GWAC Meaning

The GWAC meaning is "Government Wide Acquisitions Contract". The GWAC abbreviation has 19 different full form.

GWAC Full Forms

  1. Government Wide Acquisitions Contract
  2. Gross Weighted Average Coupon
  3. Government Wide Acquisitions Contracts Business, Technology, Service
  4. Grid Wise Architecture Council
  5. Government-Wide Acquisitions Contract
  6. Greater Washington Area Chapter Organizations, Washington, Lawyer
  7. Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts Business, Technology, Service
  8. Global Warming Action Coalition Environment, Habitat, Setting
  9. Government-Wide Acquisition Contract Usually focused on IT products and product-based services for the government. Business, Technology, Service
  10. Glen Waverley Anglican Church Religion
  11. Government Wide Acquisition Contract Business, Military, Contract, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  12. Government Wide Aquisition Contract
  13. Ground Water Advisory Committee Environment, Habitat, Setting
  14. Gravitational Wave Agencies Correspondents
  15. Grandview Woodland Area Council Organizations, City, Heritage
  16. Grandview-Woodland Area Council
  17. Governmentwide Acquisition Contract Technology, Science, It
  18. Gurkha Welfare Advice Centre Technology, Service, Contract
  19. Gulf War Air Campaign

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GWAC stand for?

    GWAC stands for Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Grandview Woodland Area Council?

    The short form of "Grandview Woodland Area Council" is GWAC.


GWAC. (2020, April 2). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated