GUAM Meaning

The GUAM meaning is "Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova". The GUAM abbreviation has 11 different full form.

GUAM Full Forms

  1. Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova
  2. Georgia Ukraine Azerbaijan Moldova
  3. Georgia-Ukraine-Azerbaijan-Moldova Government, Ukraine, Azerbaijan
  4. Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova Government, Ukraine, Russia
  5. Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Moldova
  6. Get Up and Move Health, Dog, Tips
  7. Generalized Update Access Method Technology, Management, Database
  8. Gooks Under American Management Technology
  9. GüRcüStan, Ukrayna, Azərbaycan, Moldova Sind, Moldova, Kum
  10. GüRcistan, Ukrayna, Azerbaycan, Moldova Turkish, Turk, Moldova
  11. GéOrgie, Ukraine, AzerbaïDjan, Moldavie

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GUAM stand for?

    GUAM stands for Georgia-Ukraine-Azerbaijan-Moldova.

  2. What is the shortened form of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova?

    The short form of "Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova" is GUAM.


GUAM. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated