GTO Meaning
The GTO meaning is "Geostationary Transfer Orbit". The GTO abbreviation has 110 different full form.
GTO Full Forms
- Geostationary Transfer Orbit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Group Training Organisation Business, Government, Training
- Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Governmental & Military
- Gates That Open Business, Gate, Opener
- Game Theory Optimal Poker
- Good Time Oldies Technology, Radio, Station, Oldie
- Guaranteed Time Observers Technology, Science, Research, NASA
- Generic Technical Order Technology, Space, Engineering
- Gran Turismo Omolgato
- Golgi Tendon Organs Medical, Muscle, Flexibility, Spindle, Physiology
- Gesynchronous Transfer Orbit Technology
- Gradual Turn On
- Greater Than One Business, Media, Music, Agency
- Gas Tires and Oil Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Global Technical Operations
- Gomer Tip Over Medical, Medicine, Slang, Veterinary
- Group Technology Operations
- General Telecommunications Organisation
- Gran Turismo Omolagato Regional
- German Toilet Organisation German, Organizations, Sanitation, Toilet
- Government Technology Organization
- Graziadio Talent Online
- Gas, Tires and Oil
- Global Tax Outsourcing
- Golgi Tendon Organ Medical, Muscle, Stretching
- Group Technology & Operations Business, Banking, Germany
- General Telecommunications Organization Technology, Service, Telecom
- Gran Turismo Omologata Car, Picture, Ferrari
- Gaussian Type Orbital Chemistry, Technology, Science
- German Toilet Organization Technology, German, Sanitation
- Government Technology Organisation Technology, Media, Singapore
- Guaranteed Time Observing Technology
- Graphic Tube Original Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Gas Tires Oil Army, War, War Force, Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Getting-To-Outcomes Technology, Evaluation, Outcome
- Golf Tour Operator Travel, Ireland, Golf
- Group Testing Officers Service, Military, Education, Selection
- Gebze Ticaret Odası Turkish, Nail
- Gate Turn Off Technology, Power, Telecom, Computing, Hardware
- Gerber Top Overlay
- Government Telecommunications Organization Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Guaranteed Time Observations Technology, Science, Organizations
- Geo-Stationary Transfer Orbit
- Graphics Test Organizer Technology
- Gas, Tires, Oil Forum, Car, Goat
- Get Tickets Often
- Global Technology Outlook
- Group Testing Officer Service, Education, Selection
- Gdansk Tourist Organization
- Gerbang Tol Otomatis Indonesia, Toll, Jakarta
- Gospel Truth Outreach
- Guaranteed Time Observation Technology, Galaxy, Planet
- Genetic Training Option Technology, Trading, Maker
- Graphical Trace Object Car, Sale, Ferrari
- Gas, Tires & Oil
- Get This One
- Group Task Officer
- Gaziantep Ticaret OdasıNıN Turkish, Photo
- Global Technologies Online
- Geo Transfer Orbit Technology, Space, Satellite, Launch
- Good Times Oldies Technology, Music, Radio, Oldie
- Guaranteed Time Observer Technology, Science, Research, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Generic Transfer and Overlay Technology
- Gran Turismo Omoligato Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Gran Turismo Omologato Business, Technology, Internet Slang, Car, Lyric, Muscle, Gran
- Get Them Out
- Greath Teacher Onizuka
- Gaziantep Ticaret Odası Turkish, Vector
- Global Technical Operation Business, Management, Singapore
- Grand Turismo Omologato Car, Sale, Ferrari
- Guaranteed-Time Observer
- Geothermal Technologies Office Technology, Science, Energy
- Get Turned On Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Guaranteed Transfer Option
- Geo-Transfer-Orbit Technology, Space, Satellite, Launch
- Gate Turn-Off
- Grand Tourism Over Technology, Car
- GrøNlands Tekniske Organisation
- Geosynchronous Transfer Orbits Technology, Space, Launch
- Going To Ohio Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Guaranteed Time Oberservation
- Geo-Transfer Orbit Technology, Space, Satellite, Launch
- Gaussian-type Orbital Chemistry
- Grand Tourisme De L'Ouest
- Giraffe Tongue Orchestra Planning, Orchestra, Mastodon
- Geostationary Transfer Orbits Technology, Space, Launch
- Great Toroko Oppai Media
- Geo-Synchronous Transfer Orbit Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
- Gerber Top Overlay Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Grand Touring Omologato
- Gyeonggi Tourism Organization Locations, Culture, Korea
- Georgia Teachers Organization
- Gran Trail Orobie
- Great Teacher Onizaku Famous
- Gas Tube Only Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Grand Touring Option
- Gurto Tch Onizuka
- Geographic Targeting Orders Business, Building, Money, Estate
- Gran Turisimo Omologato
- Gate Turn-Off thyristor
- Gomer Tip Over (elderly Person With Injury From Trip Or Fall) Medical, Medical Slang
- Grand Touring Over
- Guito To Operations Technology
- Geographic Targeting Order Business, Money, Fin
- Gran Tourismo Omologato
- Guaranteed Term Option
- Jalaluddin, Gorontalo-Celebes Island, Indonesia Indonesia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Graduate Trainee Officer
- Guia TerapêUtico OdontolóGico Gaming, Android, Guide
- Geographical Targeting Order
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GTO stand for?
GTO stands for Geosynchronous Transfer Orbits.
What is the shortened form of Graziadio Talent Online?
The short form of "Graziadio Talent Online" is GTO.
GTO. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated