Guelph Abbreviations and Guelph Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Guelph terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Guelph abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Guelph terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Guelph Abbreviations
  1. BDDC : Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre
  2. CPHAZ : Centre for Puxlic Health and Zoonoses
  3. CSAHS : College of Social Und Applied Human Sciences
  4. WRDX : Water Rescue Dog Excellent
  5. SEDRD : School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
  6. SFOAC : Student Federation of The Ontario Agricultural College
  7. SHAC : Student Help and Advocacy Centre
  8. SOAR : Southern Ontario Amazing Race
  9. LPC : Loaring Personal Coaching
  10. FRT : First Response Team
  11. ILO : International Liaison Officer
  12. OVC : Ontario Veterinary College
Latest Guelph Meanings
  1. Ontario Veterinary College
  2. International Liaison Officer
  3. First Response Team
  4. Loaring Personal Coaching
  5. Southern Ontario Amazing Race
  6. Student Help and Advocacy Centre
  7. Student Federation of The Ontario Agricultural College
  8. School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
  9. Water Rescue Dog Excellent
  10. College of Social Und Applied Human Sciences
  11. Centre for Puxlic Health and Zoonoses
  12. Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre