GVP Meaning
The GVP meaning is "Global Volcanism Program". The GVP abbreviation has 55 different full form.
GVP Full Forms
- Global Volcanism Program Technology, Government, Volcano
- Generic Value Products Business, Hair, Iron
- General Vang Pao
- Gasoline Vapor Pressure Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline, Environment
- General Verification Protocol Business, Technology, Environment
- Global Village Playground Business, Supply, Stock
- Grand Valley Power Technology, Traffic, Coupon
- Golden Valley Products
- General Voters Party
- Global Village Publishing
- Government Visa Program
- Goa Vikas Party Government, India, Election
- Group Vice President Business, Technology, Management
- Gribbles Veterinary Pathology Vic & Sa Medicine, Veterinary
- Global Village Partnerships
- Global Volunteer Programs
- Gross Value of Production Business, Australia, Industrial
- Green Village Philadelphia
- Genesis Versi Pro
- Global Visualization Process
- Gribbles Veterinary Pathology Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Green Valley Properties
- Genesee Valley Park
- Global Vision for Peace
- Greenvale Airport Greenvale, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Green Valley Park
- Generic Verification Protocol
- Global Visibility Platform
- Good Vigilance Practices Business, Medicine, Japan
- Greater Vancouver Powersports
- Good Pharmacovigilance Practice Medicine, Health, Care
- Generic Value Product
- Gypsum Vermiculite Plaster
- Gross Village Product
- Good Viticultural Practices
- Gute Veterinärmedizinische Praxis Vet, Tier, Uns
- Good pharmacovigilance practices
- Good Vigilance Practice Medical, Business, Medicine
- Gurukula Vidya Peeth
- Gothenburg Video Project
- Greenvale, Queensland, Australia Australia
- Good Veterinary Practice Medical, Food, Production, Safety
- Gse Systems, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Gook Validation Prctice
- Genesys Voice Platform Computing, Hardware
- Good Veterinary Practices Medical, Food, Safety
- Groupe Ventilateur Portatif
- Google Video Pointer Technology, Program, Player, Computing, File Extensions
- G S E Systems, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Good Validation Practice
- Groupe Des Volontaires Pour La Paix
- Google Video Playlist
- Gamer Vox Populi Business, Binding, Afterbirth
- Ground Validation Program Science
- Google Video Player Technology, Program, Software, Computing, File Extensions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GVP stand for?
GVP stands for Global Volunteer Programs.
What is the shortened form of Global Visibility Platform?
The short form of "Global Visibility Platform" is GVP.
GVP. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 29). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/gvp-meaning/
Last updated