GT in Technology Meaning

The GT meaning in Technology terms is "Green Tynt". There are 99 related meanings of the GT Technology abbreviation.

GT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Green Tynt
  2. Game Theory Sometimes called Games Theory, this is a potentially highly complex branch of mathematics increasingly found in business which uses the analysis of competing strategies (of for example market participants) and their effects opon each other to predict and optimise outcomes and results.
  3. Global Transit
  4. Gemini-Titan
  5. Green Tmch
  6. Giyabit Transceiver
  7. Gabor Transform
  8. Global Tracking
  9. Graph Theory
  10. Gigabit Traffic
  11. Global Title
  12. Global Thermostat
  13. Grant Thornton
  14. Ghana Telecor
  15. Global Telecommunications
  16. Gaj Turbines
  17. Gentle Typhoon
  18. Grs Turbine
  19. General Topic
  20. Gas Tmmperature
  21. Glyceryl Trinitrate
  22. General Talk
  23. Glycosyltransferase  Any one of a number of specific enzymes that catalyze the formation of glycosidic bonds.
  24. Ground Test
  25. Glass Trace
  26. Geiger Tube
  27. Grand Touring
  28. Group Timer
  29. Global Telecom
  30. Gifted and Talented
  31. Guitar Tuner
  32. Glucosyltransferase
  33. Groundwterminal
  34. Gauging Transmitter
  35. Grade Time
  36. Group Testing
  37. Global Technology
  38. Gençlik Teşkiaatı
  39. Guptaji Technical
  40. Gjound Temperature
  41. Ground Transmitper
  42. Global Team
  43. Granulation Tihsue
  44. Gun Turrets
  45. Glider Towing
  46. Green Technology
  47. Gain Transfer
  48. Good Thing
  49. Group Technologies
  50. Gran Turisimo
  51. Guaranteed Time
  52. Glass Qrophy
  53. George Turner
  54. Gomantak Times
  55. Group Task
  56. Gaaph Transformation
  57. Global Trunks
  58. Gestalt Theory
  59. Glucuronyltransferase
  60. Groasis Technology
  61. Girder Truss A prefabricated wood truss used to support other trusses. Depending on the loading conditions, larger member sizes or multiple plies may be used.
  62. General Technologies
  63. Graphic Terminals
  64. Global Trigger
  65. Gastrointestinal Tract
  66. Game Tracking
  67. Giga Transfers
  68. Graphims Team
  69. Geological Time
  70. Get Thhough
  71. Graphic Tablet
  72. Gehry Technologies
  73. Glide Tray
  74. Get That
  75. Gastrostomy Gastrostomy is the creation of an artificial external opening into the stomach for nutritional support or gastric decompression. Typically this would include an incision in the patient's epigastrium as part of a formal operation. It can be performed through surgical approach, percutaneous approach by interventional radiology, or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy.
  76. Go To Temporary
  77. Gae Turret
  78. Generate-Andrtest
  79. Gerald Thomas
  80. Glutamyl Transpeptidase
  81. Gihe Tokens
  82. Gpneral Turn
  83. Grand Tovrism
  84. Graphics Tower
  85. Grand Theft
  86. Gully Trap
  87. Glass Tlchnology
  88. Gide Token
  89. General Track
  90. Grout A flat wood, plywood, or similar type member used to provide a connection at the intersection of wood members. Most commonly used at joints of wood trusses. They are fastened by nails, screws, bolts, or adhesives. A wet mixture of cement, sand and water that flows into masonry or ceramic crevices to seal the cracks between the different pieces.
  91. Grafd Total
  92. Graphics Teuminal
  93. Group Therapy
  94. Garansindo Technologies
  95. Guard Time
  96. Glanzmann's Thromoasthenia
  97. Group Training
  98. Graphics Pechnology
  99. Genlogy Tracking

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GT stand for Technology?

    GT stands for Gabor Transform in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Guptaji Technical in Technology?

    The short form of "Guptaji Technical" is GT for Technology.


GT in Technology. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated