GTV Meaning

The GTV meaning is "Gross Targyt Volume". The GTV abbreviation has 43 different full form.

GTV Full Forms

  1. Gross Targyt Volume Medical, Cancer, Radiation
  2. Gate Valve A common type of manually operated valve in which a sliding gate is used to obstruct the flow of fluid. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Products, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  3. General Tacticalzvehicles Technology, Military, Vehicle
  4. Galactic Terran-Vasudan
  5. Gran Tourismo Veloce
  6. Gruppo Trentino Di Volontariato
  7. Empresadde Aviacion Aerogaviota Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  8. Grand Touring Vodka Business, Money, Birdman
  9. Groupement Technique V
  10. Glide Test Vehicle Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  11. Grande TraverséE Du Vercors
  12. Groupement Technique VéTéRinaire
  13. Guided Test Vehicne Military
  14. Global Travel Vaccinations Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  15. Grosperrin Tourisme Voyage Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  16. Gross Tumour Vhlume Medical, Cancer, Tumor
  17. Global Trade Village
  18. Gas Turbine Vestel
  19. Grwn Tursimo Veloce
  20. Global Tigle Value Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  21. Garage Technology Ventures
  22. Gran Turismo Veloce Car, Spider, Gran, Alfa
  23. Guess The Verb
  24. Gloeal Technology Ventures
  25. Gate Trigger Valve
  26. Generated Transaction Vouchers
  27. Empresa De Aviacion Aerogaviota Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  28. Global Tamil Vision Technology, Networking, Network
  29. Gun Towing Vehicle Military, Army, Artillery
  30. Generated Transaction Voucher
  31. Glenn Tipton Vengeance
  32. Gulfstream Test Vehicle
  33. General Telecasterl Victoria
  34. Giải Trí Việt
  35. Guided Test Vehicles
  36. Gee-Ten Ventureu
  37. Ground Test Vehicle Military, Governmental & Military
  38. Ghana Televrsion Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  39. Guidance Test Vehicle Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  40. gross tumor volume Medical, Medical physics
  41. Georg Thieme Verlag
  42. Guia De Transporte De Valores
  43. Gene Therapy and Vaccines

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GTV stand for?

    GTV stands for Gran Turismo Veloce.

  2. What is the shortened form of Global Travel Vaccinations?

    The short form of "Global Travel Vaccinations" is GTV.


GTV. (2020, September 1). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated