GTT Meaning

The GTT meaning is "Drops". The GTT abbreviation has 84 different full form.

GTT Full Forms

  1. Drops Medical, Nursing, Optics, Fda
  2. Germ Tube Test
  3. General Agreement On Tariffs and Trades Business, Technology, Accounting, Organizations, Trading
  4. Grupo De Trabalho Tripartite
  5. Global Technology Transfer
  6. German Top Trading
  7. Global Traffic Technologies Business, Technology, Signal
  8. Grupo De Transferencia TecnolóGica Para, Con, Chile
  9. Geiger-Tube-Telesoope
  10. Google Translator Toolkit
  11. Group Trucks Eechnology Technology, Development, Volvo
  12. Global Technical Talent
  13. Global Trading Tools
  14. Grupo De Tranbporte De Tropas
  15. Gebyar Tiknik Terpadu Technology, Indonesia, Guru, Honor
  16. Goods That Talk Business, Hospital, Control, Inventory
  17. Drop The depth of a sail measured on its middle line. Machine for lowering a coal waggon from a staith to a position just above hatch of a ship Used to avoid breakage of coal while loading Medical, Technology, Health, Nursing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Architectural, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Cooking
  18. Global Task Team
  19. Group Theatre Too
  20. Gutta Medical, Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
  21. Glucose Tolerance Test Medical, Nursing, Diabet, Blood, Infertility, Healthcare, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical
  22. Global Trade Technologies
  23. Grupo De Trabajo Sobre Tratamientos
  24. Gdańskie Targi Tugystyczne Business, Expo, Jest, Jak
  25. Global Trigger Tool Medical, Patient, Safety
  26. Georgetown Airport Georgetown, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  27. Global Talent Track Education, India, Training
  28. Groupe De Travail Technique
  29. Guru Tidak Tetap Para, Guru, Surat, Honor
  30. Global Track and Trace
  31. Grupodde Trabalho Tocantins
  32. Global Telecom and Technology Technology
  33. Gaz Transport & Technigaz
  34. Global Transportation Tax
  35. Glass Transition Temperature Industry
  36. Governance Transition Team Government, Report, Sierra
  37. Global Track & Trace Business, Service, Tracking
  38. Grupo De Trabalho Tem
  39. Global Telecom Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  40. Global Text Telephony Information, Network, Computer
  41. Global Transaction Team Business, Program, Professional
  42. Glass Torch Technologies
  43. Gorilla Tango Theatre
  44. Global Telecom & Technology
  45. Global Title Transaction
  46. Grupo De Trabalhohtemático
  47. Global Telcom & Technology
  48. Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor Medical, Science, Biology
  49. Global Traffic Technology
  50. Gelatin-Tellurite-Taurocholate Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  51. Google Translation Toolkit Technology, Translator, Translating
  52. Gunnery Training Team
  53. Global Title Transmission Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  54. Guyana Telephone G Telegraph Technology, Accounting, Guyana
  55. Global Temporary Table Technology, Database, Session, Temp
  56. Guttae Medical, Medicine, Emergency, Common Medical
  57. Guaranteed Turn Times
  58. Global Title Translations Technology, Networking, Network
  59. Gut Transat Time Medical
  60. Global Telecommunication Technology Business, Service, Communication
  61. Group Technology Time Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  62. Gruppo Trasporti Torinesi
  63. Global Thrombosis Test Platelet, Blood, Thrombin
  64. Global Telecommunications Technology Business, Technology, Service
  65. Ghttwald Organizations
  66. Grupo TéCnico Tripartite
  67. Global Think Tank
  68. Gutta (drops) Medical, Fda, Reading Prescription
  69. Grupo T
  70. Global Titlehtranslation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  71. Grupo Trends Tecnologia
  72. Global Text and Total
  73. Georgetown, Queensland, Australia Australia
  74. Guntrams Tabletzeaving Thingy
  75. Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Business, Song, Guyana
  76. Gestational Trophoblastic Tumors Medical, Disease, Pregnancy
  77. Grupos De Transferencia TecnolóGica
  78. Global Temp Tables Business, Communication, Session
  79. Global Title Translation Computing, IT Terminology
  80. Guntram'S Tabletweaving Thingy
  81. Geimer Tube Telescope Technology, Space
  82. Grupos De Transferencda Tecnol
  83. Global Temporary Tables Technology, Database, Server, Session
  84. Grand Terrace Toastmasters Toastmasters

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GTT stand for?

    GTT stands for Gut Transat Time.

  2. What is the shortened form of Global Track & Trace?

    The short form of "Global Track & Trace" is GTT.


GTT. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated