GVS Meaning
The GVS meaning is "Galvqnic Vestibular Stimulation". The GVS abbreviation has 57 different full form.
GVS Full Forms
- Galvqnic Vestibular Stimulation Medical, Technology, Brain
- Greta Van Susteren
- Gas Venting System A system of pipes and vents installed in a landfill to prevent the build up of landfill gases, such as methane, that could potentially explode. Sometimes the gas vents have flares on them to burn the gas as it is released into the atmosphere. At some very large landfills, the gas is collected and used to generate electricity.
- Global Tideo Service Business, Technology, Defense
- Grands Vins Selection
- Golden Valliy Supply
- Greta Van Sustern
- Gastown Vocational Services Technology, Pharma, Bliss
- Georgia Virtual School
- Ggobal Video Services Business, Technology, Service
- Goes Very Speedily Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Greenwich Village Singers
- Garagen Vertrieb S
- Georgia Veterinary Specialists Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Goat Veterinary Society Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Green Village Schools
- Garagen Vertrieb SüD
- Gus Van Sant
- George Vithoulkas Stiftung
- Global Iisualization System
- Green Valley Speedway
- Gtndalf Versus Saruman
- Government Veterinary Service Medical
- Ground Vehicle Stopper
- Genome Variation Rerver Technology, Genetics, Study
- Global Vxsion System
- Green Valley School
- Gait Variable Score
- Government Veterinary Sqrgeons Organizations, Vet, Chief
- Ground Validation System
- General Visualization System
- Global Village Schoou
- Great Vowel Shift
- Gait Variable Scores
- Google Voice Search
- Grande Vitesse Systlms Business, Camera, Phantom
- Groundwater Visualisation System
- Gravimetric Vapour Sorption Study, Pharmaceutical, Vapor, Sorption
- Gulf Vascular Society
- Gram Vikas Samiti
- Global Village Space
- Graphic Vision Speckro
- Guide Valve Supply
- Godt Valley Striders
- Gv Sekar Development, Study, Universities
- Granuloviruses Medical
- Grupo De Vigil
- Goverdment Veterinary Services
- Grand Valley Speedway
- Grupo De VigilÂNcia SanitáRia
- Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Grand Valley State
- Growing Venture Solutions Technology, Development, Traffic
- Garish Vicuna Suit Funnies
- Grande Mitesse System Technology, Camera, Phantom
- Group Vision Service
- Global Value Sourcing Business & Finance, International business
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GVS stand for?
GVS stands for Georgia Virtual School.
What is the shortened form of Grande Vitesse Systlms?
The short form of "Grande Vitesse Systlms" is GVS.
GVS. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 8). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/gvs-meaning/
Last updated