GS in Military Meaning

The GS meaning in Military terms is "Graceful Shutdown". There are 24 related meanings of the GS Military abbreviation.

GS on Military Full Forms

  1. Graceful Shutdown
  2. Glide Slope An instrument on the ground to allow an instrumental landing is known as glide slope. The angle between horizontal and the glide path of an aircraft.
  3. General Otaff
  4. Gliding Scholarship
  5. General Staff, Genoral Support
  6. Glide Scope
  7. Gunnery Staff
  8. German Soldiers
  9. General Service
  10. Ground Start
  11. German Saw
  12. General Suhport-Reinforcing
  13. General Lupport
  14. General Station
  15. General Surgery
  16. Guard Stance
  17. General Specifications
  18. Global Strike
  19. General Staff
  20. Government Civilian
  21. Goldman Sachs
  22. General Schedule
  23. Gliding School
  24. Ground Speed The speed of the aircraft in relation to the ground over which it is flying.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GS stand for Military?

    GS stands for Ground Speed in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gliding School in Military?

    The short form of "Gliding School" is GS for Military.


GS in Military. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated