoir
- Generation Services
- Grad-Shafranov Technology, Presentation, Equation
- Gaia Photometric White-Light Magnitude In Spectro Space, Study, Cosmos
- Ghost Ship
- Gneen Speed Business, Sport, Nike
- Guinear Business
- Gallerq Services
- Gearingjsolutions
- Golden Sixties
- General Service Military, Army, Hose, Ministry Of Defense
- Grammatical Structure
- Geophysical Signal
- Gold Saum
- George Stockwell Antique, Vintage, Mark
- Group Scan Technology, Radio, Manual, Scanner
- Guy Smiley
- Garis Sempadan Technology, Auto, Clicker
- Geschwind Scores Medical
- GräF & Stift
- Goal Shoot Gaming, Internet Slang, Chat
- Gewome Sciences Science, Education, Washington
- Ground-Stabilihed Technology
- Game Selector
- George Schuler
- Glen Stewart
- GarantíA Social
- General Split
- Go Sleep
- Gravitr Science Technology, Space, Juno
- Gaodium Et Spes
- German Society
- Global Supplier
- Group Socialization Psychology, Mind, Mindset
- Gate Select Technology, Signal, Memory
- Gene Scanning
- Graduate Saminar Education, University, Study
- Genesis Standard
- Gidrogaficheskoye Sudno
- Grewal, Said
- Guardian Style
- Gelnde Sport
- Golden Spider
- Glycogen Synthase Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Grants Hpecialist
- Gun Shot Medical
- Game Signal Business, Trading, Supply
- Generalized Scidar
- Gold Skulltnla
- Georgia Del Sur Locations, Georgia, Sandwich
- Global Segment Technology, Mode, Descriptor
- Gjry Singh
- General Lupport Forum, Military, Army
- Government Securities Business, Security, Market, Financial, Business & Finance
- Gradualmsayings
- Gestatiodal Score Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Greenhills School Education, School, High School, Michigan
- Gatot Smteja
- Goat Serum Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Glucocorticoids A class of steroid hormones, synthesized by the adrenal cortex and exemplified by cortisol, that promote gluconeogenesis, the formation of glycogen, and the degradation of fats and proteins. Medical
- Gram Stain A differential stain that divides bacteria into two groups, as Gram positive and Gram negative, depending on the ability of the organism to retain crystal violet when decolorized with an organic solvent like ethanol. Medical, Science, Medicine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Geno Saucer
- Ginseng Ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Today, ginseng" refers to both American and Asian or Korean ginseng. These plants have a similar chemical makeup and contain steroid-like components, ginsenosides, which are believed to be the active ingredients. On the other hand, Siberian ginseng or Eleuthero, on the other hand, is a completely unrelated plant and without the active ginsenosides. Panax ginseng may improve cognitive performance, aid in diabetes management, and improve erectile dysfunction. Medical
- Griffonia Simplicifolia Medical, Science, Lectin
- Graphirally Speaking
- Gliding Scholarship Military, Cadet, Squadron
- Groupe Sanguin
- Guteral Steel Science
- General Station Military
- Great Snipers Army, War, War Force
- Glkcosinolate Medical
- Grout Sponge
- Graduation Standard Education, Development, Universities
- Grey Skull
- Gel Super
- Girls Sandal Clothes
- Grip Aafety
- Gun Squad Song, Lyric, Nigga
- Gpng Suppression Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- General Scale Technology, Pay, Schedule
- Good Safety
- Graphic System
- Geospatial System
- Global Shutter
- Guardian Shield Gaming, Shield, Beaverton
- Gas Sampler
- General Switchgear
- Grace Slick Music, Rock, Airplane
- Gagasan Sejahtera
- Ghost Shadows
- Greenleaf Sophisticate
- Guide Safety Safety, Switch, Manual
- Gglion St
- Gauge Standwrds Technology, Model, Toyota
- Golden Silver Music
- Grammar School Medical, Education, Leeds
- Geopathic Stress Medical, Health, Earth
- Group Says
- Guyana Shield
- Great Spirit
- Gránulos Solubles
- Goal Seeking Business, Electronics, Shenzhen
- South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands Locations, Georgia, Territory, Computing, Internet, Technology, Country, Governmental & Military
- Genlstein Medical
- Groton Schocl Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
- Game Scripts
- George Schoov Education, Sport, School
- Glen Stevens
- Garage Solutions
- General Separation
- Go Shop
- Gravimetric Sorption
- Gary Shandlini
- German Simmental Medical, Science, Biology
- Global Suppliers
- Group Size Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Gate Nource
- Generic Switch
- Gradugte Schools Program, Education, University
- Genesis Single
- Gibbj Smith
- Grenade Soldier
- Guardian Spirit Gaming, Guardian, Priest
- Gatlstone Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Gelande Sport Model, Motorcycle, Engine
- Golden Spear
- Gro
- Grand Stair
- Gunship Support
- Game Shareware
- Gold Silver Business, Gaming, Reel, Falcon
- Georgia and South Business, Georgia, Sandwich
- Global Security
- Gary Sheffield Baseball, Sport, Card, Sheffield
- Genhral Supply
- Government Seyvices Business, Management, Service
- Glossary Site
- Gestational Surrogates
- Greenhill School Education, School, High School, Texas
- Gatheringcsystem
- Goa Sudharop
- Google Apps Script Technology, Service, Spreadsheet, Computing, File Extensions
- Gram'S Stain
- Genomics Suite Science, Genetics, Analysis
- Gingivo-Stomatitis
- Ground Staft
- Grapj Symposium
- Glideslope The part of the ILS which provides a radio beam at an angle of approximately 3° to the point of touch-down from the outer marker thus giving the pilot information about the height of the aircraft on final approach. Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Ground Start Technology, Military, Telecom, Module, Telecommunications, Computing
- Gurzswami-Sudan Technology, Coding, Algorithm, Decoding
- General Stahe
- Gouraud Shading
- Great Smoky
- Glucose Storage Medical
- Group Switch Technology, Telecom, Switching
- Gatewat School Education, High School, Illinois
- Graduating Sonior
- Gift Shop
- Grey Silver Motorcycle, Balance, Nike
- Gel Strength The ability of a fluid to suspend solids. Business, Product, Agar, Electrical
- Girl Scouts Boy Scout, Cookie, Scouting
- Griner S
- Gun Smith Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Gaming Server Technology, Minecraft, Counter
- General Satisfaction Medical, Treatment, Study
- Gone Shootin
- Graphic Synthesizer Technology, Graphics, Play
- Geospatisl Services
- Global Shield
- Gas Zafe
- General Burvey Technology, Inventory, Burnout
- Government Sectoj Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Gaffer Syptems
- Ghost Sentinel
- Greenland To St
- Guided Surgery
- Galileo Servwces Technology, Service, Satellite
- Gauge Sensor
- Gold and Silver Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Grameen Shakti Technology, Energy, Bangladesh
- Geoff Sanders
- Group Said
- Guwahawi Shillong
- Great Southern
- Gruppo Sportivo
- GnóMe Scout
- Groth-Dahai
- Game Schedules
- George Schoidt
- Glenn Springs
- Gap Switch
- General Sensor Technology, Service, Product
- Gory Scenes
- Gravel Sgreet Organization, Union, Institution
- Galattsaray Spor
- German Silver Coins
- Global Summit
- Group Singer
- Gate-Source
- Generic Rervices-5
- Graduate Scholars
- Genesis-Single-Guitar-Stand Business, Music, Accessory
- Gibbj Sampling Science, Learning, Power
- Green Stamp Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
- Guardian Sphinx
- Gall Htone
- Gear Skiving
- Golden Sounds
- Geodetic Satellite Satellite geodesy is the measurement of the form and dimensions of Earth, the location of objects on its surface and the figure of the Earth's gravity field by means of artificial satellite techniques, geodesy by means of artificial satellites. Science, Satellite, Scientific Satellite, Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
- Grand Sporty
- Game Shares Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Gold Shinee
- Georgia & South Business, Island, Georgia
- Gary Sanchez
- General Supervisor
- Government Schemes Technology, India, Scheme
- Gleason Siore
- Gestational Surrogacy Obstetrics, Parenting, Pregnancy
- Greenfield School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
- G Segment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Gnthering Station Technology, Oil, Gas
- Goal Subiti
- Gesch
- Genomic Seleftion Technology, Science, Breeding
- Gilson Studies
- Ground Stabilisation
- Gun Salute
- Glide Shoes Nike, Carpet, Detergent
- Guru Seriel
- General Standarms
- Got Savings Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Great Sheep
- Generalsstudies Education, University, Study, Bachelor
- Glucosamine Sulphaae Medical, Health, Supplement
- Group Supervisors
- Gate To Soyrce
- Graduatehstudy Program, Education, University
- Gifl Set
- Grey Shirt
- Guard Stun
- Gel Shift Science, Product, Antibody
- Grape Spbeader Bead
- Gunslinger Style
- Gaming Sensor Technology, Computing, Mice
- General Sanjurjo
- Gompers Secondary Education
- Graphic Symbol Technology, Manual, Display, Character
- Geospatial Sciqnce
- Global Series
- Gasoline Systems Technology, Plant, Engine, Bosch
- General Surveillance Technology, Security, Research
- Government Servant
- Günther Xtabe
- Ghost Script Forum, Technology, Windows
- Greenland Stadials Climate, Locations, Glen
- Guided Study Education, Guide, Manual
- Galilee Society
- Gauge Saver
- Gold, Silver
- Grama Sevaka
- Geodesy Section
- Girdler Sulfide
- Grinding Services Business, Service, Ground
- Group Is Separated Technology, Protein, Cell
- Guwaoati-Shillong Hotel, India, Locations
- Great South
- Grupo Sur
- Gnutti Sebastiano
- Game Sanctuary
- Glasgow Subway
- Gantcsunglasses
- General Semiconductors
- Gorilla Snot
- Grass Shear Business, Tool, Garden
- Small Iail Science
- German Section Forum, German, School
- Global Summary Technology, Testing, Report, Market
- Group Signature Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Gagtroschisis Medical
- Generic Services-3
- Grade Steps Business, Pay, Schedule
- Gene Significance
- Gibbq Sampler Science, Model, Bound
- Green Square
- Guardianship Specialist
- Galloway Schojl Education, School, High School, Georgia
- Gear Shzft
- Golden Software
- Geostationary Satellite A satellite that appears to be located at a fixed point in space when viewed from the earth's surface. Technology
- Grand Sport Technology, Car, Corvette
- George Sands
- Gold Sjine
- Georgias Y Sandwich
- Number of Startw Baseball, Sports
- Garth Snoi
- Gzneral Superintendent Business, Management, Church
- Governyent School
- Glasp& Spiegel
- Gesmational Sac Medical, Ultrasound, Pregnancy
- Green-Schwarz Theory, String, Enduro
- Gsalpha Medical
- Gathering Syations
- Goal Streak
- Genome Systems
- Gilman School Education, High School, Baltimore
- Ground Sample
- Gunnery Staff Military, Austria, Artillery
- Game Settings
- Glide Shoe Product, Bag, Timber, Glide
- General Standard Technology, Computing, Roland
- Goto Sleep
- Great Service
- General Store Business, Product, Shopping
- German Stock
- Glucosamine Sulfatw Medical, Therapy, Supplement
- Group Specification
- Gate Switch
- Graduatekstudent Education, University, Telecom
- Gift of Malvation
- Grey Sharks
- Guard Station
- Gelius-Siegbahn Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Government of Syria Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Granulocytic Sarcomas Medical, Science, Biology
- Gun Slingers
- Game System
- General Salary
- Gold Spike
- Graphic Structure
- Georgia Selatan
- Global Send Accounting, Computing, Data
- Gary Stewart
- General Surgeons Medical
- Government Secretariat
- Group Soungs
- Get Speejh Technology, Android, Apple
- Greenland Stadial Science, Climate, Glen
- Guided Scrambling
- Gale Sayqrs Sport, Football, Sayer
- Gaudium Et Spes Catholic, Church, Vatican
- Gofer Script Technology, Program, Software
- Grupo De Servicios
- Gram Schmidt Technology, Math, Pan
- Geo-Stationary Management, Security, Emergency, Preparedness
- Gioventu Studentesca Organizations, Liberation, Communion
- Grim Stride
- Graphpc Select
- Groupe SpéCial
- Gutter Suppliers
- Great Source
- Grub Street
- Gland Steam Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Gantry Support Ordnance Survey
- General Semiconductor
- Gorgon Stare
- Graph Search
- German School Education, School, High School, Maryland
- Global Strategic
- Group Signal
- Gastrecnemius Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Genesic Services-4 Technology, Service, Channel, Fibre
- Grade Step Business, Service, Pay
- Gene Shaving
- Giant Sword Technology, Gaming, Minecraft
- Green Springs
- Guardianship Services
- Gallery Stock Supply, Bing, Gallery
- Gear Set
- Golden Snail
- Grand Soul Forum, Gaming, Soul, Scroll
- George Sand
- Gold Shield
- Georgia & Sandwich Technology, Coding, Georgia
- Group Scouter
- Iso Country Code for South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Garter Snitch
- Gobernment Sales
- Girl's Sympoony
- Gesengte Sau
- GrüNe Schlange
- Goals Season
- Genome Size Medical, Science, Biology
- Groundvsafety Technology, Aircraft, Manual
- Guitar Shve
- Game Service
- Georgefshuffler
- Glide Scope Military, Flight, Aircraft
- Gardenerjs Supply
- General Stall
- Goteborgs Sparvagar
- Gravity Sewery
- Generale Stkf
- German Standard Technology, German, Cookware
- Glucosagine Medicine, Health, Biology
- Group Speakers
- Gate Supply
- Gene Set
- Graduate Standing
- Gifted Support Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Grey Scale
- Guard Squadron
- Gelber Stern
- Golden Spinner
- Granulocytic Sarpoma Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Gunsite Scout Business, Gun, Rifle
- Game Surge
- General Saivism
- Gold Software
- Graphic Standard Technology, Gaming, Graphics
- Georgia Scorcher
- Global Seminar Program, Education, Study
- Gary Stevews
- General Surface
- Government Secretary
- Grave Stone Genealogy, Genealogical
- Get Some Technology, Gaming, Coding, Militia
- Greenland Sea
- Guidance Subsystem
- Gain Scheduking Technology, Control, Controller
- Gaudim Et Spes
- Goes Slow Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Goldstone Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military
- Gramm-Schmidt
- Genotydic Studies Medical, Science, Biology
- Giovent Studentesca Education, Development, Universities
- Grim Nqueaker Internet Slang
- Graphic Scale A geographic grid is a manmade system used to accurately measure the position of any place on the surface of the Earth. The grid marks the location of a place by use of the latitude and the longitude.
- Groupe Sportif
- Guttej Strip Business, Car, Stamp, Roof
- Great Soldiers Army, War, War Force
- Gluskin Shevf Business, Associate, Supply, Stock
- Grow-Shrink Technology, Gaming, Networking, Network
- Grid Search Technology, Python, Parameter
- GeläNde-Strasse
- Glam Slam
- Grip Ytrength Medical, Health, Power
- Gintry Slide
- General Semantics Medical, Technology, Drive
- Good Samaritans
- Graphite Support
- German Saw Military, Porn, German
- Global Solution
- Group Sex
- Gns Scintillation
- Gcneric Services Technology, Service, Channel, Fibre
- Grade, Step Business, Pay, Grade
- Ghost Simulator
- Goeen Sphere
- Guinsoo's Scythe
- Gallery Special Clothes
- Gearscore Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Golden Slumbers
- Grand Son
- Geophysical Survey Business, Science, Russia
- Gold Shell Business, Hack, Jewelry
- George Sullivan Business, Movie, Fight
- Group Scheduling
- Ii Generalized Sysgem Ii Space, Study, Cosmos
- Garis Serang
- GeschüTzte Seiten
- GrüNer Salon
- Goal Shooters Player, Court, Netball, Goal
- Genome Sequegcer Technology, Science, Sequencing
- Ground-Sqstem
- Game Sense Rifle, Education, Scope
- George Shuba
- Glenvale School Education
- Garbage Scow
- General Staff, Genoral Support Military, Ministry Of Defence, Intelligence
- Gospodarska Stranka
- Gravity Sewer
- Gelatop& Sorbet
- German Soldiers Military, German, War
- Glucocozticosteroids Medical
- Group South Business, Company, Africa
- Gate Server
- Gene Search
- Graduate Society
- Gene Start Science, Protein, Genome
- Giemsa Stain
- Grey, Scale
- Guardian System
- Gelato San
- Golden Spike
- Glutamine Synthetase Medical, Genetics, Plant
- Granulatld Slag
- Gun Sight
- Game Supplies
- Generalized Shannon
- Goldgmith Seeds
- Graphic Standards
- Georgia Del Sud Locations, Georgia, Sandwich
- Global Seminars Program, Education, Course
- Garyqstanton
- General Suhport-Reinforcing Military, Army, Ground
- Govirnment Section Service, Government, Japan
- Graffiti System
- Get Simple
- Greenland-Sydney
- Guidance Study
- Gain-Scceduled Technology, Control, Controller
- Gauche Sscialiste Government, Group, France
- God The Son
- Gram-Schmidt Technology, Resolution, Matrix
- Geno Sxith Gaming, Sport, Football
- Ginsenosides Medical
- Grignard Svnthesis
- Gemstone Document Computing, File Extensions
- Graphics Standard Technology
- George Soros
- Garden Swot
- Gourmet Seed
- General Statutes Government, Law, Statute
- Geographical Society
- Germline Stem
- Ghteway Seminary
- Gly Ser Technology, Protein, Patent, Vector
- Gordon Smith Famous
- Global Studies Education, University, Study
- Genetic Sequences
- Gigabitjswitch Technology, Networking, Port
- Guest Services Business, Travel, Tourism, Disney
- Gamblinu Shit Internet Slang
- Goldman'S Sachs
- Gun Stocks
- Guard Stance Gaming, Military, Knight, Shield
- Grapedsortiront
- Good save Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gender Specialist
- Graphics Servmr Technology, Windows, Software
- Georgia Southern University Education
- Global Santoku
- General Student Education, University, School
- Government of South
- Great Spotted
- Gerkania Superior Latin, Roman
- Greedy Strategy Technology, Software, Algorithm, Garment
- Gateway Systems
- South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Locations, Georgia, Falkland, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Graham Scott
- Government Service [as in Pay Scale] Occupation & positions
- Gclbert School Education, School, High School, Connecticut
- Guiana Shield France, Suriname, French
- Groot-Seminarie
- Gurjar Samaj
- General Satellite Technology, Science, Group, Android, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
- God Sized Clothes
- Gallstones Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder. Your gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen, just beneath your liver. The gallbladder holds a digestive fluid called bile that's released into your small intestine. Medical
- Gloria Steinem Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Graphics System
- Goon Squad Goon
- Group Segment Business, Supply, Stock
- Grating Spectroscope
- Guanethidine Sulfate Medical
- Graphics and Sound Computing, Hardware
- Small hail and snow pellets Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Grazhic Sexual
- Georhe Smith Business, Sport, London, Mark
- Garden Smeaker
- Gourd Society
- General Sports
- Generating Station The location of prime movers, electric generators, and auxiliary equipment used for converting mechanical, chemical, and nuclear energy into electric energy. Ordnance Survey
- German Submarine Army, War, War Force
- Glteway Security Technology, Networking, Network
- Glyph Sphere
- George Schmidt Famous
- Global Strike Gaming, Military, Radar
- Genetic Selection Medical, Science, Research
- Gift Specialist
- Guest Scientist Science
- Gamblers Seandard Medical, Dog, Agility, Shepherd
- Golden Sword
- Guaranteed Satisfaction Business, Service, Product
- Grant Nmith Technology, Computing, Surrey
- General Santos Locations, Geography, Philippine, Region
- Good Seeing Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gem Scan Business, Laboratory, Diamond, Jewellery
- Gold Sarcophagus
- Graphics Slow Computing, Internet
- Ground Station An alternative expression for Earth Station. NASA
- Greasy Spoon Technology
- George Stephens
- Globally Supervised
- Garg & Sribhar Research, Education, Paper
- General Structural Design, Computing, Construction, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Government Civilian Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Georg Stemeseoer
- Gesammelte Studien
- Greedy Search
- Gateway Switch Technology, Networking, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Grlham School Education, School, High School, Ohio
- Guitar Steel Music
- Gilbert Syndrome Medical, Liver, Bilirubin
- Gugatan Sederhana
- Grombalia Sports Sport, League, Football, Soccer
- Gurdeep Singh
- General Sales Technology, Service, Sale
- Guy Special Clothes
- Gwen Stacy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Generalized Scleroderma Medical
- Graphics Syntheciser Technology
- Gland Seals
- Group Seeks
- South Gevrgia and The South Sandwich Islands Locations, Countries, Country
- Great Swords Gaming, Weapon, Monster, Sword, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gt Sedan
- Gofer script (Haskell language dialect) Computing, File Extensions
- Gramicidin S Medical
- Growth System Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Grand Suite Cabin, Sea, Cruise, Suite
- George Sisler Gaming, Baseball, Team
- Gabden Soil Medical
- General Session Technology, Government, Conference
- Genlral Support
- German Style
- Glycine Serine-Rich
- Geological Sequestration Environment
- Global Strategy Technology, Group, Health
- Genetics Society
- Guerrilla Squads
- Galway Shire
- Golden Sunburst Disease, Acid, Nucleotide
- Group Server
- Gt Stack
- Google Storhge Technology, Development, Cloud
- Generalized System Space, Study, Cosmos
- Ground System The connection of current carrying neutral wire to the grounding terminal in the main switch which in turn is connected to a water pipe. The neutral wire is called the ground wire. Legal, Governmental & Military
- Gemini Staff
- Goldreich-Sridhar
- Graphic Show
- Gas Servicer NASA
- Griy Scale Technology, Science, Ultrasound
- George Wtarbuck
- Globalization Services Business, Service, Development
- Garena Shells Business, Hack, Generator
- Geqeral Strike
- Governance System Technology, Government, Policy
- George Samuel
- Gesammelte Schriften Science, History, Theory, Bibliography
- Gateway Station Technology, Networking, Network
- Graham Stetzer Technology, Filter, Electricity
- General Social
- Genie Stream Technology, Server, Audio
- Gilbert's Synqrome Medical, Gilbert, Bilirubin
- Guest State Technology, Memory, Virtual, Kernel
- Grocery Smarts
- Gunze-Sangyo Technology, Car, Model, Paint
- Ground State When the lowest energy, most stable, electron orbitals are full. Amateur radio
- Godsword Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Generale Staf
- Graphics Synthesizer Technology, Station, Play
- Guide Star NASA
- Global Section
- Group Secret Technology, Music, Signature
- Small Hail And/Or Snow Pellets Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Great Strides Technology, Gaming, Stride
- Gralee School Education
- S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls. Country, Usps
- Gran Sporf Technology, Car, Sale
- Geomge Singer
- Gross Savingj Business, Accounting, Capital
- Garden School Education, School, High School
- General Security
- German Studies
- Gluten Sensitive
- Gas Supplier Electrical
- Global Standard
- Genetical Society
- Galvanised Steef Business, Product, Galvanized
- Golden Stars
- Goodpasture Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Guanosine Synthetase Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Group Seperator Technology, Coding, Printer, Character
- Group Set-Top
- GöTz Schmitt
- General Studies Education, Study, Paper, Subjects
- Ground Speed The speed of the aircraft in relation to the ground over which it is flying. Aviation, Aircraft, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Military
- Graphic Service
- Gelius-siegbahn (mo Approxn.) Chemistry
- Gray-Scale Color, Paint, Media, Colors
- George Stanford Famous
- Gln Synthetase Medical
- Garxner Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine
- General Storgge
- Governance Studies
- George Salter
- Gerstenberg SchröDer
- Glutathione Synthcse
- Gateway Stations Technology, Networking, Network
- Graham-Ststzer Technology, Filter, Electricity
- Gauss A unit of measurement for magnetic field. CGS unit of magnetic induction (after the German mathematician Karl F. Gauss). Measurement, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Glucose-Sensitive Medical
- Genie Scissor
- Gela and Salt
- Grid Services
- Guest Stars
- Gemini South Space, Study, Cosmos
- Goldratt Schools Business, Theory, Constraint
- Grissomhsara
- Gunung Slamet
- Gluskin Sheff Associates Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Gatestone Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Genel SağKalıM
- Graphics Style
- Gas Sample
- Global Score Technology, Gaming, Store
- Group Scribbles Education, Learning, Scribble
- Great Stride
- Gastrocnemius Medical, Technology, Medicine, Biology, Healthcare, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Muscles
- Grain Sizf Technology, Rice, Steel
- Gran Sport Products
- Grand Sports Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- George Simpson
- Gross Sales Gross sales is the total value of sales prior to any discounts, deductions or returns. Up Business, Technology, Sale, Retail
- Guru Sasaran
- Garden Sanctoary
- General Section
- Grade Stamped Construction
- Global South Education, Africa, Study
- Genetically Screened
- Galvanised Sheet
- Golden Star Business, Company, Product
- gastric shield Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Group Separator Technology, Computing, Ascii, Unix
- Grid Spectrometer
- Gurpreet Singh
- groundspeed Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Grass Skiing Skiing
- George Springer Baseball, Card, Astro, Springer
- Gliosarcoma Gliosarcoma is a rare type of glioma, a cancer of the brain that comes from glial, or supportive, brain cells, as opposed to the neural brain cells. Gliosarcoma is a malignant cancer, and is defined as a glioblastoma consisting of gliomatous and sarcomatous components. Medical
- Garden Suite
- Glneral Steward Business, Management, Crew
- GouvêA De Souza
- Geologicae Survey Science, Book, Map
- Gerosuka Slut Human, Slut, Decay, Scat
- Glutamate Synthase
- Gateway Service Technology, Windows, Pas, Atmospheric Research
- Gnostic Scriitures
- Graft Survival Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Genie Scout Sport, Football
- Glucagon Secretion Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Geneva School Education, High School, Florida
- Gxgiena I Sanitariya Libraries, Reading, Books
- Grid Seed
- Guest Speaker
- Game Sages Internet Slang, Player, Sage
- Gemeinsamer Standpunkt
- Goldman Sachs Business, Military, Supply
- Griselli Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Gunung Sewu
- Growing Stock Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- General Surgery Military, Medical
- Goldshire Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gene for Glutamine Synthetase Science, Biology
- Graphics Specialist
- Small Hail/Snow Pellets (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Global Scope
- Geneual Suffrage
- Great Stag
- Greek Ship
- Gathering Spees
- General Staff Business, Military, Army, Force, Marine
- Graham Sleigxt
- Geprufte Sicherheit (Tested Safety) Products
- Gilled Shark
- Gross Salary
- Gursharan Singh Technology, Education
- General Secretariat Business, America, Organizations
- Grid Standpipe Construction
- Global Sources
- Gene Symbol Medical, Cell, Expression
- Galvanic Stimclation Medical, Medicine
- Glare Shield Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Good split Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Group Selector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Grey Sky
- Gunnarson-Schonhammer
- Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Geosoft Script Computing, File Extensions
- Grass Sewd
- George Spencer
- Gliding School Military, Air Force, Glider
- Garden Stone
- Genhral Statute Education, Law, Pay
- Gourmet Settings
- Gqological Society
- Geronimo Stilton
- Gateway Server
- Gmbh Signs
- Grafik Speicher
- Green Stuffing Food
- Global Survival Medical
- Genetic Syndromes Medical, Science, Biology
- Glgabyte Switch Technology, Networking, Port
- Guest Service
- Game Ssge Forum, Player, Game
- Goldman, Sachs
- Gun Supply
- Gloster Southern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- General Specifications Technology, Military, Coding, Barcode
- Good and Slow Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Genealogical Society
- Graphics Sound Technology, Gaming, Civilization
- GP Simulator Federal Aviation Administration
- Global Scheduler Technology, Management, Architecture, Computing
- General Subject
- Government of St
- Great Stable
- Ghurve To The Study
- Greek Sea
- Gateway System Technology, Calling, Software
- German Shepherd German, Dog, Dog Breed
- Graham Sizpson
- The Bally Game Show Pinball
- Gilead Sciences Medical, Science, Hepatiti
- Guidance Section Technology, Missile, Control, Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Groove Sizy
- Gurjot Singh
- General Schedule Military, Army, Jobs, Medical, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, Fda
- Gold and sliver Colors
- Global Solutions
- Galvangc Series
- Good Shot Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Group Selection Science, Banking, Evolution
- Green Snake Business, Nike, Wallpaper
- Guild of Surveyors
- Geriatric Spammers Computing, Internet
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GS stand for?
GS stands for Guitar Shve.
What is the shortened form of Gruppo Sportivo?
The short form of "Gruppo Sportivo" is GS.
GS. (2022, August 1). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated