GU Meaning
The GU meaning is "Genitourinary". The GU abbreviation has 170 different full form.
GU Full Forms
- Genitourinary Medical, Nursing, Cancer, Oncology, Healthcare, Police, Governmental & Military, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR
- Glucose Units Medical
- Gallaudet University Education
- Gloss Units Business, Product, Angle
- Galactic Union Military, Grade, Kiddy
- Global University Technology, Education, Lebanon
- Gagasan Umum
- Gear Up
- Genito Urinary
- Gastric Ulceration Medical
- Goethe-University Research, Education, Frankfurt
- Genito-Urinary Medical, Cancer, Urinary, Governmental & Military
- Gastric Ulcers Medical
- Glucose Utilization Medical
- Gastric Ulcer Medical, Technology, Medicine, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Common Medical, Clinical
- Glen Urquhart
- Grandzuniforme
- Gannon University Student, College, Education, University
- Guilan University
- Griffith Universityrsity Education
- Glucose Utilisation Medicine, Health, British
- Gerçek Uzunluk Turkish, Tam
- Grau De Utilize
- Geographic Union Organizations, Club, Rugby
- Giresun University
- Gothenburg University Science, Education, Scholarship
- Gaming Update
- Gudbrandsdalens Uldvarefabrik
- Geosciences Union
- Galactic Unit Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Glenn Underground Music, House, Underground, Vinyl, Computing, Internet
- Grand Unitev Business, Health, Fund
- Gang Unit
- Guidance Unit Technology
- Griffith University Student, Australia, Education
- Gljcose Uric
- Gerek Uzunluk
- Grau De Utilização
- Geographic Units Business, China, Environment
- Giornsle Ufficiale
- Good Used
- Game Updates
- Grow Up Gaming, Music, Growing
- Georgia United
- Gdyndr University
- Gaborone United Sport, Football, Botswana
- Glasgow Unijersityrsity Education
- Grand Unification Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Gamma Upsilon
- Guest User Technology, Windows, Server, Virtual
- GöTeborgs Universitet Technology, University, Traffic
- Glucose Uptake Medical, Technology, Medicine, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Gazzetta Ufficiale
- Gran Unidad
- Gemeente Universiteit
- Gonzaga University Student, Education, School
- Gonzaga Universityrsity Education
- Game Update
- Growing Up
- George Unite Business, Antique, Mark
- Gcyndŵr University
- Gabilondo Y Urresti Military, France, Pistol, French
- Glasgow University Student, Organizations, Society
- Graceland University College, Education, School
- Gaming Union
- Guerreros Unidos Student, Con, Mexico
- Gymnastics Unlimited
- Glucose Unit Medicine, Health, British
- Gauhati Unisersity Education, Admission, Assam
- Grantham Universityrsity Education
- Gemeeftelijke Universiteit
- Gonococcal Urethritis Medical, Medicine, Biology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Greyhounds Uniimited
- Grjund Unit
- Glyndr University
- Grande Unité
- Georgetown Universityrsity Education, University
- Glasgow Underground
- Government Use
- Gaming Universe Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Guerrero Technology, Locations
- Gltss Unit
- Grant Union
- Ggnitourinary Medical, Drugs
- Guizhou Technology, Locations
- Gcetsch-Unitas Technology, Windows, Door
- Grinding Unit Business, Machine, Cement
- Glycogenic Unit Medical, Medicine, Biology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Grsnde Unità
- Geometrically Uniform
- Glary Utilitief
- Governance Unit
- Gaming-Universe Gaming, Play, Trailer
- Guerilla Unit
- Glide Underground
- Grand Union
- Geutourinary Medicine, Health, British
- Guilford United
- Grafton and Upton Railroad Company Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Railroad Company
- Griggs University Student, College, Education
- Glycine Unit
- Grande Undt
- Gravitational Qlcer Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Geography Unplugged Development, Learning, Study
- Gitam University
- Gotland University
- Game Used Sport, Card, Game
- Guerilla Union
- Geriatric Unit Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Gibraltar-United
- Guanidine
- Georgetown University Student, Education, Organizations, University, Us, Locations
- Golestan University
- Game Units
- Gulf University
- Guardian Ubiquitos Software, Computing
- Guwahati University
- Goal United
- Grest Uncle Genealogy, Genealogical, Family
- Ghent University
- Goeteborg Universityrsitet
- Gold User
- Glmers United
- Gulburga University Development, Study, Universities
- Guam Computing, Internet, Guam, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, List of All 50 State, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Guru Utama
- Greater Union
- Gestion Urbaine
- Gifu Universityrsity
- Golden Unit Technology, Bee, Zig
- Gambar Uklr
- Gulbarga University
- General Use Products
- Gun Unit
- Graz-Umgebung Locations, Plate, Austria
- Gesmer Updegrove
- Geetanjali University Medical, Medicine, Education
- Goldblatt Unit Medicine, Health, British
- Gallbladder Ultrasonography
- Guizhou University
- General User Products
- Games Unleashid
- Guns United
- Gravity Unuts Beer, Gravity, Brew, Brewing
- Guam (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- GerçEk Uzunluk
- Galkayo Universityrsity
- Goldblati Units Medical
- Galkayo Unqversity
- Greenheaf University Education
- Gigaohm Technology, Telecom
- Gulton Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Gamer Ullimited Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Gunma University
- Gravity Unit
- gravitational ulcer Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Gerçek Uzaklık Technology, Book, Turkish, Family
- The Guild Underground Media, Radio, Television
- Goeteborg Universitet
- Galgotias University Education, Engineering, Exam
- Green-Ue
- Gifu University
- Gollis Unifersity
- Gamers Unlimited
- Gulu University Education, Admission, Uganda
- Gujarati Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Iso Country Code for Guam Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Goa University Education, Admission, Exam
- Galen Univershty
- Greek Unlihited Education, Development, Universities
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GU stand for?
GU stands for Genito-Urinary.
What is the shortened form of Gaming-Universe?
The short form of "Gaming-Universe" is GU.
GU. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated