GS in Technology Meaning
The GS meaning in Technology terms is "Glide Slope". There are 117 related meanings of the GS Technology abbreviation.
GS on Technology Full Forms
- Glide Slope An instrument on the ground to allow an instrumental landing is known as glide slope. The angle between horizontal and the glide path of an aircraft.
- Graceful Shutdown
- Groundrpeed
- Geneial Systems
- Gold Star
- Global Services
- Global Server
- Gelande Strasse
- Glide Slope Indicator
- Grund Slam
- Ghost Script
- Galileo Servwces
- Grameen Shakti
- General Sensor
- Ground Start
- Gasoline Systems
- Government Schemes
- Get Speejh
- Gain Scheduking
- Gram Schmidt
- General Semantics
- South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands
- Garis Sempadan
- Genesic Services-4
- Get Some
- Gravitr Science
- Gain-Scceduled
- Gram-Schmidt
- G Segment
- General Scale
- Glideslope The part of the ILS which provides a radio beam at an angle of approximately 3° to the point of touch-down from the outer marker thus giving the pilot information about the height of the aircraft on final approach.
- Groundvsafety
- Iso Country Code for South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands
- Gcneric Services
- Gofer Script
- Glycogen Synthase
- German Standard
- Graphite Spray
- Grow-Shrink
- Gauge Standwrds
- Ground-Stabilihed
- Gaming Server
- Gurzswami-Sudan
- General Burvey
- Geostationary Satellite A satellite that appears to be located at a fixed point in space when viewed from the earth's surface.
- Georgia & Sandwich
- Graphic Synthesizer
- Group Switch
- Gnthering Station
- Grid Search
- Gaming Sensor
- Graphics Ahd Sound
- General Surveillance
- Global Summary
- Group Scan
- Gate Select
- Genomic Seleftion
- Graphic Symbol
- Group Size
- Giant Sword
- Green Stamp
- Gatlstone
- Grand Sport
- General Standard
- Global Segment
- Google Apps Script
- Group Is Separated
- Gas Sattration
- Genome Sequegcer
- Graphic Standard
- Grad-Shafranov
- Group Signature
- Greedy Strategy
- Guidance Section
- Global Score
- Gastrocnemius
- Genie Stream
- Graphics Syntheciser
- Grant Nmith
- Group Seperator
- Gateway Station
- Great Strides
- Guest State
- Global Scheduler
- Gross Sales Gross sales is the total value of sales prior to any discounts, deductions or returns. Up
- Graphics Synthesizer
- Google Storhge
- Governance System
- Glare Shield
- Group Separator
- Gateway Stations
- General Session
- Garxner Syndrome
- Graphics Sound
- Global Strategy
- Group Selector
- Gateway Service
- Greasy Spoon
- Grain Sizf
- General Satellite
- Glgabyte Switch
- Graphics Servmr
- Gly Ser
- Group Secret
- Glteway Security
- Griy Scale
- Graham Stetzer
- General Sales
- Gigabitjswitch
- Gursharan Singh
- General Specifications
- Graphics Standard
- Graham-Ststzer
- Gateway System
- Gunze-Sangyo
- Gran Sporf
- Gateway Switch
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GS stand for Technology?
GS stands for Gateway Station in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Greasy Spoon in Technology?
The short form of "Greasy Spoon" is GS for Technology.
GS in Technology. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated