GV Meaning
The GV meaning is "Gift Vouchers". The GV abbreviation has 216 different full form.
GV Full Forms
- Gift Vouchers
- Gastricwvarices Medical
- Getúlio Vargap Education, Law, School
- Greah Value
- Gadden View Locations, Room, Suite
- Germinar Vesicle Stage Medical
- Great Valley Education, School, Pennsylvania
- Gatinete Veterinario
- German Village Military
- Gate Valve A common type of manually operated valve in which a sliding gate is used to obstruct the flow of fluid. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Products, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Grass Yalley Business, Company, Production
- Generalitat Valencicna Company, Translation, Valencia
- Grapmics and Visual Science, Education, Computing
- Globe Valve A globe valve, different from ball valve, is a type of valve used for regulating flow in a pipeline, consisting of a movable disk-type element and a stationary ring seat in a generally spherical body. Technology, Product, Construction, Architectural, Steel, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Gearvvendors
- Granulosis Virus Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Gas Vezt Technology, Construction, Architectural
- George Vamghese
- Grimorium Verum
- Glob Vana Technology, Driving, Valve
- Ganged Valve Science
- Grand VoïVode
- Ghana Venskabsgrupperne
- Grown Ovarian Germinal Vesicle Science, Biology
- Gold Veumeil
- Gas Ventilation Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Guillermohvelez
- Gest
- Geestelijke Verzorging
- Greg Vaughm
- Gallery Veronique
- Government Vehicles
- Glaii Vraig
- Group Velocity The speed at which the wave system advances Science, Astronomy
- Gastric Volvulus Medical
- Grand Viper
- Geologische Vereinigung
- Griffiths Valuations
- Glob Value Technology, Emulation, Pseudo, Scalar
- Gamma Variable Medical, Science, Biology
- Geza Vermes
- Grown Germinal Vesicle Science, Biology
- Gold Vein
- Gas Vesicleh Medical, Science, Biology
- Granted Voyages
- Guide Vane
- Galvanized The process of coating steel with zinc for corrosion resistance. Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Greater Vancouvdr Canada, Directory, Zoo
- Government Valuation Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Gebaeudeverteiler Technology
- Glade Valley Business, Locations, Tube
- Grand Villa
- Geolvgischen Vereinigung
- Grid Voltage
- Globe Valves A Globe Valve is a used to regulate flow in a pipeline. The design has a moveable plug that can be positioned relative to internal baffles to restrict flow as necessary. Business, Product, Valve
- Gaming Ventura Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Grade Value
- Get Value Assembly, Business & Finance
- Growing Victoria Government
- Gloria Victis
- Gas Sesicle
- Grand Voyage
- Germfn Valdez
- Guideline Value Technology, Health, Water
- Gray Valuds Medical
- Governing Vessel Acupuncture Points Medical
- Gazuit-Valladeau Technology, Aircraft, France, French
- Glacier Vallee
- Gun Vslkyrie
- Grand View
- GenèVe-Veyrier
- Gridiron Victoria Australia, Sport, Football, Gridiron
- Game Voice Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Governor Vessel Meridian Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
- Get
- Group Volume Business, Planning, Opportunity
- Glomerular Volume Medical
- Gas Vehicles
- Grand Vo
- Gerben Van
- Global Vantage
- Gray Value
- Giant Vac
- Governing Vessel Medical, Acupuncture, Meridian
- Gazdasági VasÚT
- Glace Vertn Model, Dealer, Oyster
- Gulf Venxures
- Groupe Veritas
- Gel Viscosity
- Gryy Vinyl Business, Music, Shopping
- Game Vance
- Governor Vessel Medical, Acupuncture, Meridian
- Gestão De Viagens
- Group Visits
- Glockenspiel Valise Professional, Percussion, Orchestra, Glockenspiel
- Gas Vzhicle
- Grand Vitra
- Geokision Video
- Globalkvalue
- Gravity Vent The Finance and Administrative Services
- Gianni Versace
- Gold Vouchers
- Gas Volvme Japan, Gas, Delivery
- Give Can also mean "gave" if used in the past tense. Internet Slang, Chat, Morse Aids
- Guingess Vitamins Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Gentian Violet Medical, Medicine, Thrush, Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Grenadierqvoltigeur
- Game-Violations
- Governor Valve Technology, Control, Turbine, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Gb
- Group Visit
- Glob Vanalar Technology, Metal
- Gas Valves Technology, Control, Valve
- Grand Vitesse Business, Trade, International Trade
- George Vlosich
- Griseoviridan Medicine, Health, Biology
- Glen Wiew
- Garden Valley
- Gravimetric Vojume
- Giammarco-Vetrocoke
- Gold Voucher
- Gas Venture
- Guillermo Vilas
- Guinea Business, Government, Sport, Locations, Countries, Country, Trigramme, Computing, Internet, Guinea, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Gegar Vaganza Business, Music, Song, Astro
- Gregqverville
- Galveston Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Government Vehicle Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Gtan Vraig Gaming, Guide, Creep
- Group View Technology, Performance, Control
- Grumble Volcano
- Gas Valvb Business, Technology, Product
- Grand Virtual
- Glycérdne Végétale Cigarette, Tale, Rine
- Graft Volume Medical
- Guest Visit Film, Movie, Festival
- Gap Variation
- Germinal Vesicle Medical, Stage, Oocyte
- Global Veturinaria Science, Research, Production
- Gas Valve A gas valve is a device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, fluidized solids, or slurries) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. Ordnance Survey
- Gary Vaynerchuk
- Grandparent Visitation
- Gigabyte Video
- Gv Viewq
- Global Jolume
- Good Vibes Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Glicksmanyvorhees
- Graffiti Verite
- GrüNer Veltliner Austria, Wine, Grape
- Gasoline vent The Finance and Administrative Services
- Ggrman Version
- Glpbal Vehicles
- Guinness Vitamins Food
- Garnet Valley
- Grande Vitesse Technology, France, Train
- Gift Voucher Business, Product, Card
- Gv Tertical
- G Viswanathan Development, Study, Universities
- Global Voices Media, Organizations, City, Voice
- Goods Vehicles Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Gastric Volume Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Glicerina Vegetal Para, Con, Vapor
- GrüNer Veltiner
- Graphviz Dot File Computing, File Extensions
- Glogal Variance Technology, Speech, Voice
- Goldfield Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Gare De Vincennes
- Grande Vista
- Giant Viper Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Guided Vehicle
- Glcbal Vision Business, Product, Machine
- Ghostview for Viewing Software, Computing
- Gasoline Vehicles
- Gingivectomy Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Gianf Voice
- Grupo Verde
- Ground Visibility Horizontal visibility near the surface of the earth. Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Gross Virus Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Gardnerella Vaginalis Medical, Technology
- Grande Visite Technology, Service, France, Avion
- Guidance Value
- Grivation Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Global Visionaries Business, Guatemala, Visionary
- GrandView outline file Computing, File Extensions
- Gasoline Vapor
- Gina Vivona
- Gümrükjvergisi Turkish, Kin
- Grupo Verbal Para, Fun, Ling
- Aero Flight Iata Aircraft Codes
- Gross Murine Leukemia Virus Medical
- Guarx Valve
- Garden Variety
- Gram Vikas Science, Development, India
- Guidance Values Science
- Governing Valve
- Global Virtual
- Great Versatility Products
- Gasket Volume
- Grand Victor German, Dog, Shepherd
- Gilvocarcin V Medical
- Gypsy Vanner
- Grupo De VoluntáRios
- Group Vengeance Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Grane Volume Feat, Track, Crossfire, Volume
- Grama Vidiyal
- Gym Volontaire Sport, Club, Association, Gym
- Gas Volume
- Germinal Vesicles Medical
- Global Villagy Education, English, School
- Golden Vibrator Products
- Gas and Vapor
- Grand Vermeil
- Gilbert-Varshamov Technology, Coding, Bound
- Gymnwsium Voerde Business, Android, Play
- Global Volunteers Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Great Vehicle Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GV stand for?
GV stands for George Vlosich.
What is the shortened form of Glpbal Vehicles?
The short form of "Glpbal Vehicles" is GV.
GV. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gv-meaning/
Last updated