GVM Meaning

The GVM meaning is "Group-Velocity Mismatch". The GVM abbreviation has 29 different full form.

GVM Full Forms

  1. Group-Velocity Mismatch Medical
  2. Game Virtual Machine
  3. Generation of Victory Ministries
  4. Gross Vehicle Mass Technology, Upgrade, Trailer, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  5. Gabaritno-Vesovoi Maket Technology, Space, Astronomy
  6. Generic Virtual Machine
  7. Goa Vidyaprasarak Mandal
  8. Gandhi Vidya Mandir Technology, Education, University
  9. General Virtual Machine
  10. Gnome Volume Manager
  11. Gelderse Vervoer Maatschappij
  12. Global Volcano Model
  13. Gautham Vasudev Menon
  14. Global Voice Mail
  15. Group Velocity Mismatch
  16. Ganga Vichar Manch
  17. Global Vision Media
  18. Gramin Vikas Mandal
  19. Green Vision Media
  20. Graft-Versus-Malignancy Medical
  21. Great Video Maker Business, Light, Slider
  22. Guest Virtual Machine
  23. Great Valley Museum Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  24. Gruppo Villa Maria Medical, Research, Hospital
  25. Gran Via Musical Science
  26. Grupo Villar Mir
  27. Grand Valley Manufacturing
  28. Gramya Vikash Mancha
  29. Grid Virtual Machine Technology, Software, Platform

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GVM stand for?

    GVM stands for Gandhi Vidya Mandir.

  2. What is the shortened form of Generic Virtual Machine?

    The short form of "Generic Virtual Machine" is GVM.


GVM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gvm-meaning/

Last updated