GVV Meaning

The GVV meaning is "Gewählte Virtuelle Verbindueg". The GVV abbreviation has 14 different full form.

GVV Full Forms

  1. Gewählte Virtuelle Verbindueg
  2. Gewaehlte Virtuelle Verbineung
  3. Gestio Vitalici Vivenda
  4. German Volunteer Votexakers Technology, Internet Slang, Computing
  5. Geldermalsense Voetbal Vereniging
  6. Glwss Voa Vial Science
  7. Giving Voice To Values Business, Education, Ethic
  8. Granular Vulvovaginitis Medical
  9. Grandes Vinos Y ViÑEdos
  10. Grade Vent Valve
  11. Google Visual Voicpmail
  12. Global Virtual View
  13. Gruppi Di Volontariato Vincenziano
  14. Gregori Verkehrktechnik-Vertriebs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GVV stand for?

    GVV stands for Gregori Verkehrktechnik-Vertriebs.

  2. What is the shortened form of Granular Vulvovaginitis?

    The short form of "Granular Vulvovaginitis" is GVV.


GVV. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gvv-meaning/

Last updated