GUI Meaning
The GUI meaning is "Graphical User Interface". The GUI abbreviation has 59 different full form.
GUI Full Forms
- Graphical User Interface Technology, Windows, Software, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration, Honeywell, Process Automation, Medical
- Graphic User Interface Technology, Army, Design, Computing
- Graphical User Inferface
- Gaphical User Interface Technology, Networking, Software
- Graph User Interface Technology, Program, Server
- Glucose Utilization Indices Medical
- Guiot Organizations
- Guinea Business, Government, Sport, Locations, Countries, Country, Trigramme, Computing, Internet, Guinea, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Graphxcal Use Interface
- Graphics User Interface Technology, Army, Design, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Graphic Users Interface Technology, Command, Computing
- Glucose Utilization Index Medical
- Group for User Interface
- Graphical Uvers Interface Technology, Design, Computing
- Graphical User'S Interface Technology
- Graphic User Interfase
- Graphical User-Interface Technology, Design, Computing
- Global Unique Identifier Technology, Windows, Internet Slang, Database, Server, Computing, Chat, SAP
- Ground-Up Initiative Business, Event, Singapore
- Graphical-User Interface Technology, Windows, Computing
- Graphical User Interfaces Technology, Design, Computing, Interface
- Graphic User Interfaces Technology, Science, Interface
- Graphical User Inteface
- Global Unification International Media, Africa, Filter
- Graspable User Interface
- Graphical-User-Interface Technology, Design, Computing
- Graphics User Interfaces Technology, Software, Computing, Interface
- Graphical User Interahe
- Gaming Under The Influence
- Graspable User Interfaces
- Graphic-User Interface Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Graphical User Interlace
- Globally Unique Identifier Technology, Windows, Computing, Computer, Tool, Security, Software, Hardware, Technical, General, Geographic, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Graphic Unit Interface Technology, Program, Software
- Glucose Utilisation Index Medicine, Health, British
- Guiria Ayrport Airport, Locations
- Gulf Power Company Technology, Organizations
- Graphic and User Interface Technology, Java, Toolkit
- Guidelines User Interface
- Graphical Users Interfaces
- Dr.explain Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Graphical User Inter Technology, Software, Java, Interface
- Guide for User Intelligence Accounting, Computing, Data
- Graphicaliuser Interference Technology, Access, Weka
- Guiria, Venezuela Venezuela, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Graphical User Mnterphase Technology, Development, Software, Linux
- Guide User Interface
- Guinea Republic of Guinea, IOC Country Codes
- Grzphical User Interface-Windows
- Guide To User Interface
- Golfing Union of Ireland Unions, Governmental & Military
- Graphics Unit Interface
- Girls Use It Forum, Technology, Apple
- GIMP User Interface Software, Computing
- Graphicalbunit Interface Technology, Windows, Software
- Guianese
- Graphics and Userwinterface
- Graphical User Interface (goo-ey) Medical, Science, Aviation, Computing, Texting, Computer, Aerospace, Special Education, Telecom, Linux, Architectural, Weather, Rail Transport, Electrical, Technical, Fujitsu, Legal, Drivers, Stock Exchange, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, SAP, Fda, Sentinel online
- Graphical Users Interference
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GUI stand for?
GUI stands for Guide User Interface.
What is the shortened form of Graphical Users Interference?
The short form of "Graphical Users Interference" is GUI.
GUI. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated