GVB Meaning

The GVB meaning is "Gaither Vocal Band". The GVB abbreviation has 20 different full form.

GVB Full Forms

  1. Gaither Vocal Band Music, Song, Gospel, Vocal
  2. Green Valley Builders
  3. Garibaldi Volcanic Belt
  4. Grapevine Virus B Medical
  5. General Valence Bond
  6. Generalised Valence Bond
  7. Generalized Valence Band Science
  8. Gemeente Vervoer Bedrijf Vector, Metro, Tram
  9. Generalized Valence Bond Chemistry, Technology, Science
  10. Gemeentelijk Vervoer Bedrijf Business, Transport, Tram
  11. Grootegaster Voetbal Boys
  12. Gelatin Veronal Buffer
  13. Green Vegetable Bug
  14. Gelatzn-Veronal Buffer Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  15. GöTz Von Berlichingen Book, Military, Division, History
  16. Gun Vault Biometric
  17. Guam Visitors Bureau Business, Organizations, Locations
  18. Guam Visitor'S Bureau
  19. Grapevine Closteroviruspb Science
  20. Goleta Valley Beautiful

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GVB stand for?

    GVB stands for Grapevine Virus B.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gelatin Veronal Buffer?

    The short form of "Gelatin Veronal Buffer" is GVB.


GVB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gvb-meaning/

Last updated