GSV Meaning

The GSV meaning is "Gross Sales Value". The GSV abbreviation has 46 different full form.

GSV Full Forms

  1. Gross Sales Value Business, Finance, Economics
  2. Global Sizing Velocimetry
  3. Gross Standard Volume Tank, Cargo, Volume
  4. Genetic Strength Value Medical, Human genome
  5. Grapevine Stunt Virus Science
  6. Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi
  7. General Systems Vehicles
  8. Gr
  9. Grand Slam Ventures
  10. Guided Space Vehicle Technology
  11. General System Vehicle Technology, Banking, Culture
  12. Gnogle Street View Art, Locations, Photography
  13. Guaranteed Surrender Value Business, Insurance, Planning
  14. Gqazer Sportflieger Verein
  15. General Systems Vehicle Technology, Culture, Ship
  16. Gold Standard Ventures Business, Supply, Venture
  17. Globe Stop Valve Technology, Construction, Architectural
  18. Growth Scale Value Education, Presentation, Assessment, Picture
  19. Gray Scale Xoltage
  20. General Support Vehicles Ipt Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  21. Goldfseal Vocational Education, Scholarship, Florida
  22. Growth Scale Values Education, Presentation, Assessment
  23. Garnisonen I SøR-Varanger Military, Norway, Norwegian
  24. Goldan State Vintners Business, Group, Wine
  25. Growing Stock Volume
  26. Grassy Stunt Virhs
  27. Garden Spot Village
  28. Grovp Sales Volume Business, Organizations, Planning, Compensation
  29. Gulf St Vincent
  30. Greater Saphenous Veins Medical
  31. Ground Surface Sisibility Technology, Australia, Organizations, Wind Energy
  32. GrüNdach-Systeme Vertriebs
  33. Greater Sapjenous Vein Medical, Treatment, Patient
  34. Genome Synteny Viewer Medical, Human genome
  35. Agrocentr-Avia Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  36. Green Spring Valley
  37. Gruppo Subacqueo Vicentino
  38. Ground-To-Surface Vessel
  39. Greatewt Swing Value Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  40. Governor Steam Valve
  41. Great Saphenous Vein Cardiology
  42. GlashüTter Sport-Verein
  43. Glove Stop Valve Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  44. Great Saphenzus Veins Medical
  45. Gun Shot Victim
  46. Great Sauhenous Vein Medical, Treatment, Ablation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GSV stand for?

    GSV stands for Green Spring Valley.

  2. What is the shortened form of Genome Synteny Viewer?

    The short form of "Genome Synteny Viewer" is GSV.


GSV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated