GW Meaning
The GW meaning is "Golden Waltz". The GW abbreviation has 287 different full form.
GW Full Forms
- Golden Waltz Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
- Geowge Washington
- Guided Wave Technology, Product, Ultrasonic
- Greater Wellington
- Gaming World Media, Radio, Television
- Gone Wild Technology, Porn, Girl, Reddit
- Guinea-Bissad Locations, Countries, Country
- Grafity Well Technology, Gaming, War
- Game Winner Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Gestational Weeks Medical, Science, Biology
- Gravitational Waves Science, Wave, Physics
- Games Workshop Business, Gaming, Organizations, Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Germ Warfare Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Gravutational Wave Science, Physics, Detector
- Game Wunning Hockey, Ice Hockey, Game
- Gerald Wallace
- Grand Way Knife, Sweden, Titanium
- Game-Winning Gaming, Sport, Hockey
- Great Weapon Gaming, Military, War
- George Washington Science, Education, Libraries, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Famous, Names and nicknames, Geographic
- Gradual Withdrawal Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Galmctic War
- Gmeat Wall China, Safety, Wall, Safe
- Genital Warts Medical, Treatment, Symptom
- Go West
- Gospel Witness
- Griffin Welding
- Garrett Wolfe
- Golden Wind Anime, Adventure, Wind, Diamond
- George Weasley
- Great Wildlands
- Giga Watts
- Geloof En Wetenschap
- Graham Wade
- German Warriors
- Grizzly Wing
- Gaco Cestern
- Group Winner Organizations, League, Champion
- Good Work Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- George William College, Washington, Hill
- Great Writers
- Global Warriors
- Game Wins
- Goblin Workshop
- Guide Words
- Genesee and Wyoming
- Grain Width Medical, Science, Biology
- Gesamtkatalog Der Wiegendrucke Technology, Book, Library, Catalogue
- Green Works
- Google Whack
- Garrett Whitley Business, Baseball, Bay, Draft
- Golden Wheel
- George Wassouf
- Gravitational Water The total value of goods produced and services provided by a country during one year, equal to the gross domestic product plus the net income from foreign investments.
- Giga-Watt
- Gee-Whiz
- Graham-Windham
- Gerard Way
- Griqualand West
- Gabor Wavelets
- Group Ware
- Gaseous Waste Science
- Good Words
- George Wilkinson
- Great Writer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Global Warning
- Games Won
- Goblin Warrior
- Guides Working
- General Warning
- Grain Weight Science, Genetics, Yield
- Gesammelte Werke Book, Library, Philosophy
- Greenwood and Williamson
- Google Wave
- Garrett Wade
- Gods Willing
- George Washingtonnuniversityrsity Education, University, United States
- Gressed Waterway
- Gift Wrapping
- Gedung Wanita
- Grady Wilson
- Grip Walk
- Gerrard Wendell
- Ground Wood Business, Paper, Pulp
- Gary Wilmot
- Good Witch Business, Gaming, Movie
- George White Business, Forum, Sport, Whit
- Great World
- Global Warming Global warming is the gradual increase in global temperatures caused by the emission of gases that trap the sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Gases that contribute to global warming include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, (CFC's) chlorofluorocarbons, and halocarbons (the replacements for CFC's). The carbon dioxide emissions are primarily caused by the use of fossil fuels for energy. Climate, Environment, Global Warming
- Gamer Within
- Goals-Game Winning
- Growing Washington
- General Wards Medical
- Grainger & Worrall
- Gervase Wheeler
- Greenwood-Williamson
- Groove Wedge
- Google Wallet
- Global Wind Technology, Energy, Power
- Garnet Wine
- Gods Wrath
- Gene Wilson
- Graphic Work
- Giddings and Webster
- Gebruder Weiss Business, Logistics, Transport
- Gripe Water
- Geoff Williams
- Gary Williams
- Golden Wonder Army, War, War Force
- George Weston
- Great Worker Occupation, Position, Job
- Global Warfare Computer Game, Video Game
- Gain Window
- Glycerin In Water Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Group Workshop
- Generali Worldwide
- Graham Wideman
- German World
- Green Wood
- Groove-Wedge
- Goodyear Welted Business, Machine, Welt
- Greeley West
- Global Win
- Gardner Webb University Education, Organizations, Us, Locations
- God'S Wrath
- Gene Wilder
- Graphic Eorl
- Giddings & Webster
- Greg Webb Technology, Movie, Acting
- Gear Wiki
- Grinding Wheel A cutting tool of circular shape made of abrasive grains bonded together. also diamond wheels.
- Gardner Wilkinson
- Gary Wilkins
- Golden Woman Shirt, Leather, Wrist
- George Wevt
- Great Woods
- Gleoite Wardrobe Business, Baby, Pajama
- Glue and Wave Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Group Workcamps
- Gemunu Watch Military, Army, Locations, Regiment
- Graham Watson
- German Wirehaired
- Green With White
- Gage Woven
- Gromov-Witten
- Goodyear Welt Business, Machine, Shoe
- Greek Week
- Global Water
- Game Warden Forum, Knife, Warden
- God'S Way
- Guild of The Week Technology, Gaming, War
- Geneva Williahs
- Graphics Womld
- Gesprochene Wikipedia
- Greer Willis
- Grim Ward
- Guilduwar Business, Gaming, Guide
- Gary Watson
- Golden Wings
- Georfe Wells Ocean, Beadle, Showboat
- Great Wonder
- Glenn Weiss Technology, Academy, Movie, Award
- Group Wizard Technology, Jazz, Steel, Monk
- Gemeente Wageningen
- Graham Walters
- German White
- Green Winged
- Gafget Watch
- Groupwise Web
- Good Worker
- Guinea-Bissau Sport, Sports, International Olympic Committee, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Guinea-Bissau, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, IOC Country Codes
- Gqorge Willis
- Greek Warriors
- Global Watch
- Gpme Worn
- God'S Warriors
- Guidewire Medicine, Health, Biology
- Generic Woman Internet Slang, Sex, Transgender, Gender
- Grammar for Writing
- Gesamtkatalogs Der Wiegendrucke
- Green World Technology, Russia, Press
- Grounding Wires
- Gear West
- Garda World Security Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- George Wythe
- Global Wire
- Glenn White Business, Company, Media, Drum
- Gremlin World
- Glossy White
- Ground Window Technology
- Government Worker
- Gold Wings Pinball
- Gas Well Science, Geography, Location
- Gus Williams
- Kuban Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Greon White
- Gedragswetenschappen Dutch
- Gros Woleur
- Gear Weight
- Great Western Bank Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- George Wright Music, Organ, Theater, Wright
- Greensand Way Locations, Walk, Hill
- Grout Work Medical, Education, Teaching
- Global Witness Government, Report, Conflict
- Gigawatt A unit of power equal to one billion watts. Technology, Science, Energy, Electronics, Engineering
- Greg Wooledge Famous
- Gloss White
- Ground Wetness Science
- Government Wide
- Gore Won Funnies
- Gusty Winds
- Great White Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Getting Wet Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Groove Width Product, Recording, Groove, Grommet
- Gazeta Wyborcza
- Grey Wolf, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- George Wrigyster
- Greene-Wood
- Groupwise Webaccess
- Global Wings ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Ghost Wakasagi Ghost, Squad, Lure, Mag
- Greg Wilson Technology, Music, Mix, Festival
- Glory Wings Business, Gaming, Android
- Ground Wave A radio wave that reaches a receiver from a transmitter directly, without reflection from the ionosphere. Radio Station, Broadcasting Station, Wireless Station, Amateur radio
- Government Whip
- Green Weenie Food
- Geostrophic Wigd Science, Geology
- Gt Wall
- Great Western Business, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Goal Weight Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gay Way
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Guinea-Bissau Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Gateway A network element interconnecting two otherwise incompatible networks, network nodes, subnetworks or devices. A gateway is often associated with both a router, which knows where to direct a given packet of data that arrives at the gateway, and a switch, which furnishes the actual path in and out of the gateway for a given packet. Technology, Locations, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Street Suffix, Computing, Wireless Networking, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, 5G Networks
- George Wool
- Green and White
- Ground Kire Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Georgeawilson Film, Technology, History
- One-particle Green Function(g)-screened Coulomb Interaction(w) Chemistry
- Greg Weir
- Global Write Technology, Memory, Circuit, Cypress
- Ground Water Water subject to recharge from surface water accumulation. Technology, Science, Environment, Aquifer
- Government Warning
- Graduate Writing
- Garth Woodside Famous
- Georg Wilhelm
- Grey White
- Ground Woaks Construction
- Great West
- Guess What? Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gaussian Weight Science, Statistics
- Gypsy Wanderings
- Gateway Switch Technology, Networking, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- George Wintle
- Gzoss Weight Technology, Shipping, Air
- The Great Wkr Army, War, War Force
- Guinea-bissau (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Groundwater The water contained beneath thesurface in soils and rock. ORWater contained in the soil or rocks below the water table. Water table if lowered too much, the ground may settle disastrously. The supply of fresh water found beneath the surface of the Earth that often supplies wells and springs. Water derived from rain and melting snow that percolates downward from the surface and collects in the open pore spaces between soil particles or in cracks and fissures in bedrock. America, Environment
- Gospel Workers Book, Spirit, Christ
- Graduate Washington
- George Woodcock Famous
- Geerg Weißhaar
- Global Workspace Science, Theory, Consciousness
- Grey-White
- Greg Washed Technology, Gaming, Wash
- Guided Weapon Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Gather What
- Guy Wire Technology, Power, Antenna
- Gross Weight The weight of the goods including packing, wrappers, or containers, internal and external. The total weight as shipped. Business, Medicine, Government, Treatment, Finance, Health, Banking, Engineering, Trade, International Trade, Exportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
- George Wind
- Grey Woqf Business, Supply, Stock
- Geostrophic Wind A process of soil formation in saturated or nearly saturated (hydromorphism) soil conditions which involves the reduction of iron, its segregation into mottles and concretions, forming the typical gley horizon of Gleysols. Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Ground War
- Gear Wheel Technology, Machine, Landing
- Gospel Women
- Grab Working-Level
- Gigawatt (one billion watts) (measurement- elect) Transportation, Electrical, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Georg Wei
- Global Women Education, University, Washington
- Green Warriors Technology, Gaming, Energy
- Gretchen Wilson
- Glow Worm
- Grab Working Technology, Planning, Chemical, Plier
- Gripping Weblog Computing, Internet
- Gateway Western
- Gutless Wonder Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Green Wing
- Getting Well Medical, Physiology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GW stand for?
GW stands for Georg Wilhelm.
What is the shortened form of Great Worker?
The short form of "Great Worker" is GW.
GW. (2021, December 6). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated