GSO Meaning
The GSO meaning is "Geostationary Orbit". The GSO abbreviation has 118 different full form.
GSO Full Forms
- Geostationary Orbit Glaze ice or simply glaze is a smooth, transparent and homogeneous ice coating occurring when freezing rain or drizzle hits a surface. It is similar in appearance to clear ice, which forms from supercooled water droplets. Technology, Military, Aerospace, Earth, Satellite, Telecom
- General Service Office Medical, Meeting, Alcoholic, Organizations
- Graph Search Optimization Technology, Marketing, Social
- General Services Organisation Technology, Science, Service
- Global Security Operations
- Gore Septal Occluder
- Ground Support Office Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Genetical Swarm Optimization
- Graduate Students Organizamion
- General Staff Officer Military, Army, War, War Force
- Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit
- Govetnment Security Option
- Grape Seed Oil Business, Product, China
- General Sezurity Office
- Global Security Office Business, Management, Security, Nottingham
- Ground Support Operations Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Generic Segmentation Offload Technology, Networking, Network, Linux
- Goods and Segvices On Order Science
- Graduate Studentoorganizations Education, University, Event
- Graduate School of Oceanography Science, University, Island
- Geo Synchronous Orbit Technology, Space, Satellite
- Government Services Operathons
- Granite State Opera
- General Safety Officer
- Global Science Opera Science, Moon, Village
- Ground Start Option
- Generative Shape Optimizer Education, Product, Design
- Golden Symphony Orchestra
- Gmaduate Student Office
- Geostationary Satellite Orbit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Technology, Science, Astronomy, NASA, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Government To Government Services Online Government, Organizations, Us
- Ground Systems Operator
- Geo Stationary Orbit Technology, Space, Satellite
- Grand Sud Owest
- Gaziantep Sanlyi Odası'nı
- Get Safe Online
- Ground Staff Office Military
- General Surface Oxidation Technology
- Golden State Overnvght Business, Technology
- Gulf Standards Organization Business, Product, Testing
- General Service Officer Business, Military, Us
- Geosynchronous Service Orbit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Government Services Onmine Business, Service, Investment
- Ground System Operations Technology
- Geo-Stationary Orbit Technology, Space, Satellite
- Grand Sud-Ouest Organizations, France, Recherche
- Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Orgelbaufirmen
- Ground Safety Office
- General Supply Office Military, Army, Policy
- Globalvsecurity Organization Business, Management, Service
- Gulf Standards Organisation Business, Product, Regulation
- Gulf Standard Organization Business, Technology
- Geo Stationery Orbit Indonesia, Press, Geopolitik
- Gotvshipped Out
- Ground Systems Operations Technology, Space, Cosmos, Atmospheric Research, NASA
- Genta Surya Otomotif
- Grand Shikhar Overseas
- Galactic Survey Organisation
- German Service Organisation Military, German, Berlin
- Ground Safety Officer Technology, Aviation
- General Statistics Office Business, Economics, Vietnam
- Global Securities Opurations Business, Management, Security
- Geosynchronous Orbit An orbit in which a satellite's orbital velocity is matched to the rotational velocity of the planet. A spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit appears to hang motionless above one position of a planet's surface. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Space, Satellite, Airway, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Music, Concert, Symphony
- Ground Systems and Operations Science, NASA
- Geneva Social Observatory
- Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Technology, Book, Computing, Matrix
- Gadolinium Silicate Science
- German Scholars Organization Education, German, Germany
- Government Security Orgrnization
- Group Supply Officer Military
- Geological Society of Oman Film, Science, Wonder
- Georgia Society of Otolaryngology Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Graduateischool Ostwürttemberg
- Gulf Standardization Organization Business, Technology, Standard
- Geostationary-Satellite Orbit
- General Spin Orbital Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Iata Code for Piedmont Triad International Airport, Greensboro, North Carolina, United States Locations
- Group of Senior Officials Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Geographical Standards Organisation
- Ground Speed Oscillator
- Graduate School Office Student, Education, University
- Piedmont Triad International Airport Greensboro, North Carolina,United States Government, Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Guided Self-Organisation Technology, Organizations, Workshop
- Georg Simon Ohm Education, Fur, Germany
- Piedmont Triad International Airport, Greensboro, North Carolina, United States United States, North Carolina, ICAO Airport Codes
- GöTtinger Symphonie Orchester Music, Festival, Theater
- Groupement SpéCial D'OpéRations
- Geo-Synchronous Orbit Technology, Science, Satellite
- Ground Savety Office
- Government Support Organizations Army, Force, Marine
- Guided Self-Organization Technology, Research, Organizations
- Georgia Symphony Orchestra
- global sign-on Computing, IT Terminology
- Gwinnett Symphony Orchestra
- Graduate Service Overseas
- Government Superannuation Office
- Guest Service Officer
- Georgia Society of Ophthalmology
- General Services Officer (U.S. Department of State) Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions, International Development
- Gurmat Sangeet Outreach
- Gamer Symphony Orchestra Gaming, Music, Orchestra
- Government Service Organization
- Government Statistical Office
- Guelph Symphony Orchestra
- Georgia School of Orthodontics
- Glenbrook Symphony Orchestra Music
- Gold Silver & Oil
- Government Statistics Office
- Guan Sheng Optical Space, Telescope, Arsenal
- George Street Observer
- The Golden Symphonic Orchestra Music
- Graduate Studies Office Student, Education, University
- Gulf Standardisation Organisation Business, Quality, Standard
- Geostationary Satellites Orbit Aerospace
- Satellite Ground System Operator Federal Aviation Administration
- German Scholar Organization Science, Research, German
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GSO stand for?
GSO stands for Ground Speed Oscillator.
What is the shortened form of Goods and Segvices On Order?
The short form of "Goods and Segvices On Order" is GSO.
GSO. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from
Last updated