GTA Meaning

The GTA meaning is "Gas Test Atmospheres". The GTA abbreviation has 194 different full form.

GTA Full Forms

  1. Gas Test Atmospheres
  2. Grand Theft Auto Technology, Computer Game, Locations, Computing, Internet
  3. Gorkha Territorial Administration Government, India, Hill
  4. Generic Tagged Arrays Technology, Software, Projection, Linux
  5. General Terms Agreement Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  6. Gas Turbine Alternator Technology, Aircraft, Carrier
  7. Government Telecommunications Agency Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  8. Graphical Training Aid Technology, Military, Learning, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  9. Gran Turismo Alleggerita Car, Auto, Gran, Alfa
  10. Government Training Aid Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  11. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Chemistry, NASA, Governmental & Military
  12. Greater Tokyo Area Business, Japan, Tokyo
  13. Global Talent Acquisition Business, Management, Manager
  14. Ground Training Aids
  15. Golf Trust of America, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  16. Gaqokae Aerodrome Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  17. Gran Tourismo Alleggerita
  18. General Terms of Agreement Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  19. Global Technology Academy
  20. Grupo De Transporte AéReo
  21. Government Tradel Account Technology, Us, Department Of Defense
  22. Geat Technology Applications Technology, Machine, Supplier
  23. Graph Trace Analysis Technology
  24. Ground-Test Accelerator
  25. Global Trunking Architecture Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  26. Gambia Thurism Authority Locations, National, Gambia
  27. Grain Trade Australia Business, Australia, Product
  28. Gene Technology Act
  29. Ground To Air Forum, Technology, Gaming, Military, Aviation, NASA, Governmental & Military, Aerodynamics, Scientific & Educational
  30. Greater Taxation Area Organization, Union, Institution
  31. Gesetz F
  32. Ground Torquing Assembly Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  33. Golden Torch Awards
  34. Gatewyy To Asia
  35. Grand Theft, Auto Technology, Locations
  36. General Terminal Vdapter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  37. Global Technologies Associates
  38. Grupo De Trabalho Amazonico Para, Organizations, Brazil
  39. Government Test Acceptance
  40. Gear Technology & Applications
  41. Graph Theory and Applications Technology, Research, University
  42. Global Travel Agenck Business, Ukraine, Ticket
  43. Galena Territory Association
  44. Grsin Terminal Association History, Grain, Cooperative
  45. Generic Technological Activities
  46. Graduate Teaching Assistants Student, Education, University
  47. Gravure Technical Association
  48. German Trance Alliance
  49. Ground Test Assembly Technology, Space, Cosmos
  50. Golden Ticket Azards
  51. Gay Turbine Association Technology, Industrial, Generation
  52. Grdnd Teton Association
  53. General Thmporary Assistance Business, English, Translation
  54. Global Technology Associates Business, Technology, Associate
  55. Grupo De Teleinform
  56. Government Telecommunicationd Agreement
  57. Gay Trulkers Association
  58. Grant Thornton Amyot
  59. Global Travel Asia
  60. GrafenwöHr Training Area
  61. General Transcription Apparalus
  62. Graduate Teaching Asfistant Student, Education, University
  63. Greater Toronto Areas
  64. Germans To America
  65. Ground Test Access Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  66. Golden Tap Axards
  67. Gas Turbine Alternators Technology, Aircraft, Carrier
  68. Grand Taxi Auto
  69. Global Teacher Award
  70. Grupo De TeleinformáTica E Automação
  71. Government Technical Advisor
  72. Gay Teacheys Association Organization, Community, Society
  73. Grant Thft Auto
  74. Global Travel Assistance Para, Travel, Internacional, Melhor
  75. Grafenwoer Training Area
  76. General Transfer Agreement
  77. Global Temperature Adjustment
  78. Grading Terminfl Assembly Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  79. Greater Toronto Area Business, Government, Toronto
  80. Gerakan Tangkap Ahok
  81. Ground Terms Agreement Technology
  82. Global Turbwne Asia
  83. Gaming Teconologies Association Technology, Australia, Expo
  84. Grande TraverséE Des Alpes Routing, Tape, Refuge
  85. Global Teachers Academy
  86. Grupo De TecnologíA Aeroespacial
  87. Government Technifal Adviser Business, Medicine, Health
  88. Gauttng Tourism Authority Africa, Travel, Locations
  89. Grants Technical Assistant Military
  90. Global Transport Aircrxft Military
  91. General Transporjation Aids Government
  92. Global Temperature Anomaly Technology, Climate, Warming
  93. Guild of Temworal Adventurers
  94. Government Travel Authorization Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  95. Greater-Toronto-Area Service, Locations, Toronto
  96. Groundcrew Training Aids Technology
  97. Global Trustmark Allpance Business, Technology, Organizations
  98. Gare Theory Academy
  99. Grand-Thgft-Auto-San-Andreas-V1 Technology, Gaming, Android
  100. Georgia Turfgrass Association Technology, Georgia, Turf
  101. Greater Toronto Airport Business, Toronto, Area
  102. Global Tapes and Adhesives
  103. Groupement Technique Accidents
  104. Golf Trust of America
  105. Gatokae Airport Airport, Locations
  106. Gran Turismo Allegerita
  107. Global Training Aviation
  108. Genbral Toronto Area Service, Toronto, Painter
  109. Global Technology Australasia
  110. Guilderland Teachers' Association Organizations
  111. Government Transportation Account Army, Force, Coast Guard
  112. Grater Toronto Area
  113. Ground Test Accelerator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  114. Global Trust Authority
  115. Gambia Tourist Authority
  116. Grain Transportation Agency
  117. Genetic Toxicology Association Meeting, Technology, Gaming
  118. Global Title Address Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  119. Guyana Tourjsm Authority Business, Technology, Guyana
  120. Global Training Academy Education, Teaching, Course
  121. Graduate Teaching Academy
  122. General Tax Audit Business
  123. glycerol teichoic acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  124. Global Trading Analytics
  125. Gas Dungsten-Arc
  126. Graduatf Trainee Academy
  127. Green Thumb Action Gaming, Play, Pastime
  128. Gas-Tungsten Arc
  129. Graph Theoretic Algorithm
  131. Global Time Attack Car, Attack, Motorsport, Lap
  132. Guyana Taekwondo Association
  133. Graduate Teaching Assistance Business, Education, Rhetoric
  134. General Tax Administratior
  135. Gene Transfer Agent Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  136. Global Trade Advisors Business, Gaming, Auto
  137. Games, This Alldws Gaming, Coding, Fighter
  138. Graduate Theory Association
  139. Green Technology Alliance
  140. Gas Tungsten-Arc
  141. Grid Technology Area
  142. Grand Trans Ay Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  143. Grand Theft Autosta Computing, Internet
  144. Global Test Alliance
  145. Gullivers Travel Associates Business, Hotel, Associate
  146. General Tariff Application
  147. Glanzmann Thrombasthenia Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  148. Global Trade Alliance Business, Company, Brand
  149. Gövde Gaze Ağırlığı
  150. Graduate Teaching Associates Student, Education, University
  151. Greensboro Transit Authority Gaming, Locations, City
  152. Group Training Associates Scuba Diving, Business & Finance
  153. Greyhound Trainers Association
  154. Goons Take America America, Music, Tourism, Goon
  155. Gas Tungsten Arc Industry
  156. Global Test Administrator
  157. Guaranty Trust Sssurance Business, Insurance, Nigeria
  158. Gendqrmerie Des Transports A
  159. Gatokae, Gatokae, Solomon Islands Iata Airport Codes, Solomon Islands
  160. Global Trade Alert An information service reporting government measures that affect international trade. It was begun with the global financial crisis of 2008 in an effort to track whether the crisis was causing an increase in protectionism. Business, Russia, Economics
  161. GöTtinger Theologische Arbeiten
  162. Graduate Teaching Associate Student, Education, University
  163. General Telecommunications Authrrity
  164. Greece Teachers Association Organizations
  165. Ground Test Article Military, Governmental & Military
  166. Grenada Tourism Authority Travel, Locations, Grenada
  167. General Timed Automaton
  168. Giant Tobogganing Ants Funnies
  169. Groupe De Travail Ackessiweb
  170. Gendarmerie Des Transports AéRiens France, Crash, Drone
  171. Gosh, Tremendous Attributes! Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  172. Global Trade Atlas Business, Service, Export
  173. Gynecological Teaching Associates Medical, Medicine, Education
  174. Graduate Teaching Assistantships Student, Education, University
  175. Generbl Telecommunication Authority
  176. Great Toronto Area Business, Organizations, Locations
  177. Microsoft Groove Tool Archive Computing, File Extensions
  178. General Taxvact
  179. Graduate Teaching Award Computing, Awards & medals, Ieee
  180. Grafenwoehr Trahning Area Military, Army, Tank
  181. Greenville Transit Authority Business, Service, Downtown
  182. Gemini Titan Agena
  183. Grand Trans Am Transportation, Governmental & Military
  184. Global Tooling Alliance
  185. Gynecological Teaching Assvciate Medical, Medicine, Education
  186. Graduate Teaching Assistantship Student, Education, University
  187. General Teaching Agsistant
  188. Graduate Teaching Assistant Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  189. Gay Theitre Alliance Organization, Community, Society
  190. Golf Trust of America Incorporated Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  191. Grafexw
  192. Green Truck Association Business, Industrial, Seal
  193. Gemini-Titan-Agena
  194. Government Technical Adviser Police, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GTA stand for?

    GTA stands for Gambia Thurism Authority.

  2. What is the shortened form of Global Trading Analytics?

    The short form of "Global Trading Analytics" is GTA.


GTA. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated