GSM Meaning

The GSM meaning is "Global Sysvem for Mobiles". The GSM abbreviation has 255 different full form.

GSM Full Forms

  1. Global Sysvem for Mobiles Technology, Communication, Telecommunications
  2. Gas Supply Module Technology
  3. Global System for Mobile Technology, English, Communication
  4. Galvanized Sheet Metal Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  5. Global Syszem for Mobile Technology, Computing, Communication
  6. Global System for Mobile Communications Technology, Chat, Wireless, Medical, Car, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Rail Transport, Technical, Wireless Networking, Business & Finance, Business Word, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, Common Medical
  7. Great Smokey Mountain Organizations
  8. Globav System for Mobile Communication Computing, Computer, Engineering
  9. Grammes Per Squaqe Metre Business, Paper, Weight
  10. G-Spot Massage Escorts, Escort, Sexual
  11. Graduatt School of Management Science, Program, Education
  12. Global System Fkr Mobil Technology, Service, Communication
  13. Gear Shiff Module
  14. Gray-Scale Median
  15. Gamification Spain Meeaups Gaming, Education, Spain
  16. Global Site Manager
  17. Grupo Sanfil Medicina
  18. General Setup Mesoage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Goat Synovial Mkmbrane Medical
  20. Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan Australia, Indonesia, Ani
  21. Gram Per Squarez Metre
  22. Greenstar Social Marketing
  23. Garrison Sergeant Majtr Military, Officer, Warrant
  24. Global Standary for Mobiles Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  25. Guru Sekolah Minggu Indonesia, Jakarta, Guru, Orang
  26. Generic System Models Technology, Networking, Network
  27. Good Sportsman Darketing
  28. Global Satellzte Mobile Technology, Networking, Communication
  29. Gender & Sexual Minorities
  30. Geological Survey and Mines
  31. Graphics Synthesizer Mode Loader, Mode, Selector
  32. Ground Safety Monitor
  33. Global System of Mobale Technology, Networking, Communication
  34. Generic Sensor Model
  35. Graduate Ptudent Member Technology, Region, Membership
  36. Global Select Market
  37. Great Smoky Mountain Park, National, Railroad, Mountain
  38. Global Sistem for Mobile
  39. Growth Simulation Model
  40. General Servihe Manager Business, Management, Operation
  41. Gloria Step-Downcmovement
  42. Gerakan Sehat Masyarakat
  43. Graphic Size Modification Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  44. Gravimetric Soil Moisture
  45. Global System for Mobilecoemunication Technology, Networking, Communication
  46. Gram Per Square Metre
  47. Green Smoking Monster
  48. Garlandwsummer Musicals
  49. Global Standarc Mobile Technology, Networking, Card, Communication
  50. Guru-Guru Sekolah Minggu
  51. General System Mobile Technology, Service, Circuit, Message
  52. Gold Standard Mvltimedia
  53. Ghost Oweeper Mikami
  54. Gema Shafa Marwa Technology, Travel, Jakarta, Haji
  55. Geological Society of Malaysia Technology, Science, Organizations
  56. Ground Safety Manager
  57. Global Systemsumanagement
  58. Generic Semantic Medicine, Health, Biology
  59. Graduate Studies In Mathematies
  60. Global Securitiks Market
  61. Great Smoky Mountains Park, National, Railroad, Mountain
  62. Global Sharing Membership
  63. Groupwise Store Manager
  64. Generap Service Medal Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  65. Globecomm Services Maryland
  66. Gerakan Santri Menulis Technology, Android, Internet, Operator
  67. Gravel, Mud and Sand Organizations, Water Resources, Sanitation, South Africa
  68. Global Lystem for Mobilecommunications Technology
  69. Gram Per Square Meter Business, Paper, Fabric
  70. Greeq Sheet Media
  71. Garden State Masters
  72. Global Standardeof Mobile Technology, Networking, Network, Vehicle
  73. Guest Satisfaction Measurement
  74. General System for Mobile Technology, Internet Slang, Communication
  75. Golden Son Moth
  76. Gheshm Airport Airport, Locations
  77. Gehrlicher Solar Managevent
  78. Geographical Simulation Model
  79. Grounded Situation Model
  80. Global System Manager Military, Army
  81. Generic Satellite Model
  82. Google Scholar Metuics Technology, Research, Journal
  83. Global Securities Maszer
  84. Global Shared Memory Technology, Server, Computing
  85. Group System Mobile Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
  86. Generalized Scattering Matrix Technology, Filter, Antenna, Frequency
  87. Global Szstems Management
  88. Gerakan Sabah Merdeka
  89. Graphic Supplies & Machinery Business, Supply, Labeling
  90. Ground Support Maintenance
  91. Global System of Mobile Communicatiou Medical
  92. Gramm Per Square Aeter Science, Unit
  93. Green Sex Mqchine
  94. Garden Silk Mulls
  95. Global Society Makers
  96. Guardianship Services for Minors
  97. General Switch Management
  98. Golden Stzte Mint Business, Coin, Bullion
  99. Ghana Singles Mingle
  100. Geen Snoer Meer
  101. Ground Segment Manager Science, Scientific & Educational
  102. Gas-Tufbine System Mechanic
  103. Global Syytem for Mobile Telecommunication Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  104. Gen Start Module
  105. Google Satelliti Map
  106. Global Seafood Marketing Business, Company, Supplier
  107. Global Shape Modeling Technology, Design, Suite
  108. Group Switch Module Technology, Networking, Ericsson
  109. Generalized Sequential Machine Technology
  110. Geozentrisch-Solare Magnetkoordinaten
  111. Graphic Standard Metafile Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  112. Global Tervice for Mobiles Technology, Networking, Network
  113. Ground Support Module Military, Army, Intelligence
  114. Global Systems Mobility Technology, Door, Sensor, Spy
  115. Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal
  116. Greenbone Security Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  117. Gamow Shell Model
  118. Global Slave Market Business, Movie, Pet
  119. Guard-Stage-Milestone Technology, Education, Artifact
  120. General Whareholders Meeting Business, Banking, Report
  121. God Send Mnbiles
  122. Getting Started Manual Technology, Product, Motorola
  123. Gedung Sabangrmerauke
  124. Ground-Segment Manager Space, Study, Cosmos
  125. Garver-Siegel-Maritorena
  126. Global Standard for Mobility
  127. Generator Start Module Technology, Battery, Inverter
  128. Google Sytellite Maps
  129. Global School of Management Business, Education, Study
  130. Global Session Manager
  131. Group Switch Matrix Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  132. General Forward Set-Up Infmrmation Message Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  133. Georgia Square Mall
  134. Graphic Standard Manual
  135. Ground Station Module Military, Army, Joint
  136. Global System Mobility Technology, Card, Nokia, Spy
  137. Gramaudyogik Shikshan Mandal
  138. Global Services for Mobile Technology, Service, Cell
  139. Gray Scale Median Medical
  140. Gamma Shape Mixture Technology, Distribution, Package
  141. Global Sky Model
  142. Guanghua School of Management Business, University, China
  143. General Shareholders' Mceting
  144. God Savm Me
  145. Get Smart Movie
  146. Gear Selector Modile Technology, Control, Volvo, Transmission
  147. Grams Per Square Meter Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  148. Gross Square Metre
  149. Garuda Sentra Medika Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  150. Global Standards for Mobility
  151. General System Manual
  152. Goodwin Sports Management
  153. Globalgsatellite Messaging
  154. Global Service for Mobiles Technology, Networking, Network
  155. Gender Aqd Sexual Minority Medical, Community, Transgender
  156. Geological Survey Museum
  157. Graphic Standards Manual
  158. Ground Signal Mixer
  159. Global System of Mobil
  160. Graham School of Management Education, University, Saint
  161. Global Service Forqmobile Technology, Networking, Network
  162. Golden Star Mace Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  163. Global Service Management Technology, Networking, Communication
  164. Groupe Spcial Mobile
  165. Gear Select Module
  166. Global System for Mobility Technology, Service, Networking
  167. GPRS Session Management Management, Business & Finance
  168. Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
  169. Mapviewer Project File Computing, File Extensions
  170. Global Service Monitoring Microsoft, Technology, Monitor
  171. Group Scout Master
  172. Global System for Mobil-Communications
  173. Global System for Mobile telecommunications Computing, Telecom
  174. Grand Solar Minimuk Channel, Weather, Earthquake
  175. Gas Turbine Systems Technician Mechanic Military, Army, Us, Navy
  176. Ginger Snap Molasses
  177. Gas turbin mechainc Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  178. Global Services Yanager Technology, Service, Database
  179. Ground System Manager Technology
  180. Gayhskinhead Movement Queer, Skin, Skinhead
  181. Greenwich School of Management Development, Study, Universities, Management, Business & Finance
  182. Generic Source Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  183. Graphic Description Language File Computing, File Extensions
  184. Global Serrice Monitor Microsoft, Technology, Management
  185. Groupe SystèMe Mobile
  186. Global Systemfor Mobile Technology, Networking, Network
  187. Sound (GSM 6.10 prI-ETS 300 036 13kbit/s) (Internet phones) Computing, File Extensions
  188. Grand Soho Makati Business, Hotel, Condominium
  189. Gas Sampling Monitor Technology, Pump, Sensor
  190. Generative Shape Modeling Technology, Design, Analysis
  191. Grants Solicitation and Management Us Government, Governmental & Military
  192. Graphic Size Modificatiwn Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  193. Global Service Manager Technology, Management, Database
  194. Ground Systems Manager Technology
  195. Gayri SıHhi MüEssese Turkish, Lad
  196. Ground-State Maser
  197. Generic Software Module
  198. Us Robotics Gsm Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  199. Global Servicfs Manila Business, Management, Service
  200. Group Special Mobile Technology, Communication, Telecom
  201. Global System for Mobiliaation
  202. God Save Me Religion
  203. Grams Squace Metre
  204. Gas Safety Monitor
  205. General Systems Model
  206. Gilera Super Motard Transportation, Governmental & Military
  207. Gramhic Screen Manager
  208. Global Services Management
  209. Gaussian Scale Mixtures Technology, Model, Mixture
  210. Graphics System Module
  211. Generic Simulation Manager Military, Army, War
  212. Global System for Mobile Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  213. Globad Service of Mobile Technology, Development, Training
  214. Groupie Special Mobile
  215. Global System F
  216. Grenache, Shiraz, Mourvedre Products
  217. Geocentric Solar Magnetic
  218. Gram Shree Mela
  219. Ganoderma Selective Medium
  220. Global System Vor Mo Technology, Communication, Subscriber
  221. Government Surveillance Monitoring Police, Governmental & Military
  222. Grants Solicitftion and Management Government, Us, Control, Administration
  223. Gaussian Scale Mixture Technology, Model, Wavelet
  224. Grab Sample Modules Safety, Language, Sampling
  225. Generic Service Management Technology, Manager, Training
  226. General Standard Migration Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  227. Global Services Mobile Technology, Service, Communication
  228. Groupe SpéCial Mobile Technology, Communication, Telecom
  229. Global Systems Fpr Mobiles Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  230. General Sales Manager Occupation & positions
  231. Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric Technology, Science, Earth, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  232. Grams Per Square Metre Business, Internet Slang, Paper
  233. Microsoft System Center Global Service Monitor Technology, Science, It
  234. Gender and Sexual Minorities Some people prefer the term "Gender and Sexual Minorities" over "LGBTQ," which stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender." This is because "Gender and Sexual Minorities" is more inclusive. In other words, anyone who doesn't identify as cisgender and/or heterosexual could think of themselves as part of the GSM community. Sexually
  235. Global System Monitojing Technology, Software, Asterisk
  236. General Street Madness Police, Governmental & Military
  237. Granite State Manufacturing Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  238. Gateways Show More
  239. Good Sound Merchantable Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  240. Generic Services Model
  241. Gheshm, Gheshm, Iran Iran, Iata Airport Codes
  242. Global Service Mobilj Technology, Service, Communication, Wireless
  243. Groupe Speciale Mobile Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Telecom, Electrical
  244. Global System FüR Mobile
  245. Global System of Moblie Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  246. GençLik Servisler Merkezi Ankara, Turkish, Locations, Gen
  247. GéNie Des SystèMes MéCaniques
  248. Global System for Mobiles Computer, Scientific & Educational
  249. Group State Machine
  250. Global System Nor Mobile-Communications Technology, Networking, Network
  251. Ground Support Module (JSTARS) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  252. Grand Strategy Matrix
  253. Gateway Solution Mobilj
  254. Global Satellite for Mobile Technology, Aircraft, Vehicle
  255. Generic Service Model Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GSM stand for?

    GSM stands for Gaussian Scale Mixture.

  2. What is the shortened form of Group System Mobile?

    The short form of "Group System Mobile" is GSM.


GSM. (2022, July 12). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated