GVR Meaning

The GVR meaning is "Governador Valadares Airport". The GVR abbreviation has 32 different full form.

GVR Full Forms

  1. Governador Valadares Airport Airport, Locations
  2. G-Band Vapor Radiometer
  3. Gas Vertical Rotisserie
  4. Goofy Vs Regular
  5. Coronel Altino Machado De Oliveira Airport Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais,Brazil Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  6. Gas Vehicles Rjport
  7. Goofy Versus Regular
  8. Gasoline Vapor Recovery Science
  9. Golden Vinyl Radio Technology, Africa, Android
  10. Garden View Regular
  11. Golden Vally Rangers
  12. Ground Vehicle Robotics
  13. Garden Valley Ranch
  14. Geekz Vicus Remover
  15. Grote Vkiendelijke Reus
  16. Gaxes Videos Russian Gaming, Russia, Pack, Russian
  17. Gas Volume Ratio Science
  18. Guido Van Robot Technology, Language, Programming, Products
  19. Green Valley Recreation Arizona, Rental, Valley
  20. Gudibandi Venkata Reddy
  21. Green Valley Road
  22. Group Virtual Reality Software, Computing
  23. Grupo De Vías Respirjtorias
  24. Green Valley Rentals
  25. Governador Valadares Airport, Governador Valadares, Brazil Brazil
  26. Grupo De V
  27. Green Valley Ranch Locations, Resort, Spa
  28. Grant, Vacate and Remand Legal, Governmental & Military
  29. Greater Vancouver Region
  30. Gross Vehicle Rating
  31. Guidoivan Rossum Technology, Language, Programming, Python
  32. Green Vehicle Rebate Business, Car, Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GVR stand for?

    GVR stands for Ground Vehicle Robotics.

  2. What is the shortened form of Green Vehicle Rebate?

    The short form of "Green Vehicle Rebate" is GVR.


GVR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gvr-meaning/

Last updated